Distrubution and abundance Flashcards
What is diversity?
Diversity is the number of diffrent species, ecological niches, or genetic variation
What is population and how is it measured?
All members of a species living in a specific area at a specific time; Distribution and abundance
What is Distribution and abundance?
Distribution is the geographic range of a species and habitat
Abundance is the total number of organsims in a population or throughout the whole entire geographic range of species
What are geographical limitations for distribution of a species?
Abiotic and Biotic factors and habitat
What are the three dispersal patterns in distrubution at a very local level?
Clumped, Random,Uniform
Why do species be distributed clumped
.More likely to hunt down prey as pack
.It is a safer in numbers
.Reproductive success is more likely to mate in groups
Growth in microhabitats where its the most favourble requirements
How might uniform distriubtion happen possibily?
From maybe direct interactions between indiviuduals in the population
What is territoriality?
the defense of a bounded physical space against encroachment by other individuals.
What is biomass and why is it used?
Biomass is the measuremtn of the amount of organic matter for example kg/m^2
This is used for measuring the size of a population where you cant specifically count them one by one.
What is population density?
Density of population is the number of individulas per unit area or volume
What are two methods to measure distrubtion and abundance?
Quadrants and Transects
What are the two population growth and decrease factors?
Growth in population: Birth(Natality) and immigration
Decrease in population: Death and Emmigration
What is exponential growth?
It is a rapid population growth, shown in J shaped curve in a graph
What is limiting factors?
Are factors that limit population growth, unabling the chance for an organism to survive and reproduce
What is Tolerance Limits?
The maximun and minimum a organism can survive in an enviroments range of conditions