Diseases Test 1 Flashcards
Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathophysiology?
- Antigens and antibodies form immune complexes, deposited into tissue
- Increased permeability, causes edema
- Pannus forms over join
Rheumatoid Arthritis risk factors?
- Female
- Asthma
- Family hstry
Rheumatoid Arthritis expected findings?
- Decreased mobility
- Erythema
- Pain
- Edema
Rheumatoid Arthritis lab tests?
- ANA test
- Elevated serum ESR
- Radiograph to visualize joint damage
Rheumatoid Arthritis symptom management?
- Anti-inflammatory, immune suppressive
- Physical therapy
- Splint
Acute Sinusitis pathophysiology?
- Outflow of mucous blocked
- Blocked by protective cilia or altered mucous quality/quantity
Acute Sinusitis risk factors?
- Cystic fibrosis
- Chronic respiratory allergies
Sinusitis Symptoms?
- Sinus facial pain
- Fever
- Nasal congestion
- Fatigue
Sinusitis lab tests?
- Xray
Acute Sinusitis treatment
- Antihistamine, decongestant
Chronic Sinusitis pathophysiology?
- Multifactorial inflammation
- Environment
- Genetic
Chronic Sinusitis treatment?
- Nasal saline irrigation
- Antibiotics
Acromegaly pathophysiology?
- Hyperplasia by increased GH lvl
- Somatostatin not lowering GH
- GH stimulates IGF-1, increased growth in bones, organs, and cartilage
Acromegaly findings?
- Abnormal growth
- Deep voice
- Heart failure
Acromegaly lab tests?
- High IGF in blood work
- Glucose tolerance testing; positive is GH high after 1 hr of exposure to glucose
Acromegaly treatment?
- Somatostatin analog
- GH antagonist
Cervical Dysplasia pathophysiology?
- Presence of abnormal cells in cervical lining
- Transformation zone common place for abnormal cells to develop
Cervical Metaplasia Risk factors?
- Early sexual activity
- Multiple sexual partners
- Exposure to HPV
- Smoking
Cervical Metaplasia Symptoms?
Cervical Metaplasia/Dysplasia lab work?
- Pap Smear
- Colposcopy
- Take cells from endo and exo cervix
Cervical Metaplasia/Dysplasia Treatment?
- Remove superficial cells
- Cyrosurgery
Cervical Metaplasia pathophysiology?
- Estrogen levels decreased
- Conversion of one cell type to another in cervical lining
Acute Gastritis patho?
- alcohol or ibuprofen consumption
- decrease gastric mucosa
- redness, erosion, perforation of stomach lining
Chronic gastritis patho?
- H. Pylori releases enzyme that neutralize gastric acid and makes toxin that destroys mucosa
Gastritis risk factors
- Alcohol
- Ibuprofen or aspirin
Gastritis findings?
- abdominal pain
- dyspnea
- vomiting
- hiccups
Gastritis lab test?
- Occult blood stool test
- Endoscopy visualizes stomach
Gastritis signs of concern?
- If vomiting blood = perforation of stomach
Gastritis treatment?
- Removal of irritant
- If infection: antibiotic
- If autoimmune: anti-inflammatory
Ulcerative colitis patho?
- Autoimmune linked
- Starts in distal end of rectum and extends to descending colon
- Erosions develop
- Necrosis and ulceration are common
Ulcerative colitis findings?
- Diarrhea
- Rectal bleeding
- Abdominal pain
- Fever
Ulcerative colitis test?
- Endoscopy
Ulcerative colitis treatment?
- anti-inflammatory, antidiarrhea
- Healthy diet and adequate fluid intake
Ulcerative colitis risk reduction?
- Avoid milk, caffeine, spicy foods
Crohn patho?
- Chronic inflammation in patchy segments
- Increased permeability; edema
- Thickening bowel wall from edema
- Ulcers can form, forming fistulas
Crohn risk factors?
- Family hstry
- Smoking
- Poor diet
Crohn expected findings?
- Rapid stool transit time
- Intestial edema
- Loss of absorption function
- Abdominal pain, occult blood, diarrhea
Crohn tests?
- Sigmoidoscopy; check for cobblestone pattern
- Radiographs
- Stool culture to rule out infection
Crohn treatment?
- Anti-inflammatory
- Dietary changes
- Increase calories, increase protein, decrease fat, decrease fiber
Pancreatitis patho?
- Injury to acinar cells, pancreatic duct
- Injury triggers blockage of enzymatic pathways, and inflammation
- Increased vascular permeability; edema
Pancreatitis risk factor?
- Alcohol consumption
Pancreatitis Expected findings?
- Upper abdominal pain
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Anorexia
Pancreatitis tests?
- Ultrasound
Pancreatitis treatment?
- Aggressive IV hydration
- Analgesics for pain
- Surgical removal of gallstones
Cardia Hypertrophy patho?
- High BP causes left ventricle to work harder
- Muscle builds up
- Perfusion to heart muscle decreases
Cardia Hypertrophy risk factors?
- Family history
- Hypertension
Cardia Hypertrophy expected findings?
- No symptoms
- Sudden death
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
Cardia Hypertrophy Test?
- Echocardiogram
Cardia Hypertrophy treatment?
- Angiotensin 2 receptor blocker
- ACE inhibitor
Cerebral Atrophy patho?
- Destruction of neurons, loss of neurotransmitter production
- Reduced perfusion to brain
- Neurons decrease in size
Cerebral Atrophy risk factors??
- Low B vitamins
- Reduction in physical and intellectual activity
Cerebral Atrophy Findings?
- Loss of speech
- Loss of motor skills
- etc
Cerebral Atrophy Tests?
- Physical exam to determine neurologic deficits
- Compare to MRI baseline
Cerebral Atrophy Treatment?
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Medication to address impaired neurologic signal transmission
Burn Injuries
AIDS patho?
- HIV attacks CD4 cells
- When CD4 count lower than 200, AIDS
AIDS risk factors?
- gay man sex
- drug users
AIDS findings?
- 2-4 weeks = 1st acute infection
- 3 months = seroconversion (antibodies to HIV)
- Frequent infections
AIDS test?
- Test CD4 numbers
AIDS treatment?
- ART (anti-retroviral treatment)
- Pre and post prophylactic treatment
Anaphylaxis patho
- Type 1 rxn, IgE
- Mast cells and basophils degranulate
- Chemical mediators cause vasodilation, vascular permeability increases
Anaphylaxis risk factors
- Taking multiple drugs
- Common allergies
Anaphylaxis expected findings?
- Phase 1: mins to hrs; short acting chemical mediator, bronchospasm, hives, itching
- Phase 2: 4 hrs; long act chemical mediator, sever hypotension, long bronchospasm, GI issues, edema
Anaphylaxis test?
- Allergy testing
Anaphylaxis treatment?
- Epinephrine
- Remove allergen
- Bronchodilators
Lupus patho?
- Type 3 hypersensitivity rxn
- Immune complexes deposited into tissues, antibodies find and destroy complexes
Lupus risk factors?
- female
- genetic
Lupus findings?
- Depends where complex deposited
- Fever
- Pain
- Rashes -> Malar Rash (butterfly) on face
Lupus testing?
- Smit antigen
Lupus treatment?
- anti inflammatory drugs
- steroids