Characteristics of fungi Flashcards
What are the two types of fungi based on cellular structure?
Some fungi are unicellular, such as yeast, while others are multicellular, such as mushrooms.
What type of organism are fungi classified as?
Fungi are eukaryotic.
How do fungi obtain their nutrients?
Fungi are heterotrophic since they lack chlorophyll.
What are fungi that live off dead organic matter called?
Fungi that live off dead organic matter are called saprotrophic fungi.
What type of fungi live off living organisms?
Parasitic fungi live off living organisms.
What diseases can fungi cause?
Fungi can cause diseases such as thrush, ringworm, and athlete’s foot.
What do the cell walls of fungi contain?
Cell walls of fungi contain chitin, while plants have cellulose in their cell walls.
What are the bodies of multicellular fungi made of?
The bodies of multicellular fungi are made of threads called hyphae.
What do all hyphae together form?
All hyphae together form a mycelium.
What is a characteristic of hyphae?
Hyphae are often multinucleate (have many nuclei).
How do fungi reproduce?
Fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually.
How do unicellular fungi reproduce asexually?
Asexual reproduction in unicellular fungi, such as yeasts, is by budding.
How do multicellular fungi reproduce asexually?
In multicellular fungi, asexual reproduction is by means of spores.