Annales XI. --- P. Cornelius Tacitus Flashcards
What is going in the first lines ‘nam Valerium Asiaticum, bis consulem, fuisse quondam adulterum eius credidit’
MESSALINA believes that Valerius Asiaticus had been POPPAEA SABINA’s lover
inhio, inhiare, inhiavi, inhiatus
gape, be open mouthed with astonishment; covet, desire
dido, didere, dididi, diditus
distribute, deal out, disseminate; spread, diffuse; spread abroad
promptum haberet
would have ready means
gentil, gentilis M
member of the same Roman gens; fellow countryman
as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as
senatus copia
access to the senate
stuprum, stupri N
dishonor, shame; sexual intercourse
thence; after that, next in order, thereafter, then; furthermore; by that cause
mollitiam corporis obiectante
effeminacy of the body was added
maiorem in modum
excio, excire, excivi, excitus
rouse; call out send for; summon; evoke
abluo, abluere, ablui, ablutus
wash away/off/out, blot out, purify, wash, cleanse; dispel; quench
subordinate, submissive
subditis: persons being set up
percontor, percontari, percontatus sum
fungor, fungi, functus sum
perform, execute, discharge; be engaged in
inedia, inediae F
fasting, starvation
remittere beneficium
he declined the favour/indulgence
insuesco, insuescere, insuevi, insuetus
become accustomed; accustom
et usurpatis quibus insueverat exercitationibus
and after pursuing his customary gymnastics [and after partaking in gymnastics, to which he had become accustomed]
lauto can come from the verb
lavo-are-vi, lautus (not just the adjective meeing distinguished, elegant)
hilaris, hilare, hilarior -or -us, hilarissimus -a -um
cheerful, lively, light-hearted
calliditas, calliditatis F
shrewdness, skillfulness, skill; craftiness, cunning; subtle tricks
impetus, impetus M
attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
opacitas-atis F
shadiness, shade
tantum illi securitatis novissimae fuit
Such was his composure at the last hour
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitus
present/show/put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose/submit/allow
spiceus, spicea, spiceum
consisting of heads/ears of grain/cereal
spica, spicae F
head/ear of grain/cereal
pampineus, pampinea, pampineum
of/covered with vine shoots/foliage/tendrils
vergo, vergere, -, -
incline, lie, slope
qualicumque insomnio
by his dream, whatever it was,
praeceptum, praecepti N
teaching, lesson, precept; order, command
admissum, admissi N
crime, offense
temperamentum, temperamenti N
right proportion, middle way, mean, moderation
continuus inde et saevus accusandi reis Suillius
Suillius, incessantly and mercilessly occupied with criminal accusations
praedo, praedare, praedavi, praedatus
pillage, despoil, plunder; rob/ravish/take; acquire loot; catch
nec quicquam publicae mercis tam venale fuit quam advocatorum perfidia
nor was any wares in the public market so saleable as the treahery of advocates
nummus-i N
coin; cash; money; sesterce
praevaricatio, praevaricationis F
collusion; transgression
flagito, flagitare, flagitavi, flagitatus
demand urgently; require; entreat, solicit, press, dun, importune
caveo, cavere, cavi, cautus
beware, avoid, take precautions/defensive action; give/get surety; stipulate
obstrepo, obstrepere, obstrepui, obstrepitus
roar against; make a loud noise
otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general
pulcherrimam alioquin
a talent which would otherwise be the noblest
quaestus, quaestus M
gain, profit
merces, mercedis F
pay, recompense, hire, salary, reward; rent, price; bribe
si in nullius mercedem negotia agantur pauciora fore
if no one payed a fee for lawsuits, there would be less of them
foveo, fovere, fovi, fotus
keep warm; favor, cherish, maintain, foster
medens, medentis M
physician, doctor
tabes, tabis F
wasting away; decay; putrefaction; fluid resulting from corruption or decay
facundia, facundiae F
qua lege repetundarum
in which offenders would be liable to the charge of extortion
repetunda-ae F
recovery of extorted money
praesumo, praesumere, praesumsi, praesumptus
