Diabetes 2/15 Flashcards
impaired fasting glucose
after overnight fast, BG between 100-125
impaired glucose tolerance
after ingestion of 75 g of G and 2 hours later–> BG 140-199
WHO criteria for diegnosis of DM
random BG>200 in 2 settings OR
fasting BG>126 in 2 settings OR
OGTT 2 hours after ingestion of 75g of oral glucose–> BG>200
The primary event in DMII
reduced sensitivity of insulin responsive tissue
diagnostic of DMI
insulitis and near total depletion of beta cells
chronic complicatiosn of DM
generally seen 10-15 years after onset and lack of hyperglycemic control
3 pathways to complications
1) formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE) by nonezymatic glycosylation
2) polyol pathways
3) activation of protein kinase C (PKC)
AGE bind to RAGE receptors on inflammatory cells,endothelium and vascular smooth muscles resultin in:
release of cytokines
generation of ROI in endothelial cells
increased procoagulation
enhanced proliferation of vascular smooth muscles and ECM
AGE cross link ECM proteins–>
collagen1 cross linking–>decrease elasticity of large vessels
collagen4 cross linking in basement membrane–> decrease adhesion and extravasation of fluid
cross-linked proteins are resistant to proteolytic digestion so more get deposited
modified matrix component trap non-glycated materials like LDL and albumen–> thickening of BM
Glucose–>sorbitol (polyhydroxyl alcohol or polyol)
polyols accumulate in tissues that have insulin independent glucose transport like lens, nerve, kidney and blood vessels
this leads to increased intracellular osmolarity–> swelling
damage to schwann cells by:
accumulated sorbitol decrease intracellular myo-inositol level–> decreased phosphoinositide metabolism–> decreased PKC–> decreased ATPase activity–> segmental demyelination and microaneurysms in retinal capillary pericytes
sorbitol pathway
GLU+NADPH+H–>(aldose reductase) sorbitol+NADP
sorbitol+NAD–>(sorbitol dehydrogenase) fructose+ NADH+H
NADPH is depleted–> less glutathione can be reduced to GSH–> increased oxidative stress
aldose reductase inhibitors
can prevent cataracts and neuropathy
intracellular hyperglycemia increase synthesis of DAG which activates PKC–>
increases production of proangiogenic VEGF–> retinopathy
increases vasoconstrictor endothelin-1
decreases vasodilator of endothelial NO synthase
increases fibrogenic TGF-beta–> thickening of BM
increases procoagulant PAI-1
increases proinflammatory molecules by endothelium
pancreas of nondiabetic newborns of diabetic mothers
see increase in numbers of islets due to hyperplasia from exposure to hyperglycemia–> risk of hypoglycemia after birth