Diverticulitits and Endometriosis Flashcards
A 59-year-old patient with LIF pain & peritonism. She was febrile with HR was 120b/m, BP 90/60. Hartman’s operation done. Histopathology report showed diverticulitis & endometriosis.
Q1. What’s the diagnosis?
Complicated Diverticulitis with sepsis (Septic shock)
Q2. Define septic shock and sepsis.
Shock; sepsis + pt is not responding to vasopressors and LDH > 2
*** tell tissue hypoperfusion from lack of oxygenation of tissue
ABG Met Acidosis due to anaerobic pathway as in shock pt have hypoperfusion leading to lactate accumulation which will lead to Met. Acidosis
Sepsis; suspected inf. + 2 or more of sofa score
Q3. What’s lining of the colon? What’s the layer below the mucosa?
Simple Columnar / (Lamina propria)
Q. Speak about SOFA score and survival sepsis bundles?
QSOFA is SBP<100 , RR>22 GCS<15
3 hr / 6 hr bundles
Q4. What does submucosa contain?
Muscular layers / Glandular tissue / Lymph and blood vess / Network of nerves
Q5. What are the contents of pelvic abscess? How did it occur? Why did occur in pelvis?
. collection of pus /microorganism/ dead neurophils / cell depris and may have fecal material
. By Rapture of Diverticulum by obstruction of diverticula due constipation and stasis & collection microorganism inside the sac.
. Because it’s a dependent area so pus will be collected there and sigmoid lies mainly in pelvis.
Q6. Define diverticular disease, diverticulitis, and endometriosis.
Dis; Outpouching of the weak ms layer of colon and comes with constipation, Mild bleeding
Itis; inflammation of the outpouching sac
metroisis; presence of endometrial cell outside the uterus
Q. If pt deteriorates with hypotension. Tachycardia and bleeding tendency name 3 pathological justifications.
Septic shock, ARDS, DIC
Q7. What’s the pathology of diverticulitis?
With obstruction of Diverticula with the fecal material this will lead to irritation, stasis and bacterial growth leading to inflammation
Q8. How does endometriosis cause pain?
Intrapelvic bleeding / Releasing of substance b from pelvic reaction / adhesion of endometrial cells in
Q9. How do endometriosis get into the colon?
- Regurgitation Theory: Endometrial tissue implants at ectopic sites via retrograde flow of menstrual endometrium through the fallopian tubes.
- Benign Metastases Theory: Endometrial tissue from the uterus spreads to distant sites (e.g., bone, lung, brain) via blood vessels and lymphatic channels.
- Metaplastic Theory: Endometrial tissue arises directly from coelomic epithelium (mesothelium of pelvis or abdomen), from which the müllerian ducts and endometrium originate during embryonic development.
- Extrauterine Stem/Progenitor Cell Theory: Recent theory proposing that stem/progenitor cells from the bone marrow differentiate into endometrial tissue.
Tissue samples from the operation show neutrophils.
Q10. What does this mean?
Inflammation / Infection
Q11. What are the contents inside the neurophils? How do neutrophils arrive here? How much is its life span?
- The leukocytes first roll, then become activated and adhere to endothelium, then transmigrate across the endothelium, pierce the
- basement membrane, and migrate toward chemoattractants to from the source of injury.
- blood steam 12-16 hrs
Q12. Define abscess.
Local Pathological collection of pus due to seeding of pyogenic microorganism
Q10. What are the contents inside the Abcess?
Describe the abscess
Central necrotic region
Surrounded by area of preserved neutrophils
and a zone of dilated bld vess and proliferation of fibroblast
Q11. How to manage intra-abdominal collection.
According to site and size
Henchy classification
1 & 2 – > Conserve (Triple Abx)
3 & 4 – > in presensce of purulent pus – > Localized or Spread
— Spread —- > Laparotomy
— Localized —> Radio intervention OR Surgical internevtion
seek help of interventional radiology to drain it
if not to be drained – > surgical intervention and lavage
Q. contents of the Cytoplasm of neurophils?
Mitochondria , Lysosomal enzymes , leucocidin
Q. Fate of Abscess?
Become Chronic
Q. Stracture of neutrophils?
Segmented nucleus / Cytoplasm / granules (1ry—toxic mediators and bactericidal agents “Myleoperoxidase” / 2ry—lysosomes )