Dissection Flashcards
What blood vessels supply the mammary glands?
Cranial 2 pairs - superficial cranial epigastric
Caudal 3 pairs - superficial caudal epigastrtric
What is the superficial cranial epigastric artery a branch of?
Internal thoracic artery
What is the superficial caudal epigastric what is a branch of?
External pudendal artery
What 4 blood vessels supply the abdominal wall?
Cranial epigastric (cranioventral) Cranial abdominal (craniodorsal) Caudal epigastric (caudoventral) Deep circumflex iliac (caudodorsal)
Where do the mammary glands drain into?
Cranial 3 pairs- axillary LN
Caudal 2 pairs - inguinal LN
What direction do the EAO fibres run? What about the IAO?
EAO - caudoventral
IAO - cranioventral
A slip of the IAO muscle runs through the inguinal canal to form which muscle?
Where do all the abdominal muscles insert on to form an aponeurosis?
Linea alba
What is the name of the large inguinal nerve that is L3? (Seen between ab all muscles)
Ilioinguinal nerve
What is an aponeurosis?
Fibrous tendon of a flat muscle
What passes through the inguinal canal in the male? (3 things)
Spermatic cord
External pedundal VAN
What passes through the inguinal canal in the female?
Round ligament of uterus
Genitofemoral nerve
External pudendal VAN
What is the faliciform ligament? What is it a remnant of?
Large, fat fold of peritoneum
Ventral mesentery
What does the falciform ligament attach?
Attaches liver to ventral wall at umbilicus
What ligament is found within the falciform ligament?
Round ligament of liver
What is the round ligament of the liver a remnant of?
Umbilical vein
The greater and lesser omentums are connecting peritoneum. What do they attach and to where?
Greater - from greater curvature of stomach to body wall
Lesser - from lesser curvature of stomach to liver
What is the omental bursa?
Potential space - between 2 folds of greater omentum (folds back on itself)
What is the only opening into the omental bursa?
Epiploic foramen
What does the gastrosplenic ligament attach?
Greater curvature of stomach to spleen
Lots of fat in it
What are the 5 ligaments of the liver?
L and R triangular (to diaphragm) Coronary (to diaphragm) Falciform ligament (to ventral ab wall) Round ligament (in falciform ligament) Hepatoduodenal ligament
What are the bounds of the epiploic foramen?
Caudal VC
Hepatic portal vein
Hepatic artery
What attaches the duodenum to the body wall?
What are the portions of the duodenum (from start to end?)
Sigmoid flexure Cranial flexure Descending duodenum Caudal flexure Ascending duodenum
What connects the colon to the duodenum?
Duodenocolic fold
Where are the lobes and body of the pancreas found?
Right lobe - within mesoduodenum
Left lobe - within deep leaf of greater omentum
Body - at pylorus
What are the lobes of the liver?
Left medial and lateral
Right medial and lateral
The gall bladder is found between which lobes of the liver?
Right medial
What duct leaves the gall bladder? What does this form?
Cystic duct (+hepatic duct enters here) Bile duct
Where does the bile duct enter and how?
Major duodenal papillae (accessory duct enters via accessory pancreatic duct)
What is the name of the portion of the bile duct that runs in the duodenal wall?
Intramural bile duct
The hepatic portal vein is formed from veins draining which organs?
GI tract
Where does the hepatic vein drain into?
Then into caudal VC
What attaches the jejunum to the body wall?
Wide = very mobile, easily exteriorised
What is within the mesojejunum?
Many lymph nodes
Grossly - the ileum looks like the jejunum. How can you distinguish the ileum?
Only part of intestine with anti-mesenteric blood vessels (short - 15cm)
Run opposite to normal mesenteric blood vessels, on top of the ileum
How does the tail end of the caecum attach to the ileum? Does the caecum communicate with the ileum?
Ileocaecal fold
No - only communicates with colon
What shape is the colon in the dog?
Question mark (if looking at ventrodorsal view)
What are the parts to colon?
Ascending colon Right colic flexure Transverse colon Left colic flexure Descending colon
What are the 3 ligaments of the bladder?
The left and right ligaments of the bladder convey which ligament? What is this a remnant of?
Round ligament of bladder
Umbilical arteries
What does the median fold support in a foetus? Does it contain anything in the adult?
No - empty
What 3 veins return blood via the hepatic portal vein? (German shepherds are cool)
Gastroduodenal ven
Splenic vein
Cranial mesenteric vein
What are the holes in the diaphragm? What passes through these (3,2,1)
Aortic - aorta, azygous vein, thoracic duct
Oesophageal hiatus - oesophagus and vagus nerve
Caval foramen - caudal vena cava
What attaches the diaphragm to the vertebrae?
Left and right crura
What are the 3 branches of splanchnic nerves and what ganglia do they go into?
Major and minor - go into caelicomesenteric ganglia
Lumbar - go into caudal mesenteric ganglion
What 2 nerves come off the caudal mesenteric ganglion?
Hypogastric nerve
Nerve to LI
What forms the pelvic plexus?
Hypogastric Pelvic nerves (S1-S3)