Diseases caused by Protista (malaria) Flashcards
What is malaria?
Malaria is a life-threatening disease found mainly in tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world.
What causes malaria?
Malaria is caused by the protozoan Plasmodium vivax and is spread by the female Anopheles mosquito.
What is a vector in the context of malaria?
The female Anopheles mosquito is called the vector.
What does a vector do?
A vector carries a disease-causing organism from an infected host to a new host.
How many hosts does the malaria parasite require?
The malaria parasite requires two hosts (mosquitoes and humans) to complete its life cycle.
What are early symptoms of malaria?
Early symptoms can be mistaken for flu.
List some symptoms of malaria.
Symptoms include fever and shivering, headache, joint pain, vomiting, convulsions, and anaemia.
What can happen if malaria is left untreated?
If left untreated, malaria may lead to the infected person falling into a coma, followed by death.
What are the economic effects of malaria?
Loss of income if the breadwinner cannot work or dies, resulting in poverty. Malaria treatment is expensive, and poor people in undeveloped countries cannot afford treatment.
How can malaria be managed?
The best way to manage malaria is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes in areas where malaria occurs.
What are some ways to avoid mosquito bites?
Stay indoors between sunset and sunrise, cover doors and windows with gauze, sleep under mosquito nets, apply insect repellents, wear long sleeves and pants at night, and drain standing water.
What can be done before entering a malaria area?
Anti-malarial drugs can be taken before entering a malaria area.
What should governments in malaria areas provide?
Governments need to provide health-care facilities like clinics and control the breeding of mosquitoes by spraying with DDT, an insecticide.