Annales I. 41-81 --- P. Cornelius Tacitus Flashcards
planctus, planctus M
wailing, lamentation, lament, beating of the breast; mourning (from plango)
contubernium, contuberni(i) N
companionship in a tent; band/brotherhood; shared war tent; apartment/lodging
socer, soceri M
father in law
concilio, conciliare, conciliavi, conciliatus
unite, bring together/about; cause; win over, attract; acquire, procure, buy
induo, induere, indui, indutus
put on, clothe, cover; dress oneself in
libens, libentis
ready, willing, eager
with pleasure, with good will
glad, cheerful, merry
away; at distance, far off
pronepos, pronepotis M
great grandson
nurus, nurus F
daughter-in-law; prospective daughter-in-law; wife of grandson, etc.
nocens-entis can mean
inausus, inausa, inausum
not ventured, unattempted, undared
- temero-are-avi-atus
2. intemeratus-a-um
- violate, deffile, pollute, violate sexually
2. undefiled, unviolated, unimpaired, inviolate, chaste, virgin, pure
coetus, coetus M
meeting, encounter, assembly; union; band, gang, crowd
circumsedeo, circumsedere, circumsedi, circumsessus
besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob, beset; sit/live/settle round
compesco, compescere, compescui, -
restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close
detrecto, detrectare, detrectavi, detrectatus
refuse, decline, reject, evade, recoil from
sacramentum, sacramenti N
sum deposited in a civil process, guaranty; oath of allegiance; sacrament
ēiciō (present infinitive ēicere, perfect active ēiēcī, supine ēiectum); third conjugation iō-variant
I cast, thrust or drive out, expel, eject; reject.
I rush out.
I drive a ship to land; run aground, cast ashore, wreck, strand.
infensus, infensa, infensum
hostile, bitterly hostile, enraged
subvenio, subvenire, subveni, subventus
come to help, assist; rescue
neque enim di sinant ut Belgarum quamquam offerentium decus istud et claritudo sit, subvenisse Romano nomini, compressisse Germaniae populos
nor indeed, may the gods permit that the glory and distinction of having helped the name of Rome and suppressed the people of Germany, should go to the Belgae, though offering.
eluo, eluere, elui, elutus
wash clean; wash away, clear oneself
contueor, contueri, contuitus sum
look at/gaze on/behold; see to; be in sight of, have view of; contemplate/weigh
supplices ad haec et vera exprobrari fatentes
made suppliants at these words the confessed that his reproaches were true
obses, obsidis: hostage; pledge, security
exsequor, exsequi, exsecutus sum
follow, go along/on with; pursue for vengeance/punishment; strive/search after
»perform, accomplish
suggestus, suggestus M
raised surface; platform, dais
oneself, himself, herself, itself
in the power of, in the hands of; belonging to
strenuus, strenua, strenuum
active, vigorous, strenuous
lapis-idis M can stand for
patro, patrare, patravi, patratus
accomplish, bring to completion
commilito, commilitonis M
fellow soldier; comrade, mate
a member of a commilitium-i(i) N
ludificor, ludificari, ludificatus sum
make fun/sport of, treat as a plaything; trifle with
dissideo, dissidere, dissedi, dissessus
disagree, be at variance; be separated
queo, quire, quivi(ii), quitus
be able
cavillor, cavillari, cavillatus sum
jest, banter; make fun of, satirize, mock; use sophistry, quibble, cavil
satis prospectum urbanae servituti
there had been enough provision for the slavery of the city
fomentum, fomenti
(medecine) : a warm application, fomentation, lotion
- kindling-wood, tinder
- remedy, alleviation, allevition
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus
summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to
of course; as you see; obviously; naturally; by all means
subnixus, subnixa, subnixum
relying on; elated by
reicio, reicere, rejeci, rejectus
throw back; drive back; repulse, repel; refuse, reject, scorn
subsidium, subsidi(i) N
help, relief; reinforcement
conquiro, conquirere, conquisivi, conquisitus
seek out; hunt/rake up; investigate; collect; search out/down/for diligently
causor, causari, causatus sum
allege an excuse/reason, object; excuse oneself; plead a cause, bring action
primo prudentes, dein vulgum, diutissime provincias fefellit
he deceived the wary/prudeet/intelligent for a while, on the multitude a while longer, and the provinces, a considerable time (from diu)
praesumo, praesumere, praesumsi, praesumptus
consume/perform/employ beforehand; anticipate; presuppose/presume/assume; dare
promiscus, promisca, promiscum
mixed, indiscriminate, promiscuous; commonplace, usual
eximo, eximere, exemi, exemptus
remove/extract, take/lift out/off/away; banish, get rid of; free/save/release
ingruo, ingruere, ingrui, -
advance threateningly; make an onslaught on; break in, come violently, force
idoneus, idonea, idoneum
suitable, appropriate, adequate, having right qualities; qualified, able; apt
diversa omnium, quae accidere, civilium armorum facies
these had a different character from all the civil uprising that ever happened.
