Discussion Summaries Flashcards
CRISPR - (Discussion Week 5)
CRISPR - A gene editing technique used to treat people with cancer
- It was used to delete three genes that might interfere with the cell’s ability to fight cancer or cause side effects on patients
Cervical Cancer - (Discussion Week 5)
Study says that HPV vaccines appear to be close to 100% effective at preventing cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cause of cancer in women worldwide.
- Leading cause of cancer death in the 25-35 age group
Canada plans to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040 through this newfound method.
there were 0 cases of cervical cancer in women who were vaccinated before they became sexually active.
(vaccination needs to be done early)
Cervical cancer, like many illnesses, is a disease of inequality.
- Rates are 3x higher in vulnerable populations (immigrants, LGBTQ, indigenous)
Cancer in Youth - (Discussion Week 5)
Cancer is hitting more young people around the globe, baffling doctors
- cancer rates have fallen for older adults, and risen for young adults
They suspect that changes in the way we live, like less physical activity, more ultra-processed foods, new toxins each raised the risk for younger generations
U.S. cancer rate has dropped by one-third since 1991, thanks to a decrease in smoking, and better treatment
Gastrointestinal cancers like Keen’s are increasing the fastest
People born in the 1990s are at 2x risk for early-onset colon cancer, and four times the risk for rectal cancer compared to people from 1950
Psychedelics - (Discussion Week 10)
Psychedelic drugs should be researched as a medical therapy, but they carry a high risk of abuse and harm.
Ex. LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, ecstasy (MDMA)
Symptoms: Persistent flashbacks, increased heart rate and blood pressure, anxiety, panic
- LSD reduces anxiety, alcohol use and misuse
- Psychedelics treat abuse or addiction
- Psylocybin treats tobacco addiction
S hedule 2 drugs ahve high potential for abuse, but are considered to have potential benefits
Psychedelics pose physical and psychological risks
With the potential to curb serious addictions and ease symtoms of mental illnesses, it seems odd to discontinue the research on the therapeutic potential of psychedelics
Suicide (Teen Girl) - (Discussion Week 10)
3 in 5 teenage girls felt persistent sadness in 2021; 2x the rate of boys
1 in 3 girls seriously considered attempting suicide
High levels of violence, depression, and suicidal thoughts in lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth
The pandemic led to more social isolation, which is a risk factor for depression
Boys and girls experience depression differently:
Girls: sadness, hopelessness
Boys: Irritability, aggression
Social media has a dramatic increase in suicidal behaviour and depressive mood
- Cyberbullying
School connectedness is a powerful protective factor from violence and suicide
Suicide 2 - (Discussion Week 10)