Diseases Of The Reproductive System p1309-1367 Flashcards
What is the most prevalent viral cause of equine pregnancy loss?
A) Equine herpes-1
B) Equine viral arthritis
C) Equine herpes-4
D) Equine infectious anemia
A) EHV-1 is the most prevalent viral cause of equine pregnancy
How does EHV-1 evade the immune system and end up in the fetus?
EHV-1 eventually inactivates the ability of MHC-1 from presenting the viral particles and allows evasion of the immune system. The virus-bearing leukocytes then travel transplacentally to invade the fetus.
How soon after infection can EHV-1 cause an abortion?
Abortions can be seen less than 2 weeks to several months after infection with EHV-1.
95% of abortions due to EHV-1 occur in which trimester?
Vasculitis is most prominent from 5-9 months of pregnancy and most of the abortions occur in this last trimester.
What is the most characteristic lesion of a fetus that has been aborted due to EHV-1?
EHV-1 viral abortions cause areas of necrosis in lymphoid tissue, liver, adrenal cortex and the lung, with large intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies.
Grossly, the fetus will have an increased fluid amount in the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
When is it recommended to vaccinate pregnant mares agains EHV-1?
Months 5,7 and 9
List noninfectious causes of abortion in ruminants.
- Heat stress
- Other stress
- Nitrate toxicity
- Malnutrition
- Pine needle toxicity
- Drug induced
- Physical
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: also causes an upper respiratory disease; fetus can die within 24 hours after placental infiltration; 5-6 months is most susceptible range; dx by virus isolation or recognition of intranuclear inclusion bodies in fetal tissues; prevention occurs with vaccination as a heifer and then booster 3-4 weeks prior to breeding
A. BHV 1 B. BVDV C. Brucellosis D. Campylobacter E. Foothill abortion F. H. somni E. Lepto
A. BHV 1 can cause abortion in cattle
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: abortion can occur at any time; most common during first trimester; fetal loss generally occurs 10-27 days after exposure, with expulsion 50 days later; many dysplastic lesions can occur eg. cerebellar hypoplasia, microopthalmia, cataracts, brachygnathia, arthrogryposis, thymus hypoplasia;
A. BHV 1 B. BVDV C. Brucellosis D. Campylobacter E. Foothill abortion F. H. somni E. Lepto
B. BVDV is a cause of abortion in cattle.
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: multiple serovars cause disease; generally cause abortion in late to last trimester; cows usually abort without clinical signs; other clinical signs of disease are icterus, hemoglobinuria, anemia, fever, mastitis; prevention occurs through vaccination in endemic areas; dx generally occurs by serology i.e. some feti can develop microagglutination titers of 1:10 or more
A. BHV 1 B. BVDV C. Brucellosis D. Campylobacter E. Foothill abortion F. H. somni G. Lepto
G. Leptospirosis can cause abortion in cattle. Hardjo is the major serovar. Others reported are Pomona, canicola, icterohemorrhagiae, grippotyphosa and szwajizak
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: also known as epizootic bovine abortion, a deltaproteobacterium has been identified as the agent; late abortion/delivery of weak calves; lymph nodes and spleen are enlarged, thymus smaller than normal and liver enlarged and nodular; diagnosed by pathological examination, detectable by PCR in tissues (Sn - 88% and Sp 100%); transmitted by the soft-shell tick Ornithodoros coriaceus; prevalence of infection is far greater than the prevalence of abortion
A. BHV 1 B. BVDV C. Brucellosis D. Campylobacter E. Foothill abortion F. H. somni G. Lepto
E. Foothill abortion is a syndrome of late abortion in cattle in the foothills bordering the Central Valley of California
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: abortion is the chief clinical sign of this disease and occurs in the third trimester; other clinical signs are mastitis, lameness, epididymitis or orchitis; inital replication occurs in the regional lymph nodes of the dam and then travels to the mammary gland, and gravid uterus; fetal death is a result from placental disruption and endotoxemia; infection occurs through ingestion and humans need to be careful;
A. BHV 1 B. BVDV C. Brucellosis D. Campylobacter E. Foothill abortion F. H. somni G. Lepto
C. Brucellosis is a cause of abortion in cattle
What vaccine is used today against Brucella? How can field-infected cattle be differentiated from those that have been vaccinated against brucella?
The RB51 strain was developed to allow differentiation between field-infected cattle and vaccinated cattle. Cattle vaccinated with RB51 do not produce Ab against the O-polysaccharide chain.
