Disorders of Neuromuscular Junction Flashcards
3 general features of lower motor neurone disorders?
low tone
3 general features of UPN disorders?
increased tone
cell bodies of motor neurones arise where?
ventral horn of spinal cord
what is the motor end plate?
the terminal portion of motor neurones give rise to very fine projections which run along the muscle cell
synapses formed between these projections and the muscle = end plate
each muscle can only respond to one motor neurone>
describe what happens at the NMJ?
AP moves along nerve
voltage gated calcium channels open allowing influx of calcium
vesicles of acetyl choline released into synaptic cleft
ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft
ACh receptor opens and renders membrane permeable to Na/K ions
the depolarisation starts an AP at the motor end plate
acetylcholinesterase breaks down ACh into acetate and choline
- choline is sequestered into presynaptic vesicles
what is curare?
chemical compound which ooccupies same position on ACh receptor but doesn’t open ion channel, so no muscle contraction can take place
- causes resp arrest when given IV or IM
where can problems occur at NMJ?
presynaptic (e.g botulism, lambert eaton)
synaptic cleft
ACh receptor (e.g myasthenia gravis)
what is botulism?
aka clostridium botulinum
- organism in soil which can infect food and wounds
- common in black tar heroin
- toxin cleaves presynaptic proteins involved in vesicle formation and blocks vesicle docking with the presynaptic membrane
- rapid onset weakness (6 hrs) without sensory loss
- causes paralysis
- not permanent?
what is LEMS?
lambert eaton myasthenic syndrome
- antibodies to presynaptic calcium channels leads to less vesicle release
- strong association with underlying small cell carcinoma
- treatment = 3-4 diaminomyridine
what is myasthenia gravis?
most common NMJ disorder
autoimmune - antibodies to ACh receptors
causes reduced number of functioning receptors leads to weakness and fatiguability
- often in unusual muscle groups - eyes
- can also cause resp arrest
- bilateral facial weakness (can be missed as bilateral)
pathophysiology of MG?
reduced number of ACh receptors and flattening of endplate folds causes inefficient ACh transmission, even wit normal amounts of ACh
ACh antibodies found in most patients which block binding of ACh and trigger inflammatory acscades which damage folds of posysynaptic membrane
when do MG symptoms start?
symptoms start when ACh receptors reduced to 30% normal
which organ is often involved in MG?
75% have hyperplasia or thymoma
epidemiology of MG?
peaks of incidence - females in 3rd decade and males in 60s-70s
more common in females overall
more common in thyroid disease/addisons disease
clinical features of MG?
fluctuating weakness (worse through the day)
extraocular weakness, facial and bulbar weakness
limb weakness when it occurs is usually proximal (not usually first symptom)
how is MG manages acutely?
acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (pyridostigmine)
thymectomy (even in the absence of thymus abnormality it helps)
long term treatment of MG?
steroids (prednisolone)
steroid sparing agents (azathioprine/mycophenolate)
plasma exchange or Ig in emergency