consume/perform/employ beforehand; anticipate; presuppose/presume/assume; dare
quem illum
who was that man
obnoxius, obnoxia, obnoxium
liable; guilty
usui et rebus subsidium praeparari
monetal help is required for eloquence to be a use in practical needs
nihil a quoquem expeti
no calling in life is sought
refertus, referta -um, refertior -or -us, refertissimus -a -um
stuffed, crammed, filled full to bursting with, replete; crowded; loaded
magnum animum induisse
played the magnanimous part
promo, promere, promsi, promptus
take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage
contionor, contionari, contionatus sum
address assembly, deliver public speech; preach/harangue; attend public meeting
emolumentum, emolumenti N
advantage, benefit
nulla nisi pacis emolumenta
only peace-time rewards
enitesco, enitescere, enitui, -
become bright, gleam; stand out
quae toga enitesceret
who win distinction by pleading
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus
lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away
haud frustra
not without grounds
modus, modi M
manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; BOUND, LIMIT
fido, fidere, fisus sum
trust, have confidence
summaque imperiii ambigua, minora sine cura haberi
and since the throne was the root of the discord, lesser matters were treated without care
accieo, acciere, accivi, accitus
send for, summon, fetch; invite; commit suicide
biduum, bidui N
two days
stadium, stadi(i) N
stade, Greek measure of distance,; race course
proturbo, proturbare, proturbavi, proturbatus
drive/push away/out of the way; drive out in confusion; repulse; pitch forward
tria milia stadiorum
350 miles
abnueo, abnuere, -, -
refuse, decline; deny; refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out
defector, defectoris M
rebel, renegade; one who revolts
ex usu praesenti
in accordance with immediate utility
commeatus, commeatus M
supplies/provisions; goods; voyage; passage; convoy/caravan; furlough/leave
excindo, excindere, excidi, excissus
demolish/destroy, raze to ground; exterminate/destroy
arduum, ardui N
steep/high place, heights, elevation; arduous/difficult/hard task; challenge
persulto, persultare, persultavi, persultatus
leap or skip or prance about, range, scour
campos persultante
scouring the plains
coerceo, coercere, coercui, coercitus
enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish
conduco, conducere, conduxi, conductus
be of advantage/profitable/expedient; be proper/fitting/concerned with; tend to
pango, pangere, pepigi, pactus
compose; insert, drive in, fasten; plant; fix, settle, AGREE upon, stipulate
atque ipsi inter se concedere
and to achieve a compromise with eachother
existo, existere, existiti, existitus
step forth, appear; arise; become; prove to be; be
aemulatio, aemulationis F
rivalry, ambition; unfriendly rivalry; emulation, imitation
cohibeo, cohibere, cohibui, cohibitus
hold together, contain; hold back, restrain, curb, hinder; confine; repress
amnem Erinden
distermino, disterminare, disterminavi, disterminatus
divide from, serve as boundary; divide up; mark off w/boundary; separate from
ibi modus rebus secundis posituss
there his favourable circumstances (his conquests) were checked
longinquam militiam
distant service
pario, parere, peperi, partus
bear; give birth to; beget, bring forth; produce, lay; create; acquire
primam intra iuvenem
in the prime of his youth
in the same way/just as, equally; likewise
proles, prolis F
offspring, descendant; that springs by birth/descent; generation; race, breed
potior, poti, potitus sum
obtain, acquire; grasp; attain, reach; come by
adigo, adigere, adegi, adactus
drive in/to, force, impel; cast, hurl; consign; bind
praetermitto, praetermittere, praetermisi, praetermissus
let pass; pass over; omit; overlook
praeditus, praedita, praeditum
gifted; provided with
exequor, exequi, executus sum
follow, go along/on with; perform, pursue for vengeance/punishment; strive/search after
ea cura et magistratus potissumum exequebantur officia caerimoniarum
and the magistrates chiefly undertook the duties of the ceremonies
adscisco, adsciscere, adscivi, adscitus
adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim
praesagium, praesagi(i) N
sense of foreboding; prognostication, prophetic
externus, externa, externum
outward, external; foreign, strange
by no means, in no way; not at all
suboles, subolis F
shoot, sucker; race; offspring; progeny
infestus, infesta -um, infestior -or -us, infestissimus -a -um
unsafe, dangerous; hostile; disturbed, molested, infested, unquiet
distineo, distinere, distinui, distentus
keep apart, separate; prevent, hold up; distract
exturbo, exturbare, exturbavi, exturbatus
drive away, put away a wife
operio, operire, operui, opertus
cover; bury; overspread; shut/close; conceal; clothe, cover/hide the hea
fruor, frui, fructus sum
enjoy, profit by, delight in
egressibus adhaerescere
keeps close to him when he goes out
velut translata iam fortuna
as though the very empire had changed hands
»Paratus, -us, M
creditor, creditoris M
lender, creditor; one to whom money is due
faenus, faenoris N
interest, usury; profit, gain; advantage
comperior, comperiri, compertus sum
learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty
absolutus, absoluta -um, absolutior -or -us, absolutissimus -a -um
fluent; fully developed, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional
litteratura, litteraturae F
alphabet, system of letters; writing, use of letters; grammar/instruction
oneself, himself, herself, itself
perhibeo, perhibere, perhibui, perhibitus
present, give, bestow; regard, hold; name
praepolleo, praepollere, -, -
be very powerful; be very strong
adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus sum
gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake
dis plebiscitis
probably decrees of the people
exolesco, exolescere, exolevi, exoletus
grow up, become adult; grow stale, deteriorate; die out/fade away; be forgotten
desidia, desidiae F
idleness, slackness; inactivity; remaining in place; leisure; indolence, sloth
socordia, socordiae F
sluggishness, torpor, inaction
ritus, ritus M
rite; ceremony
stipator, stipatoris M
one of train surrounding a king; bodyguard, close attendant
conterminus, contermina, conterminum
close by, neighboring, adjacent, close; bordering on, having a common boundary
testificor, testificari, testificatus
assert solemnly, testify; demonstrate; invoke as a witness
adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptus
withdraw, take away, carry off; castrate; deprive, steal, seize; annul; rescue
explorator, exploratoris M
scout, spy
frustra Arminium praescribi
in vain is the name of Arminius put forward
alimonium, alimoni(i) N
food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance
exitiosus, exitiosa, exitiosum
destructive, pernicious, deadly
alacris, alacris, alacre
eager/keen/spirited; quick/brisk; active/lively; courageous/ready; cheerful
incurso, incursare, incursavi, incursatus
strike/run/dash against, attack; make raids upon
auxiliare stipendium meritus
had served as an auxiliary
praedabundus, praedabunda, praedabundum
ut quaeque habiles
according to their various capabilities
lunter, luntris
boat, skiff
populatio, populationis F
plundering, ravaging, spoiling; laying waste, devastation; plunder, booty
decedo, decedere, decessi, decessus
withdraw/retire, go off/away, depart, leave; relinquish/cease; desert/abandon
statio, stationis F
outpost, picket; station; watch
fodio, fodere, fodi, fossus
dig, dig out/up; stab
pugio, pugionis M
delictum, delicti N
fault/offense/misdeed/crime/transgression; sin; act short of standard; defect
pellicio, pellicere, pellicui, pellectus
attract/draw away; allure/seduce/entice/captivate; coax/induce/wheedle/win over
missus, missi M
messenger; legate
deditio, deditionis F
surrender; cession of right/title
adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum
approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize, attempt
inritus, inrita, inritum
ineffective, useless, invalid; in vain
insidia, insidiae F
ambush/ambuscade; plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare
praegravo, praegravare, praegravavi, praegravatus
weigh down, burden
igitur Claudius adeo novam in Germanias vim prohibuit ut