vescor, vesci, -
feed on, eat, enjoy
quos simul vescentis dies, simul quietos nox habuerunt
who ate together by day, and took rest together by night
openly, publicly; plainly
postquam intellecto in quos saeviretur
after it was understood against whom the carnage was directed
permissa vulgo licentia atque ultio et satietas
permission for vengeance to be indulged and glutted was given to the crowd.
piaculum, piaculi N
expiatory offering or rite; sin; crime
transmitto-ere, transmisi, transmissus:
To send, carry, or convey across, over, or through; to send off, despatch, transmit from one place or person to another (syn.: transfero, traicio, traduco).
I pass time or spend time
attineo, attinere, attinui, attentus
hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep, retain; delay
»restrain, hold back, delay
concaedes, concaedis F
and indeed, because, since, as a matter of fact
therefore, for that reason, consequently; by that degree; so much the more/less
festus, festa, festum
festive, joyous; holiday; feast day; merry; solemn
ludicrus, ludicra, ludicrum
connected with sport or the stage
»”a night of games/performances”
expeditus, expediti M
light armed soldier
amolior, amoliri, amolitus sum
remove, clear away; get rid of, dispose of, remove, obliterate; avert, refute
intervallum, intervalli N
interval, space, distance; respite
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratus
spread, strew, scatter; lay out
disicio, disicere, disjeci, disjectus
break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide
solutus can mean
ne pax quidem nisi languida et soluta inter temulentos
even their peace was but the sluggish and reckless of drunken men
populatio, populationis F
plundering, ravaging, spoiling; laying waste, devastation; plunder, booty
palor, palari, palatus sum
wander abroad stray; scatter; wander aimlessly
excio, excire, excivi, excitus
rouse; call out send for; summon; evoke
insido, insidere, insedi, insessus
sit/settle on; occupy/seize, hold; PEneTraTE, sink in; merge into
incessitque itineri et proelio
he ordered his advance alike for marching and fighting.
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessus
advance, march; approach; step, walk, march along
porrigo, porrigere, porrexi, porrectus
stretch out, extend
novissimus, novissima, novissimum
last, rear; most recent; utmost
caterva, catervae F
crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm
redigo, redigere, redegi, redactus
drive back; reduce; render
communio, communire, communivi, communitus
fortify strongly, entrench, barricade; strengthen, secure, reinforce
adficio, adficere, adfeci, adfectus
affect, make impression; move, influence; cause, afflict, weaken
largio, largire, largivi, largitus
give bountifully; lavish
ango, angere, anxi, anctus
choke, throttle, strangle; press tight; distress, cause pain, vex, trouble
magis in speciem verbis adornata quam ut penitus sentire crederetur
with a verbiage too ostentatious to have been credibly heart felt.
more in earnest, more intently, more strictly etc.
