Disinfectants Flashcards
How would you use thermal treatment to destroy prions?
Autoclave at 134 degrees on repeat cycles
Describe pasteurisation and what it achieves
NOT stertilisation
Rapid heating and then rapid cooling
Reduces number of sensitive, viable and vegetative bacteria
Define disinfection
Descruction of microorganisms by physical and chemical methods on the surface of objects
Define antisepsis
Distruction of micro-organisms on tissues using non toxic and non irritant methods and substances
Describe the ideal chemical disinfectant
- Broad Activity
- Absence of irritancy or toxicity, noncorrosive and non polluting
- Long shelf life, stable
- Soluble in water and compatible with other chemicals
- Active in organic matter and over a range of temperatures
Describe Prions
Type of protein that triggers proteins in the brain to fold abnormally - causes neurological disease
- Non living
- Difficult to get rid of (high autoclave temperature for 4.5 hrs)
Describe the mode of action of acidic disinfectants
Destroys nucleic acid bonds and precipitate proteins
What can acidic disinfectants be used against?
Gram +ve
Gram -ve
Enveloped viruses
Describe the mode of action of alcohol
based disinfectants
Denatures proteins and causes membrane damage
What can alcohol based disinfectants be used against?
Mycoplasma Gram +ve Gram -ve Enveloped viruses ACID FAST BACTERIA
Describe the mode of action of alkaline disinfectants
Saponify lipids in cell membranes and envelopes (activity increases with temperature)
What can alkaline based disinfectants be used against?
Mycoplasma Gram +ve Gram -ve Enveloped Viruses FUNGAL (+BACTERIAL) SPORES ACID FAST BACTERIA COCCIDIA(parasite)
Describe the mode of action of aldehyde disinfectants
Denature proteins and nucleic acids
What can aldehyde based disinfectants be used against?
Describe the mode of action of biguanide disinfectants
React with negatively charged groups in cell membranes altering permeability