therefore Claudius went so far as to prohibit new aggression, as even to
re subita
when the news took him by surprise
receptus-us M
Mosam Rhenumque
Meuse and the Rhine
recludo, recludere, reclusi, reclusus
open; open up, lay open, disclose, reveal
specus, specus
cave, abyss, chasm; hole, pit; hollow; grotto, MINE
effodio, effodere, effodi, effossus
dig out, excavate; gouge out
subigo, subigere, subegi, subactus
conquer, subjugate; compel
tribuo, tribuere, tribui, tributus
divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute
quibus permissurus esset exercitus, triumphalia ante tribueret
to grant honorary triumphs to those before they were given an army
prodo, prodere, prodidi, proditusq
project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate
obtingo, obtingere, obtigi, -
befall, occur; fall to as one’s lot
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatus
offer; present; cause; bestow
in spem sublatus
encouraged (his hope raised)
Curtius Rufus videtur mihi ex se natus
[ex se natus = as his own ancestor]
-he seems to me to be the son of his achievements
et adversus superiores tristi adulatione
though surly a flatterer towards his superiors
defungor, defungi, defunctus sum
have done with, finish, bring/come to end, be quit/done/rid of; discharge
in coetu salutantum principem
at the emperor’s morning reception
dilanio, dilaniare, dilaniavi, dilaniatus
tear to pieces; shred; rend/pull asunder
infitior, infitiari, infitiatus sumdeny;
not confess/acknowledge; withhold; disown; repudiate; contradict
stipendiarius, stipendiaria, stipendiarium
mercenary; paying tribute in the form of cash.
facilitate tribuntium
or by the complaisance of the electors
assevero (1)
suppedito, suppeditare, suppeditavi, suppeditatus
be/make available when/as required, supply with/needs
sufficio, sufficere, suffeci, suffectus
be sufficient, suffice; stand up to; be capable/qualified; provide, appoint
suffecisse olim indigenas consanguineis populis
in former times native-born Romans sufficed for kindred peoples
indoles, indolis F
innate character; inborn quality
quin adhuc memorari exempla quae priscis moribus ad virtutem et gloriam Romana indoles prodiderit
Nay, even at this day, examples of virtue and renown were referred to, which the Roman innate character had produced under her ancient character.
alienigenus, alienigena, alienigenum
different, foreign, alien; of/born in another country; imported, exotic; mixed
quem ultra honorem residuis nobilium, aut si quis pauper e Latio senator foret
what chance of winning honours would be left to the remaining nobility, or to any poor senator form Latium.
capesso, capessere, capessivi, capessitus
grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders
man by man; individually
coalesco, coalescere, coalui, coalitus
join/grow together; coalesce; close; become unified/strong/established
nec amore in hanc patriam nobis concedunt
nor do they love this country less than us.
polleo, pollere, -, -
exert power or influence; be strong
arceo, arcere, arcui, -
ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate
quod victos pro aliegenis arcebant
because they segregated
conquered subjects as aliens.
repens, (gen.), repentis
sudden, unexpected
one may know, certainly; of course
recenseo, recensere, recensui, recensitus
review/examine/survey/muster; enumerate/count, make census/roll; pass in review
adfinitas, adfinitatis F
relation by marriage; relationship, bond/union; neighborhood
sublego, sublegere, sublegi, sublectus
pick up from the ground, steal away
ineo, inire, inivi(ii), initus
enter; undertake; begin; go in; enter upon
mitis, mite, mitior -or -us, mitissimus -a -um
mild, meek, gentle, placid, soothing; clement; ripe, sweet and juicy
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus
summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to
exuo, exuere, exui, exutus
pull off; undress, take off; strip, deprive of; lay aside, cast off
monendo, secum quisque de se cibsultaret
he advised advised each to consider his own case
facilem eius rei veniam
which would be readily granted.