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: this pathogen is cause for vibriosis and is an obligate pathogen of the reproductive tract; sporadic abortions can occur but most death is early embryonic or infertility; a mucopurulent endometritis is responsible for prevention of conception or embryonic death; prevention can occur through vaccination; cattle usually recover spontaneously
A. BHV 1 B. BVDV C. Brucellosis D. Campylobacter E. Foothill abortion F. H. somni G. Lepto
D. Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis is the cause of abortion or early embryonic death in cattle
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: can be isolated from the reproductive tract of healthy animals; a pathogen involved with BRD; aborted feti have been free of gross lesions
A. BHV 1 B. BVDV C. Brucellosis D. Campylobacter E. Foothill abortion F. H. somni G. Lepto
F. Histophilus somni can be a cause of abortion in cattle, along with associations to vulvitis, vaginitis, endometritis and weak calf syndrome
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: a venereal infection of cattle caused by this flagellated protozoan; once infected by a bull, colonization occurs in the vagina, cervix, uterus and oviducts; infected cows can ultimately clear the disease in as long as six months; bulls over 4 years of age are considered permanently infected; CULL; no gross lesions in fetus but dx occurs by observing pathogen in histology
A. Mycotic diseases
B. Neospora caninum
C. Sarcocystis
D. Tritrichomonas fetus
D. Tritrichomonas fetus is a cause of abortion in cattle
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: canids are the host of this pathogen and seed oocyts in their feces after ingestion of infected tissue from intermediate hosts such as deer or other cattle; vertical transmission from dam to fetus in utero; point source horizontal transmission; dx based on characteristic lesions in aborted feti
A. Mycotic diseases
B. Neospora caninum
C. Sarcocystis
D. Tritrichomonas fetus
B. Neospora caninum
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: many cattle are infected with this but do not show clinical signs of infection; late term abortions; pathogen most often found in fetal brain;
A. Mycotic diseases
B. Neospora caninum
C. Sarcocystis
D. Tritrichomonas fetus
C. Sarcocystis cruzi is a agent of abortion in cattle
Based on the description, pick the most likely cause of bovine abortion: occurs in last trimester; most consistent lesion is placentitis with necrosis and thickening of fetal membranes; granulomatous bronchopneumonia noted histologically in fetus; the most common agent causes the fetus to be minimally autolyzed and have partially inflated lungs; hematogenous route of infection
A. Mycotic diseases
B. Neospora caninum
C. Sarcocystis
D. Tritrichomonas fetus
A. Mycotic disease are causes of abortion in cattle. Aspergillosis causes approx 80% of all mycotic abortions
Pick the species that this breeding season best describes: seasonally polyestrous, breeding during seasons of long day length; ovulation every 21 days; estrus characterized by ovarian follicle; ovulation occurs 24-48 hours before the end of estrus; ruptured follicle replaced by CL
A. Mares B. Cattle C. Ewes D. Does E. Camelids
A. Mares
Pick the species that this breeding season best describes: polyestrus, cycle every 21 days; ovulate spontaneously after end of estrus
A. Mares B. Cattle C. Ewes D. Does E. Camelids
B. Cattle
Pick the species that this breeding season best describes: seasonally polyestrous during the autumn and winter; cycle averages 17 days; ovulation occurs spontaneously 24 hours after the onset of estrus; parturition occurs during anestrus, therefore dam does not return to estrus until next breeding season
A. Mares B. Cattle C. Ewes D. Does E. Camelids
C. Ewes
Pick the species that this breeding season best describes: seasonally polyestrous from summer until early spring; average cycle 21 days long; ovulation occurs spontaneously 24 hours after onset of estrus
A. Mares B. Cattle C. Ewes D. Does E. Camelids
D. Does
Pick the species that this breeding season best describes: no seasonal; induced ovulates; follicular waves last about 17 days;
A. Mares B. Cattle C. Ewes D. Does E. Camelids
E. Camelids
Cystic follicular degeneration occurs in many species, because of failure of ovulation of a dominant follicle. List some reasons for failure of ovulation.
- Inadequate release of gonadotropins or ovarian dysfunction
- Stress conditions such as retained placenta, metritis, hypocalcemia, postpartum ketosis
- Negative energy balance or prolonged suckling of calves can inhibit LH release
What is the goal of treating cystic follicular degeneration? What are the options
Increase luteinization of the cyst and reestablish normal estrous cycle. This can be done in five different ways.
- Spontaneous resolution, which can occur in up to 60% of cattle
- Luteinizing hormone - using hCG from 5000-10000 IU IV or IM
- GnRH - most common treatment for follicular cysts; treatment to breeding interval can be shortened by following luteolytic dose of prostaglandin 10d - 2 weeks later
- PGF - causes a quicker return to estrus and lower cost of PGF
- Manual rupture - occurs during palpation, can be followed by hemorrhage and adhesions
What is anestrus and what are causes in the mare?
Anestrus is defined as ovarian inactivity.
Puberty and seasonal anestrus (shorter days of the year)
How can seasonal anestrus be treated in the mare?
Artificial lighting, GnRGH, dopamine antagonists, steroids (exogenous progestins followed by a withdrawal promotes release of LH from pituitary, gonadotropins, follicular aspiration
What are the most common causes of enlarged ovaries in the mare?
- Tumors
- Anovulatory follicles
- Ovarian hematoma
- Pregnancy
Name the most common ovarian tumor in the mare. These tumors are hormonally active, therefore clinical diagnostic assays include which tests?
Granulosa-theca cell tumors can be diagnosed by measuring inhibin, testosterone, progesterone, anti-mullerian hormone. Treatment for this tumor consists of removing the ovary.
What is the most common tumor of the surface epithelium a of the equine ovary? Are these hormonally active?
Cystadenomas are a rare, normally hormonally inactive tumor, that need to be surgically removed.
How long after parturition is a placenta considered retained in the mare vs the cow?
Beyond 3 hours is abnormal in mares, while beyond 12 hours is abnormal in cows.
Persistent endometritis in mares can be divided into three categories.
- STDs - contagious equine metritis caused by Taylorella equigenitalis
- Persistent uterine infections - typically beta-hemolytic streptococci, E. coli, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella; occurs in combination with poor confirmation and compromised uterine defenses
- Persistent breeding-induced endometritis
Equine arteries virus affects what cells?
Macrophages and eventually lymphoid tissue.
How soon after infection can EAV cause abortions in mares?
Within 3 days of infection, the virus is circulating systemically, and animal becomes a carrier. After 10 days, the virus has affected the endothelium and abortions start occurring due to myometritis and vasculitis.