indulgeo, indulgere, INDULSI, indultus
indulge; be indulgent/lenient/kind; grant/bestow; gratify oneself; give in to
accolo, accolere, accolui, accultus
dwell/live near; be a neighbor to
tam intima
so real, so fundamental
abscedo, abscedere, abscessi, abscessus
withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede; slough
adipiscor, adipisci, adeptus sum
gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake
extorris, extorris, extorre
egenus, egena, egenum
in want of, destitute of
inopia, inopiae F
lack, need; poverty, destitution, dearth, WANT, scarcity
inops-is: weak needy, poor, helpless, lackingk, destitute, eager
perimo, perimere, peremi, peremptus
kill, destroy
tabes, tabis F
wasting away; decay; putrefaction; fluid resulting from corruption or decay
inopia ac tabe longa
by privation and slow decay
obscuram fore necem longinquitate exilii ratus
he thought that, from the duration (of her exile), her murder would lie concealed
longinquitas, longinquitatis F
distance, length, duration; remoteness
sollers, sollertis (gen.), sollertior -or -us, sollertissimus -a -um
clever, dexterous, adroit, expert, skilled, ingenious, accomplished
pravus, prava, pravum
crooked; misshapen, deformed; perverse, vicious, corrupt; faulty; bad
facundus, facunda, facundum
eloquent; fluent; able to express eloquently/fluently
prave facundus
of unscrupulous eloquence
pervicax, (gen.), pervicacis
stubborn, obstinate; firm, steadfast
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus
kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright
contumacia, contumaciae F
stubbornness/obstinacy; proud/defiant behavior; disobedience to judicial order
insectatio, insectationis F
hostile pursuit; criticism
promineo, prominere, prominui, -
jut out, stick up
opperior, opperiri, opperitus sum
wait; await
suprema mandaaa
last will
percussor, percussoris M
murderer, assassin
sodalis, sodalis
companion, associate, mate, intimate, comrade, crony; accomplice, conspirator, COLLEGE/BROTHERHOOD
formerly, once, at one time; some day, hereafter
obtempero, obtemperare, obtemperavi, obtemperatus
obey; comply with the demands of; be submissive to
alia Tiberio morum via
the character of Tiberius took a different course
sed populum per tot annos molliter habitum nondum audebat ad duriora vertere
but he did not yet dare to turn a people, handled/governed softly for so many years, to sterner courses
praecipio, praecipere, praecepi, praeceptus
take or receive in advance; anticipate; warn; order; teach, instruct
ver, veris N
spring; spring-time of life, youth
repentinus, repentina, repentinum
sudden, hasty; unexpected
perfidia, perfidiae F
faithlessness, treachery, perfidy
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertus
uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out
gener invisus inimicis soceri
a hated son-in-law of a hateful father-in-law
incitamentum, incitamenti N
incentive, stimulus
troops levied on an emergency
on/to this/near side of, short of; before, within
castellum, castelli N
fortress, stronghold, fortified settlement, refuge; castle, citadel
vestigium, vestigi(i) N
step, track; trace; footstep
praesidium, praesidi(i) N
protection; help; guard; garrison, detachment
rarum illi caelo
events of rarity in that climate
siccitas, siccitatis F
dryness; drought; dried up condition
modicus, modica, modicum
moderate; temperate, restrained; small
inoffensus, inoffensa, inoffensum
free from hindrance; uninterrupted
imbecillis, imbecille, imbecillior -or -us, imbecillissimus -a -um
weak/feeble; delicate; fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources
flumen Adranam
arceo, arcere, arcui, -
ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate
tormentum, tormenti N
windlass; instrument for twisting/winding; engine for hurling stones; missile
pagus-i M
community, shire
lacesso, lacessere, lacessivi, lacessitus
provoke, excite, harass, challenge, harass; attack, assail
astus, astus M
craft, cunning, guile; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem
animus est + infinitive
it was the intention of
congredior, congredi, congressus sum
meet, approach, near; join in battle, come to grips; contend/engage
cohibeo, cohibere, cohibui, cohibitus
hold together, contain; hold back, restrain, curb, hinder; confine; repress
potior, potior, potius
better/preferable/superior; more useful/effective; more important
descisco, desciscere, descivi, descitus