motos senatu excusatosque simul propositurum
he would publish (on a list) together those expelled and those excused from the senate
of course; as you see; obviously; naturally; by all means
promiscus, promisca, promiscum
mixed, indiscriminate, promiscuous; commonplace, usual
adsentor, adsentari, adsentatus sum
flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything
lustrum-i N (specific activity)
sacrifice made after the census (not a bog)
quinquagies novies centena octoginta quattuor milia septuaginta duo
towards, opposite
adigo, adigere, adegi, adactus
drive in/to, force, impel; cast, hurl; consign; bind
fastidium, fastidi(i) N
loathing, disgust; squeamishness; scornful contempt, pride; fastidiousness, BOREDOM
vecors, (gen.), vecordis
mad; frenzied
opperior, opperiri, opperitus sum
wait; await
quippe non eo ventum ut senectam principis opperirentur
they were not driven to the necessity of waiting for the old age of the prince
insons, (gen.), insontis
guiltless, innocent; harmless
insontibus innoxia consilia
to the innocent, deliberate plans might be harmless.
caelebs, caelibis M
unmarried man, bachelor, widower; celibate
segniter, segnitius, segnitissime
half-heartedly; without spirit/energy, feebly
inter ancipitia
amidst danger
gratiaa postpositive + genitive
for the sake of, on account of
sollemne, sollemnis N
solemn observance, religious ceremony; customary practice/usage
securitas-atis more pecise meaning
carelessness, RECKLESSNESS, freedom from care, …safety
reticeo, reticere, reticui, -
keep silent; give no reply; refrain from speaking/mentioning; leave unsaid
much more
adhibitis qui obsignarent
before those invited who were to sign the marriage contract (as witnesses)
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus
summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to
velut suscipiendorum liberorum causa
as if for the purpose of a legitimate marriage
auspex, auspicis
diviner by birds, augur; soothsayer; patron, supporter; wedding functionary
inhorresco, inhorrescere, inhorrui, -
bristle up; quiver, tremble, shudder at
in the power of, in the hands of; belonging to
si res verterentur
if a revolution ensued
histrio, histrionis M
actor; performer in pantomime
reputo, reputare, reputavi, reputatus
think over, reflect
hebes, (gen.), hebetis
blunt, dun; languid; stupid
patro, patrare, patravi, patratus
accomplish, bring to completion
fiducia, fiduciae F
trust, confidence; faith, reliance; courage
atrocitate criminis
through the enormity of the charge
reus, rea, reum
liable to; guilty
posse opprimi damnatam ante quam ream
she might be condemned and crushed before she was placed on trial (ream)
sed in eo discrimen verti, si defensio audiretur, utque clausae aures etiam confitenti forent
but the crisis turned on this, whether on her defense being heard, his ears could be closed even to her confession
discrimen, discriminis N
crisis, separating line, division; distinction, difference
»mōlītor ōris, m.
- a framer, CONTRIVER; miller
cuncta alai dissimulantes
concealing their knowledge of all else
peritus, perita -um, peritior -or -us, peritissimus -a -um
skilled, skillful;experienced, expert; with gen
potentiam cautis quam acribus consiliis tutius haberi
that power was better safeguarded with prudent than vigorous counsels
ne quo sermone praesciam criminis et accusatoris faceret
that she not be made aware beforehand with a single word of the charge or the accuser.
ad + intentus
attentive, prepared for
paelex, paelicis F
mistress, concubine; male prostitute
delatio, delationis F
accusation/denunciation; laying charge; indicting; informing; offering an oath
provolvor, provolvi, provolutus sum
prostrate oneself
comperio, comperire, comperi, compertus
learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty
praeteritum, praeteriti N
past; past times; bygone events
dissimulo, dissimulare, dissimulavi, dissimulatus
conceal, dissemble, disguise, hide; ignore
paratus-us m
‘trappings, ornaments’
no indeed; on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more
discidium, discidi(i) N
separation, divorce, discord; disagreement, quarrel; tearing apart
with rivalry, in competition; earnestly, eagerly
vinficta-ae F
claiming as free one wrongly enslaved, vengeance.
