Dental anatomy Flashcards
What is prehension
Obtain food in oral cavity
What is mastication
break food down into smaller peices and lubricate it
What is deglutition
Swallowing food
What is the crown
Part of the tooth projecting above the gingiva covered with enamel
What is coronal
direction of tip of the crown
What is interproximal space
space between 2 adjacent teeth
What is enamel
hardest substance in the body covering only the crown
What is Dentin
a hard substance similar to bone forming the bulk of the tooth surrounding the pulp cavity
What is furcation
space between the roots of the same tooth
What is Apical
direction of the tip(apex) of the root
What is the cementoenamel junction
Where the enamel of the crown meets the cementum of the root
What is 04 triadan number
What is 09 triadan number
first true molar
Number of carnivores maxillary carnassials and what tooth
last premolars 08
Number of carnivores mandibular carnassial and what tooth
first molar 09
What is oligodontia
absent teet
What is dysplastic
abnormally formed teeth
what is supernumerary
additional teeth
What is plaque
filmy soft white or yellow deposits usually colonised by bacteria
what is tartar
calcified harder yellow or brown deposits
what is gingivitis
inflammation of the gingiva or gum
what is heterodont
teeth differ depending on individual function
what is homodont
teeth are generally a similar shape
what is polyphydont
teeth continually replaced in animals lifespan
what is monophydont
only one set of permanent teeth
what is diphydont
there is a deciduous/baby teeth set before permanent set
what is brachydont
small crown to root ratio
what is hypsodont
longer crown to root ratio
what is aradicular
open rooted hypsodonts
what is radicular
true root formed
what is eleodont
teeth continuously erupt or grow throughout life
what is anelodont
teeth remain a fixed length once fully erupted
what is the numerical designation for the maxillary first right molar
What is left maxillary carnassial identified as
last premolar 208
Name the 2 planes and directions
rostral -> caudal
mesial -> distal
Number for deciduous right maxilla
number for deciduous left maxilla
number for deciduous left mandible
number for deciduous right mandible
number for permanent right maxilla
number for permanent left maxilla
number for permanent left mandible
number for permanent right mandible
Canine deciduous teeth numbers(sets)
I 3/3, C1/1, PM 3/3
Canine deciduous teeth total number
Canine permanent teeth numbers(sets)
I 3/3, C1/1, PM 4/4 M 2/3
Canine permanent teeth total number
Feline decidous teeth numbers(sets)
I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/2
Feline deciduous teeth total number
Feline permanent teeth numbers(sets)
I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/2, M 1/1
Feline permanent teeth total number
Rabbits teeth numbers sets and total number
I 2/1, C0/0, PM 3/2, M 3/3
Guinea pig teeth numbers sets and total number
I 1/1, C 0/0, PM 1/1, M 3/3