desert/defect/revolt; deviate/abandon standard/principle; degenerate; fall away
adduco, adducere, adduxi, adductus
lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten
propinquus, propinqui M
intueor, intueri, intuitus sum
look at; consider, regard; admire; stare
deditio, deditionis F
surrender; cession of right/title
towards, opposite
proditor, proditoris M
conduco, conducere, conduxi, conductus
be of advantage/profitable/expedient; be proper/fitting/concerned with; tend to
Romanis Germanisque idem conducere
(I believe that) the interests of the Romans and Germans are the same
segnitia, segnitiae F
sloth, sluggishness, inertia; weakness, feebleness; disinclination for action
flagito, flagitare, flagitavi, flagitatus
demand urgently; require; entreat, solicit, press, dun, importune
catena, catenae F
chain; series; fetter, bond, restraint; imprisonment, captivity
perpetior, perpeti, perpessus sum
endure to the full
atque ubi primum
and on the first opporunity of having
antehabeo, antehabere, antehabui, antehabitus
have previously; prefer
pernicies, perniciei
ruin; disaster; pest, bane; curse; destruction, calamity; mischief
incolumitas, incolumitatis F
polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus sum
stirps, stirpis
conflicto, conflictare, conflictavi, conflictatus
harm, assail, harass, distress, torment, vex; bring to ruin
ludibrium, ludibri(i) N
mockery; laughingstock
dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditus
give up/in, surrender; abandon/consign/devote; yield, hand/deliver over
invitus, invita, invitum
reluctant; unwilling; against one’s will
insitus, insita, insitum
insitus, insita, insituminserted, incorporated, attached; grafting; innate, natural
probrum, probri N
disgrace; abuse, insult; disgrace, shame
procumbo, procumbere, procubui, procubitus
sink down, lie down, lean forward
proditio, proditionis F
treason, betrayal
tracto, tractare, tractavi, tractatus
draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss
lucus, luci M
grove; sacred grove
Germanos numquam satis excusaturos,
True Germans could never make sufficient apology (to themselves)
virgas et securis
rods and axes = fasces
inritus, inrita, inritum
ineffective, useless, invalid; in vain
imperitus, imperita, imperitum
unskilled, inexperienced; unfamiliar, ignorant
concieo, concire, concivi(ii), concitus
move, set in violent motion, stir up; muster; rouse, excite, incite, provoke
conterminus, contermina, conterminum
close by, neighboring, adjacent, close; bordering on, having a common boundary
distraho, distrahere, distraxi, distractus
draw/pull/tear apart, wrench, separate, divide; sell in parcels; DISTRACT
ne bellum mole una ingrueret
so that war/battle might not break out in one great struggle
adscisco, adsciscere, adscivi, adscitus
adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim
flumen Amisiam
agger, aggeris M
rampart; CAUSEWAY, pier; heap/pile/mound; dam/dike; mud wall
fallax, fallacis (gen.), fallacior -or -us, fallacissimus -a -um
deceitful, treacherous; misleading, deceptive; false, fallacious; spurious
- ambio, ambire, ambivi, ambitus
2. ambitus, ambitus M
- go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace
- circuit, edge, extent; orbit, cycle; canvass, BRIBERY; circumlocution; show
dimensis principiis
with the headquarters marked out
trium legionum manus ostentabant
showing the work of three legions
semirutus, semiruta, semirutum
half-ruined or demolished
humilis, humile, humilior -or -us, humillimus -a -um
low, lowly, small, slight, base, mean, humble, obscure, poor, insignificant
superstes, (gen.), superstitis
outliving, surviving; standing over/near; present, witnessing
adigo, adigere, adegi, adactus
drive in/to, force, impel; cast, hurl; consign; bind
contionor, contionari, contionatus sum
address assembly, deliver public speech; preach/harangue; attend public meeting
patibulum, patibuli N
fork-shaped yoke; gibbet
scrobis, scrobis
ditch, trench; dike
illudo, illudere, illusi, illusus
mock, ridicule, speak mockingly of; fool, dupe; use for sexual pleasure
extruo, extruere, extruxi, extructus
pile up; build up, raise
defungor, defungi, defunctus sum
have done with, finish, bring/come to end, be quit/done/rid of; discharge
seu cuncta Germanici in deterius trahenti
whether interpreting all of Germanicus’ actions unfavourably
in deterius
unfavourably, for the worse (an adverbial use)
praeditus, praedita, praeditum
gifted; provided with
»”endowed with” + abl.
