Distillation and Spirit Types Flashcards
What is Latin root of “beverage”?
“Bibere” meaning “to drink”.
How much alcohol can a “non-alcoholic beverage” contain?
.5 percent ABV
What,literally, are congeners?
Common distillation cannot produce a spirit over what proof?
191.2 proof
At what temperature will ethyl alcohol boil?
173 degrees F
What sugars are contained in hemicellulose?
GGXRAM - glucose, galactose, xylose, rhamnose, arabinose, mannose
What is the “global” definition of whiskey?
Fermented mash of grain. Distilled at less than 190 proof. Stored in oak containers. Bottled at no less than 80 proof.
What is the Arabic root for “alcohol” and what did it mean?
al ko’hl meaning finely divided.
Name one Spirit that is uniquely from the New World?
What is fermentation?
Sugar split into two molecules of ethyl alcohol and two molecules of carbon dioxide.
What percentage of the Oak Mass does lignin make up?
25 to 30%
Do spirits have more or less congeners when distilled at a lower proof?
What are the four primary types of beverage?
Non alcoholic
Soft Drinks
Hot Drinks
Alcoholic beverages
Hot beverages are produced through what process?
Heated infusion process.
In the beverage industry, “alcohol” is a synonym for what?
Ethyl alcohol.
What are the three types of alcohol crafted by man?
The word “distillation” comes from what Latin word and what does it mean?
Distillare which means “to drop” or “trickle down.”
Sugar consists of a class of substances including what?
SLF - sucrose, lactose, fructose.
What is the agent in fermentation?
Most yeast cannot grow when the concentration of alcohol is higher than what percentage by volume?
Water boils at what temperature?
212 degrees F
Oak is in what genus?
Why is oak resistant to insects and fungal attacks?
High tannin content.
What are the four key reactions involved in the maturation process?
EEOC - evaporative, extractive, oxidative, concentrative.
What does toasting a barrel accomplish?
Head degrades the oak tannins which give color to the whiskey. Heat also degrades the lignin which produces vanilla aroma and taste.
What does charring a barrel accomplish?
Heat degrades hemi-cellulose into 10 sugars which caramelize into the “red layer.”
What is lignin?
A complex compound found in most wood and plants.
Heating (pyrolosis) of lignin yields what?
Methoxy phenols.
What are tannins?
Astringent, bitter polyphenols.
Alembic distillation was used by who and when?
The Chinese as far back as 3000 BC.
By what century had the Arabs invaded Europe and their technique of distillation introduced?
6th century AD.
By what century had the art of distillation spread throughout Europe?
14th century AD.
What were distilled spirits called?
“Ardent’ spirits.
What Latin word does “ardent” come from and what does it mean?
“Ardor” which means “to burn.”
What is “beer?”
The fermented mixture of water, grain and yeast that is distilled into whiskey.
What is a “potable” spirits.
One that’s fit or suitable for drinking.
What is “yeast?”
Cells of fungi that, under certain conditions, cause fermentation by secreting an enzyme that converts sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide.