Dissection 15 Flashcards
Large Intestine, Biliary System and Liver, Portal Vein, Adrenal Glands, Ureters and Kidneys, Summarization of Abdominal Innervation, Blood and Lymphatic Supply, Diaphragm, Posterior Abdominal Wall Muscles, Lumbar Plexus
Where is appendix located internally?
Stems from cecum; suspended by mesoappendix
Where is appendix located on surface anatomy?
McBurney’s Point: 1/3 of the way between anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and umbilicus (closer to ASIS)
What lies between ascending and transverse colon?
Hepatic flexure (turn)
What lies between transverse and descending colon?
Splenic flexure
What suspends sigmoid colon?
Sigmoid mesocolon
What are the 6 components of large intestine?
- Cecum
- Ascending colon
- Transverse colon
- Descending colon
- Sigmoid colon
- Rectum
What vessels contribute to portal vein?
- Superior mesenteric vein (converges into portal vein)
- Inferior mesenteric vein (converges into splenic vein)
- Splenic vein (converges into portal vein)
What are 3 features of large intestine?
- Taenia coli: 3 smooth muscle bands (120* apart) spanning the large intestine
- Haustra: bulging pouches
- Semilunar folds: separate haustra internally
What forms haustra of large intestine?
Taenia coli shorter than intestine; causing sacculation (formation of haustra)
How does food move along large intestine?
Smooth muscle contracts and pushes food from one haustra to the next
What is proper name for bile system?
Biliary system
What is the course of bile (10 steps)?
- Made in liver
- Right and left hepatic ducts
- Common hepatic duct
- Cystic duct
- Gall bladder
- Cystic duct
- Common gall duct
- Pancreatic duct
- Greater duodenal papilla
- Descending duodenum
What supplies blood to gall bladder?
Cystic artery (branching from right branch of proper hepatic artery)
What are the 4 lobes of liver?
- Left
- Right
- Quadrate (inferior: between gall bladder, falciform ligament, porta hepatis)
- Caudate (superior: between superior vena cava, falciform ligament, porta hepatis)
What is hepatic triad?
Contents of hepatoduodenal ligament:
- Common gall duct
- Portal vein
- Proper hepatic artery
Where is bare area of liver?
Space between coronary (superior/inferior boarders) and triangular (medial/lateral boarders) ligaments
What separates the left and right lobes of liver?
- Quadrate lobe (superiorly)
2. Caudate lobe (inferiorly)
What is the fissure of liver? What occurs there?
Porta hepatis; hepatoduodenal ligament attaches; hepatic triad enters liver here; proper hepatic artery, portal vein, common gall duct
What structures could obstruct portal vein?
- Pancreatic head tumor
2. Hepatic disease (most frequently alcohol-induced cirrhosis)
What is a symptom of portal vein obstruction?
Splenic enlargement: splenic vein cannot dump into portal vein
What structures could obstruct splenic vein?
- Space-taking lesion of left adrenal gland
2. Space-taking lesion of left kidney
What features of portal venous system permit collateral channels around portal obstruction?
The tributaries to the portal vein are valve-less and thus permit backflow
What are the 5 components of adrenal glands?
- Cortex
- Medulla
- Pelvis
- Major calicle
- Minor calicle
Where are adrenal glands located?
Superior pole of kidneys
Clinically, what is significant about adrenal glands?
Their rich vascular supply exposes them to a high incidence of metastatic carcinoma
Which adrenal gland is located in posterior wall of omental bursa?
What is unique about positioning of right kidney?
It is displaced inferiorly by liver
What is the hilus of kidney?
Contains vessels, nerves, lymphatics, and ureters
What supplies blood to adrenal glands?
- (2) Superior adrenal arteries (branching from inferior phrenic artery)
- Middle adrenal artery (branching from abdominal aorta)
- Inferior adrenal artery (branching from renal artery)
What drains blood from adrenal glands?
Adrenal vein (branch of renal vein)
What carries urine from kidney to bladder?
What is the normal concave bending of lumbar spine called?
How does the geometry of posterior abdominal wall affect the orientation of kidneys?
Going from superior to inferior, psoas major runs anteriorly; the kidney follows this trend
What is function of renal pelvis?
Drains urine into ureter
What is the function of minor calyces?
Collects urine from papillae (2-4 per major calyx)
What is the function of major calyces?
Drains urine into renal pelvis (2-3 per kidney)
What is the function of a renal papilla?
They collect urine from pyramids
What is the function of a renal pyramid?
Composed of loops of henle and collecting ducts (drains into papilla)
What is the function of renal medulla?
Contain pyramids
What is the function of renal cortex?
Contain proximal and distal convoluted tubules of nephrons and renal corpuscles
What is an organs of the foregut mnemonic?
Little embryo people do like swallowing gumbo.
Lungs, esophagus, pancreas, duodenum (superior and 1/2 descending), liver, stomach, gall bladder
What is a mnemonic for midgut organ names?
D J, I appreciate country.
(duodenum (distal 1/2 of descending, inferior, ascending), jejunum, ileum, colon (ascending, proximal 2/3 of transverse colon)
What is a mnemonic for hindgut?
Cool red apple.
colon (distal 1/3 of transverse to end), rectum, anal canal
What is the origin of the thoracic duct?
Cysterna chyli (located near beginning of lumbar spine)
What are the 3 major tributaries of cysterna chyli?
- Intestinal trunk
2. Right and left lumbar trunks
What attaches diaphragm to spine?
Right and left crura
At what spinal level is caval hiatus?
T8 (where inferior vena cava passes through diaphragm)
At what spinal level is esophageal hiatus?
At what spinal level is aortic hiatus?
What spinal segments compose subcostal nerve?
What spinal segments compose iliohypogastric nerve?
L1, T12
What spinal segments compose ilioinguinal nerve?
What spinal segments compose genitofemoral nerve?
L1, L2
What spinal segments compose lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
L2, L3, L4
What spinal segments compose femoral nerve?
L2, L3, L4
What spinal segments compose obturator nerve?
L2, L3, L4
What spinal segments compose lumbosacral trunk?
L4, L5
What 6 muscles does femoral nerve innervate?
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius
- Sartorious
- Iliopsoas
What 4 muscles does obturator nerve innervate?
- Adductor magnus
- Adductor longus
- Adductor brevis
- Gracilis
What single thing does ilioinguinal nerve innervate?
- L1 dermatome
What single thing does lateral cutaneous nerve innervate?
- Think L2 dermatome (lateral thigh)
What nerves and vessels supply hindgut?
- Inferior mesenteric vessels
2. Inferior mesenteric plexus