adtrecto, adtrectare, adtrectavi, adtrectatus
touch; lay hands on; handle, assault, violate; deal with
avius, avia, avium
out of the way, unfrequented, remote; pathless, trackless, untrodden; straying
eveho in passive can mean
colligo, colligere, collegi, collectus
collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up
Arminius colligi suos et propinquare silvis monitos vertit repente
Arminius having directed his men to keep together and draw near to the woods, suddenly wheeled (them) round
trudo, trudere, trusi, trusus
thrust, push, shove, force; drive on
ni Caesar productas legiones instruxisset
If Caesar had not drawn up his legions in battle formation [brought up & drawn up]
instruo, instruere, instruxi, instructus
struo (construct, build); prepare, draw up; fit out; instruct, teach
manibus aequis
‘after indecisive conflict’
maturrimus, maturrima, maturrimum
early, speedy; ripe; mature, mellow; timely, seasonable
trames, tramitis M
footpath, track; bed; course; branch; narrow strip
limosus, limosa, limosum
miry, muddy; marshy, swampy
adclivis, adclivis, adclive
rising, sloping upward
compendium, compendi(i) N
gain, profit; sparing/saving; abridgement, compendium; shorthand; a short cut
onustus, onusta, onustum
sarcina, sarcinae F
pack, bundle, soldier’s kit; baggage, belongings, chattels; load, burden
nisi not except
uligo, uliginis F
waterlogged ground, marsh
lorica, loricae F
coat of mail; breastwork, parapet, fortification
procerus, procera -um, procerior -or -us, procerissimus -a -um
tall; long; high, lofty, upraised; grown/extended to great height/length
indefessus, indefessa, indefessum
unwearied; indefatigable
jugum, jugi N
yoke; team, pair; ridge, summit, chain
joined together, perpetual, continuous
planities, planitiei F
plain, plateau, a flat/plane/level surface; a plane; flatness
laevus, laeva, laevum
left, on the left hand; from the left; unpropitious, unfavorable, harmful
vicesimanus, vicesimani M
soldiers of the twentieth legion
resulto, resultare, resultavi, resultatus
reverberate, resound; re-echo; rebound, spring back
here and there; everywhere
adjaceo, adjacere, adjacui, adjacitus
lie near to, lie beside; be adjacent/contiguous to, neighbor on; live near
protero, proterere, protrivi, protritus
crush, tread under foot; oppress
suffodio, suffodere, suffodi, suffossus
undermine, dig under; pierce or prod below
enitor, eniti, enisus sum
bring forth, bear, give birth to; struggle upwards, mount, climb, strive
vesperascit, vesperascere, -, -
to become evening, grow towards evening; it is growing late
egero, egerere, egessi, egestus
carry or bear out, discharge, utter, dig out
funestus, funesta, funestum
deadly, fatal; sad; calamitous; destructive
(porta) decumana
the postern gate
temporis ac necessitatis
off the crisis and urgency
expugno, expugnare, expugnavi, expugnatus
assault, STORM; conquer, plunder; accomplish; persuade
illa eruptione ad Rhenum perveniri
this sally carries you to the Rhine
quae domi cara, quae in castris honesta
all that was dear to them at home, all that had been honourable to them in camp
reticeo, reticere, reticui, -
keep silent; give no reply; refrain from speaking/mentioning; leave unsaid
(equos dehinc,) orsus a suis
first his own
proruunt fossas
fill in the ditches
proruo, proruere, prorui, prorutus
rush forward; tumble down; overthrow; hurl forward
cratis, cratis F
wickerwork; bundle of brush, fascine; framework, network, lattice; bush-harrow
concino, concinere, concinui, -
sing/chant/shout/sound together; celebrate in song; say same thing, agree
thence; after that, next in order, thereafter, then; furthermore; by that cause
exprobro, exprobrare, exprobravi, exprobratus
