Diversity, Inclusion and Teamworking Flashcards
Tell me about an example of where you have worked well in a team?
Kidderminster machinery sale, is all about working in a team, long days, each having their own role within the team, but helping each other out when busy. setting tasks for members of the team
How successful do you think the KMS team is?
Highly succesful, everyone has their own role within the team, but also assists and ensures short wait times. also the implementation of policys to follow so everyone is on the same page helps it run smoothly
How could you have improved your role within the KMS team?
compartmentalise our jobs further, often i am having to do several jobs at one which can make the process not run as smoothly
what is a common issue you have come across when working in a team?
lack of communication/clear understanding
laziness of members
Why is diversity and inclusivity valuable to businesses/teams?
- inclusivity - when people are included they are happier and more efficient and take pride in their work
- diversity - different people can bring different opinions/perspectives which can help a business appeal to more people
What does inclusive communication include?
sharing information in a way that each party undertstands it best
What is partnering and collaborative working?
where two organisations/people work together to achieve an over arching goal
What is unconscious bias and how can you reduce it?
a tendency to make judgements based on sterotypes about things or people we arent fully aware of.
- avoid assumptions
- challenge opinions
- ask reasoned justification
What policies does your company have and how you comply with them?
encourage diversity and inclusion
treat everyone the same & with respect
when assisting in hiring a staff member, we asked HR to scrub CV’s of gender, address, name, ages to avoid the risk of unconscious biased
What is a RACI matrix
a project management tool that helps identify and clarify roles/responsibilties of members within a project
broken down into
What is a strategic alliance?
an agreement between multiple parties to work together achieve a common goal whilst remaining independent
Explain your understanding of supply chain management
the management of the flow of goods, data and finances, related to a product or service
What legislation relates to selecting a project team?
construction (design and management) regulations 2015
Why is accountability and responsibility important when working in a team?
improves performance
builds trust
strengthens culture
encourages job satisfaction
Explain Tuckman’s theory in relation to Teamwork?
team development through five processes
forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning
Explain the belbin team roles
identifies behavioural strengths and weaknesses in the workplace
the plant
the monitor evaluator
the specialist
the resource investigator
the team worker
the coordinator
the shaper
the implementor
Explain maslows hierachy of needs.
explains how humans are motivated
1) self actulization
2) esteem
3) love & belonging
4) safety needs
5) physiological needs
Explain how the RICS rules of conduct relate to inclusion and diversity
rule 5 members must treat others with respect, and encourage diversity and inclusion within the profession
Which ISO relates to inclusion and diversity?
iso 30145`
What is Economic Dividends for Gedner Equality?
a global standard for gender equality in the workplace. a business certification following 3rd party review
What is neurodiversity?
a term that explains the range of ways that peoples brains work
How and why should neurodiversity be accomodated in the workplace?
improves productivity
encourages innovation
builds morale
- make accomodations
- create a supportive culture
- learn about individuals
- training