repeatedly; again and again, continually
non alias solutior luxu
never before more abandoned in wantonness (more unbridled in her extravagance than ever before)
vindemia, vindemiae F
preulm-i N
urgeo, urgere, ursi, -
press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust
pellis, pellis F
skin, hide; pelt
urgeri prela, fluere lacus
the presses are at work, the vats overflow
hedera, hederae F
cothurnus, cothurni M
high boot/buskin
procax, (gen.), procacis
pushing, impudent; undisciplined; frivolous
conitor, coniti, conisus sum
strain, strive; put forth; endeavor eagerly; struggle
praesagium, praesagi(i) N
sense of foreboding; prognostication
ultio, ultionis F
ultio, ultionis Frevenge, vengeance, retribution
munium, muni(i) N
duties, functions
here and there; everywhere
dilabor, dilabi, dilapsus sum
run/flow/slip away, spread; dissolve/melt away, disperse
indo, indere, indedi, inditus
put in or on; introduce
haud segniter intendit
quickly making up her mind
id repente solitudinis erat
so rapidly was she deserted
purgamentum, purgamenti N
sweepings, rubbish, filth
levis, leve, levior -or -us, levissimus -a -um
light, thin, trivial, trifling, slight; gentle; FICKLE, capricious; nimble
ad honesta seu prava iuxta levi
to honour or depravity he was alike unstable
adfirmo, adfirmare, adfirmavi, adfirmatus
affirm/assert; confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize
incolumitas, incolumitatis F
»gestamen, gestaminis, n. -
vehicle, litter; things worn on body
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus
uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out
veri copiam facere
to grant (them) access tohis true meaning
suspensa et quo ducerentur inclinatura responderet
he replied with hesitating expressions and such as would lend themselves to any interpretation
codicillus, codicilli M
notepad, small log; writing tablets; patent; petition to Emperor; will/codicil
index, indicis
sign, token, proof; informer, tale bearer
facultas-atis F (not applied to a person)
chance, means, opportunity
capesso, capessere, capessivi, capessitus
grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders
Vitellius ignaro propior
Vitellius resembled one unconscious
avitus, avita, avitum
ancestral, of one’s ancestors, family; of/belonging to a grandfather
avitus, avita, avitumancestral, of one’s ancestors, family; of/belonging to a grandfather
in pretium probri cessisse
had gone to swell the reward of infamy
contio, contionis F
meeting/assembly; audience/speech; public opinion; parade addressed by general
praemoneo, praemonere, praemonui, praemonitus
etsi iustum dolorem pudor impediebat
his indignation, however justified, could hardly express itself for shame
maturus, matura -um, maturior -or -us, maturissimus -a -um
early, SPEEDY; ripe; mature, mellow; timely, seasonable
indicium, indici(i) N
evidence; information, proof; indication
tradi ad supplicium
to be delivered to the executioner
ludi procurator
superintendent of a school of gladiators
insignis, insignis, insignec
conspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstanding
proturbo, proturbare, proturbavi, proturbatus
drive/push away/out of the way; drive out in confusion; repulse; pitch forward
paribus lasciviis ad cupidinem et fastidia
with her disgust being no less capricious than her desire
prolato, prolatare, prolatavi, prolatatus
lengthen, enlarge; prolong; put off, defer
delenio, delenire, delenivi, delenitus
mitigate, mollify, smooth down, soothe; soften, cajole; bewitch, charm, entice
tempestivus, tempestiva, tempestivum
custos et exactor…datur
was appointed to prevent her escape and see her exxucuted
supremis necessitatibus
\her last extremity
percussor, percussoris M
murderer, assassin
maereo, maerere, -, -
grieve, be sad, mourn; bewail/mourn for/lament; utter mournfully
levissimum fastidii eius
the least ground of his arrogance