reproach, upbraid, reprove; bring up as reproach
semermus, semerma, semermum
half-armed; badly equipped
egestas, egestatis F
need, poverty, extreme poverty; lack, want
I pass or spread through; I pervade
infestus, infesta -um, infestior -or -us, infestissimus -a -um
unsafe, dangerous; hostile; disturbed, molested, infested, unquiet
dilargior, dilargiri, dilargitus sum
lavish; give away freely; give/bestow liberally/profusely/ recklessly
tamquam parum ambitose
as if she did not court them enough/ as if it was not pretentious enough
peritia, peritiae F
practical knowledge, skill, expertise; experience
odia in longum iaciens
sowing seeds of jealousy for a distant future
promo, promere, promsi, promptus
take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage
vadosus, vadosa, vadosum
full of shallows
quo levior classis vadoso mari innaret vel reciproco sideret
by which the fleet, thus lighter, might sail on shallow sea and ground less-heavily at ebb-tide
reciprocus, reciproca, reciprocum
going backwards and forwards; ebbing
aestus, aestus M
agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide/spray/swell
North Wind
sidere aequinoctii
autumnal equinox
rapi agique agmen
the troops lose footing and are swept away
oppleo, opplere, opplevi, oppletus
fill; overspread
sterno, sternere, stravi, stratus
spread, strew, scatter; lay out
jumentum, jumenti N
mule; beast of burden
as far as, to the extent of, up to, down to
vox et mutui hortatus
voice of mutual encouragement
editus, edita -um, editior -or -us, editissimus -a -um
high, elevated; rising
pernocto, pernoctare, pernoctavi, pernoctatus
spend the night; occupy the night; guard all night
mulco, mulcare, mulcavi, mulcatus
beat up, thrash, cudgel; worst, treat roughly
nec fides salutis
nor was their safety believed
deditio, deditionis F
surrender; cession of right/title
damnum, damni N
financial/property/physical loss/damage/injury; forfeiture/fine; lost possessio
quod cuique promptum
what was ready to each
therefore, for the reason that, for that reason
sed alia in iudicium veniebant
but it had been applied to other offences
male gesta re publica
by maladministration of the republic
tracto (1) can mean
handle, manage, treat, discuss (draw, haul, pull, drag)
famosus-a-um not meaning famous
slanderous, infamous
haud pigebit referre
it will not be a trouble to relate
irrepo, irrepere, irrepsi, - (inrepo etc)
creep in or into; steal into; insinuate oneself
mancipo, mancipare, mancipavi, mancipatus
transfer, sell; surrender
histrio, histrionis M
actor; performer in pantomime
intersum, interesse, interfui, interfuturus
be/lie between, be in the midst; be present; TAKE PART IN; be different
accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus
come near, approach; agree with; be added to; constitute
in the same way/just as, equally; likewise
egeo, egere, egui, -
need, lack, want; require, be without
men to be feared
ex contemptis metuendi perniciem aliis ac postremum sibi invenere
from being contemptible/disregarded to men to be fear (fearful men, and after bringing destruction to others, they brought it upon themselves
insimulo, insimulare, insimulavi, insimulatus
accuse, charge; allege
obiectaretque reo
and charged the accused with mentioning them
ferre sententiam
censeo, censere, censui, censitus
think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess
quantoque incautius efferverat, paenitentia patiens
with a repentant submission proportioned to the indiscretion of his outburst.
de pecuniis repetundis ad reciperatores itum est
with regard to the charge of extortion (monies to be recovered) were refered to the proper court
in the presence of, before; personally
(transitive) I grant, bestow.
