Disease Flashcards
what is health
health is the state of physical and mental wellbeing
what is a communicable disease
those that can be spread from person to person
what is a non communicable disease
those that cannot be spread from person to person
describe measles
droplet infection
develop a red skin rash and signs of fever, small white spots in mouth, dry cough, tiredness
can be fatal - can lead to pneumonia
people are vaccinated against measles when young
describe HIV
spread by sexual contact / exchanging bodily fluids
- can happen by sharing needles
no cure
initially flu like symptoms - can last several years and be controlled by antiretroviral drugs
the virus attacks immune system
if the persona immune system is badly damaged it cant cope with other infections or cancers - known as late stage HIV infection or AIDS
describe tobacco mosaic virus
transmitted through direct contact of infected plant
affects many species of plants
it causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves of the plants - parts of plants become discoloured
means the plant cannot carry out photosynthesis as well
effects growth
describe salmonella
can be transmitted through uncooked food / unhygienic food preparation
poultry are vaccinated against salmonella and campylobacter to limit transmission
symptoms - fever, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
can be avoided by washing hands, not rinsing raw chicken and cooking it to 160oF
describe gonorrhea
direct sexual contact with infected person - discharge from penis
symptoms - green discharge from vagina or penis
pain during urinating
can be treated with antibiotics
penicillin was effective but gonorrhea became resistant to it
can cause ectopic pregnancy - when embryo starts to grown in the cervix of fallopian tubes
describe bacterial disease in plants
deformed leaves
yellow leaves
lumps on roots
malformed roots
bacteria enters plasmid
describe athletes foot
spread through direct contact with infected skin
symptoms -
dry red scaly flaky skin
small blisters
can lead to cellulitus
very few are fatal but can effect the brain, heart valves and lung tissue
can be treated with antifungal drugs - stop fungus from growing
describe rose black spot
produces spores can be released and carried in wind
symptoms - black / dark spots, leaves drop
treated -
chemical fungicides
all infected plants must be burned
describe malaria
the pathogen is a parasite that is carried in the saliva of a female anopheles mosquito
symptoms - high temperature sweats and chills headaches vomiting muscle pains can be fatal
treatment - combination of drugs, however protists are becoming immune to them
prevention - insesticides, remover standing water where mosquitos lay eggs
use antimalarial drugs
how is someone infected with malaria
infected person is bitten by a mosquito
malaria pathogen passes into the mosquito
the mosquito now bites a different person and passes the malaria pathogen to them
mosquito - vector
primary defence system?
skin - prevents bacteria and viruses entering the tissue. the skin produces antimircrobial secretions which kill bacteria. if skin is broken platelets in trhe blood form a clot and produce and scab
mucus membranes - the trachea and bronchi contain mucus producing cells. mucus is sticky snd traps dust and pathogens from entering the lungs. trachea and bronchi are covered in cilia - move the mucus and trapped pathogens away from the lungs and to the throat
nasal hair - nose is lined with hairs to prevent the pathogens getting into the body - produces mucus to trap particles
tears and eye lashes - eye lashes trap dirt and pathogens from entering the eye
salty tears wash your eyes and kill bacteria
stomach acid - many bacteria which enters with our food are killed by the acid
how do white blood cells defend us from pathogens
phagocytes engulf pathogen ( which is coverved in antigens )
called phagocytosis
lymphocytes produce antibodies which a specific to the antigens on the pathogens
if a bacteria is involved
lymphocytes produce anti-toxins which neutralise toxins
describe the vaccination process
a dead or inactive pathogen is injected into the body these pathogens are covered in antigens
the white blood cells recognise that this is a pathogen by its antigens
white blood cells produce antibodies that fit onto the antigens the shape of the antibodies are specific to the antigens
the white blood cells produce memory cells that can stay in the blood for several years, so if the same pathogen enters the body the white blood cells can produce the correct antibodies quickly
therefore the pathogen is destroyed
what is a drug
a substance which alters the chemical reactions in the body
they come from plants and microorganisms also can be made
what is digitalis
used to treat heart conditions
extracted from plants called fox gloves
what is aspirin
it originates from willow bark
relives pain, swelling and fever
what is penicillin
discovered by alexander flemming from penicillian mould
discovery of penicillin
flemming found mould forming in a petri dish
the mould had killed the bacteria straphyloccocus
flemming gave up after a while
florey and chain carried on his research they made a small amount of penicillin and found it safe to use and effective
what do antibiotics do
medicines that kill bacteria
what do painkillers do
medicines to treat the symptoms
what is a pathogen
microorganisms that cause infectious disease
how does a virus make us ill
rely on living cells
virus will replicate
cells will burst now the virus can escape and replicate in other cells which will also burst
how does bacteria make us ill
once insides bacteria release poisons or toxins - make us feel ill