DISSEC 3rd Flashcards
Oral cavity
Space in mouth for food processing.
Obligate nasal breathers
Rabbits breathe only through the nose.
Flap preventing food from entering the trachea.
Gap between incisors and premolars.
Incisor teeth
Rabbits have two pairs of maxillary incisors.
Dental formula
Specific arrangement of teeth in an animal.
Aradicular teeth
Teeth that grow continuously throughout life.
Hard palate
Bony structure forming the roof of the mouth.
Soft palate
Muscular part at the back of the mouth.
Maxillary incisors
Main cutting teeth located in the upper jaw.
Secondary incisors
Small incisors located behind maxillary incisors.
Cheek teeth
Teeth used for grinding food in rabbits.
Intubation difficulty
Challenges in placing a tube for anesthesia.
Ventral recumbency
Position lying on the ventral surface.
Linea alba
Midline of connective tissue in the abdomen.
Incision technique
Method for opening the body during dissection.
Dorsal midline
Central line along the back of the body.
Blunt-tipped scissors
Scissors designed to minimize tissue damage.
Muscle separating thoracic and abdominal cavities.
Bones protecting the thoracic cavity.
Abdominal contents
Organs located within the abdominal cavity.
Dissection procedure
Steps to carefully open and examine an organism.
Hard oval lump below the throat.
Muscular tube connecting throat to stomach.
Oesophageal hiatus
Opening for oesophagus in diaphragm.
Organ with five lobes, caudal to diaphragm.
Liver lobes
Right, left medial, left lateral, quadrate, caudate.
Caudate lobe
Liver lobe divided into papillary and caudate processes.
Thin-walled chamber acting as food reservoir.
Cardiac sphincter
Muscle preventing food from returning to the esophagus.
Pyloric sphincter
Muscle controlling food passage to the small intestine.
Small intestine
Coiled tube with duodenum and ileum sections.
First part of the small intestine.
Last part of the small intestine, short lumen.
Largest organ in abdomen, blind-ending sac.
Sacculus rotundus
Expanded ileal region with lymphoid tissue.
Ampulla caecalis coli
Junction of ileum, caecum, and colon.
Vermiform appendix
Blind-ended tube with lymphoid tissue.
Shorter sacculated tube following the caecum.
Proximal colon
First section of colon, divided into parts.
Distal colon
Second section of colon, follows proximal.
Fusus coli
Muscle regulating passage from proximal to distal colon.
Taenia coli
Longitudinal muscle bands in proximal colon.
Saccules giving segmented appearance in colon.
Ileocaecal valve
Weak valve between ileum and caecum.
Distal Colon
Segment of large intestine without taenia or haustra.
Mesenteric Attachments
Connective tissue linking digestive organs to abdominal wall.
Specialized feeding structure in birds, varies by species.
Horny sheath covering the beak in birds.
Combined oral cavity and pharynx in birds.
Median cleft connecting oropharynx to nasal cavities.
Infundibular Cleft
Opening in oropharynx leading to auditory tubes.
Flexible tube connecting throat to proventriculus in birds.
Glandular stomach in birds for initial digestion.
Muscular gizzard in birds for grinding food.
Lingual Papillae
Caudally directed structures aiding food transport in birds.
Transverse Ridges
Features in bird palate for mechanical food processing.
Auditory Tubes
Structures connecting middle ear to pharynx in birds.
Keratinised Mucosa
Tough tissue lining the bird’s palate.
Cervical Component
Part of oesophagus located near the trachea.
Thoracic Inlet Expansion
Widened section of oesophagus at the chest entry.
Gizzard Function
Grinds food to aid digestion in birds.
Roof of mouth, forms boundary of oropharynx.
Distal Colon Palpation
Technique to examine the distal colon’s contents.
Digestive Tract Schematic
Diagram illustrating organ arrangement in digestive systems.
Beak Adaptation
Evolutionary trait for feeding and flight in birds.
Non-Glandular Mucosa
Type of mucosa in bird’s palate for food transport.
Muscular region grinding grain in birds.
Glandular stomach in birds, less distinct in carnivores.
Two large pouches in birds for digestion.
Ileocaecal ligament
Connects ileum to caeca in birds.
Meckel’s diverticulum
Embryonic yolk sac remnant in birds.
Common chamber for excretion in birds.
Receives fecal material in cloaca.
Middle cloaca segment for urine and reproductive products.
Caudal cloaca segment for excretion.
Cloacal bursa
Immune function organ in young birds.
Muscular passage from mouth to stomach in fish.
Pyloric caeca
Digestive structures aiding absorption in fish.
Anal vent
Excretion opening in fish.
Largest organ, aids digestion and storage in fish.
Gall bladder
Stores bile, attached to liver in fish.
Produces digestive enzymes, has endocrine functions.
Short in fish, facilitates absorption and waste transport.
Straight terminal intestine portion leading to cloaca.
U-shaped loop connecting stomach and intestine.
Middle section of the small intestine.
Final section of the small intestine.
Blood storage organ, not part of digestive tract.
Cranial compartment
Another term for coprodeum in cloaca.