I yield, give up, concede, allow.
erogo, erogare, erogavi, erogatus
pay out, expend
veniam ordinis
leave to resign senatorial rank
deciens sestertium
one million
conperior, conperiri, conpertus sum
learn/discover/find; verify/know for certain; find guilty
duly, according to religious usage, with due observance; solemnly; well
strages, stragis F
overthrow; massacre, slaughter, cutting down; havoc; confused heap
renuo, renuere, renui, renutus
refuse; disapprove; decline; give a refusal; throw back head/eye/brows as sign
coerceo, coercere, coercui, coercitus
enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatus
offer; present; cause; bestow
vilis, vilis, vile
cheap, common, mean, worthless
departed, withdrawn
disappeared, vanished
relinquished, conceded
granted, allowed
mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus
entrust, commit to one’s charge, deliver over; commission; order, command
non crediderim ad ostentandam saevitiam movendasque populi offensiones concessam filio materiem, quamquam id quoque dictum est
it was also said that he purposefully furnished matter for exposing the cruelty of his son there and for raising the hatred of the people against him, though I would not believe this.
increpo, increpare, increpui, increpitus (not just making a noise)
rebuke, chide, reprove; protest at/indignantly, complain loudly/scornfully
lucar, lucaris N
money set for public entertainment; sacred grove; forest tax
fautor, fautoris M
patron, protector; admirer; supporter, PARTISAN; who promotes/fosters interests
elsewhere, in another place; in other respects, otherwise; in another matter
multo, multare, multavi, multatus
punish, fine; extract as forfeit; sentence to pay
centesimam rerum venalium
the one percent sale tax
for sale, on hire
edico, edicere, edixi, edictus
proclaim, declare; appoint
simul imparem oneri rem publicam
even with its help the national resources were insufficient for the expense
dissero, disserere, disserui, dissertus
arrange, dispose, set in order; discuss; examine; explain, set out in words
pessume ire
perish, be ruined
(id enim parabatur) in rivos diductus superstagnavisset
if according to the project [id] being planned, the Nar, separated into streams, overflowed them
quae sua ora fluminibus
she has assigned to each river its own outlets
forwards, right onward; absolutely, entirely, utterly, by all means; in short
accola, accolae
neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant
prorogo, prorogare, prorogavi, prorogatus
prolong, keep going; put off, defer
once, on one occasion
alii taedio novae curae semel placita pro aeternis servavisse
some that from an impatience of recurring care, he preserved whatever had once been satisfactory, by making it perpetual
callidus, callida -um, callidior -or -us, callidissimus -a -um
crafty, sly, cunning; wise, expert, skillful, clever, experienced, ingenious
ut callidum eius ingenium, its anxium iudicium
that his decision was as irresolute as his perception was acute
turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again
comitium, comiti(i) N
place in Forum where comitia were held; comitia, assembly; elections
deinceps, (gen.), deincipitis
deinceps, (gen.), deincipitisfollowing, next in succession
ausum, -, -, -
intend, be prepared; dare, act boldly, risk
profiteor, profiteri, professus sum
declare; profess
plerumque eos tantum apud se professos disseruit, quorum nomina consulibus edidisset
his general practice was to say that he had only (tantum) passed on to the consuls the names of those who had declared their candidacy to him
generally, commonly; mostly, for the most part; often, frequently
gratia, gratiae F
popularity/esteem/credit; partiality/favoritism; unpopularity
subdolus, subdola, subdolum
sly, deceitful, treacherous