Diseases of the vulva,vagina and cervix Flashcards
Tzanc prep
used to visualize Herpes microscopically
molluscum contagiosum
transmitted by pox virus
umbilicated lesions because they are caved in middle
granuloma inguinale
caused by G- encapsulated coccobacilli called calymmatobacterium granulomatis
produces large ulcerated lesions that reveal inflammatory granulation tissue and MQ. bacteria found in cytoplasm of neutrophils,plasma and histiocytes as Donovan bodies
bodies resemble safety pins
lymphgranuloma venerum
chlamydia trachomatis
transient vesicle in vagina or penis that goes unnoticed
2-6 weeks later, inguinal lymphadenopathy–> bubos
bubos must be aspirated
in women see bubos in perirectal glands–> proctitis or rectal fistula
treat with drainage and tetracycline
cervix infected with trichomonas
strawberry cervix
endocervical polyps (benign)
seen in 4th or 6th decades
contains endocervical glands
microglandular endocervical hyperplasia
seen in pregnant or post-partum pts and with with hx of OCP
condyloma accuminata
also called veneral warts
management of ASCUS
atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance
repeat cervical sytology at 6 and 12 months
if ASCUS or severe–>colposcopy
HPV DNA testing
stain of keratanized cell
a pap stain called orange G
sequence of cervical tests
colposcopy if abnormal with acetic acid
punch biopsy if found abnormal on colp
electro-loop excision procedure to remove abnormal tissue
endocervical curettage to evaluate lesion destribution
verrucous carcinoma
variant of squamous cell CA
well differentiated
can get very large but won’t mets
basically is a wart