directives patrol enforcenent Flashcards
What crime does vice not handle.
Who handled the second.
The detective division
Who can only issue traffic citations.
Uniformed personnel
In traffic stops where an arrest occurs a traffic citation…………….
Where will the infraction be listed and by who
Will not be issued.
The violation will be listed in the PARS/PINN. By the detective
Writing a TVR OR OVR and not leaving the copy of the ticket
How many days to show traffic court documentation for 1301, 1322, and 1786f
For 1501 or 1511.
How many days to respond to the citation.
5 calander days
15 calander days.
10 days.
What’s the objective of selective enforcement of vehicle stops.
To reduce vehicle accidents. In high accident areas
Till what age do children use a car seat in pa.
What age to use s booster seat.
Use a child car seat until 4 years old.
Use s booster seat from 4 to 8. Until they reach maximum height and weight
Who is exempt from earring a seat belt in a car.
- A person with permission from s Doctor.
- Rural letter carrier. Between first and last delivery.
- Driver delivering goods between first and last delivery.
- Car made before July 1. 1966
What are the rules to a learners permit.
What are the exemptions.
- Parent must certify that child’s 6 month building includes 50 hours of driving.
- Licensed driver 21 or older must be in car.
- May not drive between 11pm and 5am.
- Passengers may not exceed number of sear belts.
- Permit good for one year.
- May be suspended if 6 points are accumulated.
Employment and charity.
What is the alcohol limit for an adult to be DUI in a motor vehicle.
For a minor.
When operating s commercial vehicle.
.08 or greater.
.02 or greater.
What is advised if an operator of s vehicle refuses to give chemical or blood testing for DUI.
When must this test be given.
Informed that their refusal to consent will result in their license being suspended for 12 months
Within 2 hours of the person being in control of the vehicle.
What is zero alcohol tolerance.
What is the charge.
No juvenile under 21 may operate a vehicle with alcohol in their system. Or a commercial driver.
Summery offense.
The the passenger of a vehicle is arrested. Can the operator be issued s citation.
When is the only time you can issue the driver of a motor vehicle a TVR. When they are arrested.
Or….if they are arrested for
If they are already wanted for a precious crime
If an auto accident caused by a DUI driver cause serious bodily injury and additional charges are filed like ……….
What must be obtained.
If they refuse. How do u obtain it
Aggregated assault or manslaughter.
Search warrant or court order.
When is the DUI ignition interlock installed.
For how long.
What percent will not allow the car to start.
After a second conviction for DUI.
One year.
Over .025.
If police radio obtains a hit for an out of state vehicle registration on a scofflaw who is notified.
When will traffic court accept scofflaws where do they go if traffic court doesn’t accept them
When is a scofflaw entered into pars.
Traffic court warrant unit.
Monday to Friday 8am to 130pm except holidays.
The division CCTV.
If they are wanted for defaulting on their payments. And if they have more then 5 scofflaw warrants.
Who may issue a CVN.
- Sanitations officers.
- Operation room supervisor.
- Neighborhood services unit
- Traffic district personnel
- Authorized district personnel.
- The health dept.
- Streets dept.
- L and I.
- Fair mount park employee
What CVN codes can be enforced.
- Property maintained code
- Regulation of business trades and professions.
- Regulation of individual conduct.
- Parks and recreation.
Who is notified when a busyness or company engage in the generation, storage , and transfer of waste material.
Who will be contacted for all short dumping arrests
The environmental response unit.
The neighborhood services unit.
When can police make a warrantless arrest for short dumping.
What can probable cause include.
Can you seize a vehicle used for short dumping.
If so when.
When probably cause exists that they violated it.
Recent evidence of the violation or cooperative evidence from witnesses.
On the second or subsequent misdemeanor level offense of short dumping
What is the grading offense for short dumping as it refers to a person.
What is the grading offense for short dumping as it refers to a person who is the operator of a truck or car for a company.
First offense is a summary.
2nd and subsequent is a M3.
First offense is M2.
2nd offense is a M1 and seizure of vehicle.
Where is a seized vehicle for short dumping taken.
How is it marked.
When can police immediately place the offender of a short dumping under arrest.
The Auto pound.
Marked “ vehicle seized for 2nd offense.
When the offender violated 6501 a3 ( driver works for company ).
Who must process all arrests make for short dumping regardless of the offense is a summary or misdemeanor.
Who else is processed this way.
The detective division.
In order to comply with mandatory fingerprinting. For all summary offenses that become misdemeanors after her second Offense
Retail theft offenders
During the school year What time is curfew for minors 13 and older on the weekday
On the weekend.
And during the summer.
Weekday 10:30 pm.
Weekend. Midnight.
The same.
During the school year What time is curfew for minors under 13 on the weekday.
On the weekend.
During the summer.
Weekdays 9pm.
Weekends 10pm.
Summer weekday 930pm.
Summer weekend. 10pm.
What do police do with curfew violators.
- Obtain they information.
- Transport home.
- Transport to police divisional non secure holding facility
- Contact parents.
5 if no contact after s reasonable time. Let curfew go
When transporting a minor in custody what police cars can transport the minor.
What age can the minor be transported by a patrol car or wagon.
Minors under what age will only be transported by what car.
Radio patrol car or wagon.
Age 9 and older.
8 and below can only be transported by a radio patrol car.
Who may a juvenile in custody ONLY FOR CURFEW be released to.
If no one wants to take custody of the minor what is done.
A parent, guardian, or other custodian.
- Notify the parent that refusal may result in their arrest for EWOC.
- Notify the department of human services.
- Transport the minor to human services.
If a parent or guardian cannot be reached in a reasonable about of time for a curfew not to exceed now long…….what is done with the child.
3 hours.
Notify dept of human resources and transport there
How is every act of domestic violence treated
Who will be contacted for all domestic violence involving elder abuse , child abuse, or neglect.
As an act of violence.
A special victims unit supervisor.
For what domestic felony crimes can an officer arrest without a warrant. When they have probably cause to believe that the crime was ……..even though it was not committed in the presence of the officer.
- Involuntary manslaughter.
- Simple assault.
- Aggravated assault.
- Terroristic threats.
- Harassment or stalking.
For domestic violence what must be observed in order to make a warrantless arrest.
How can u verify a valid PFA in Pennsylvania.
How can you verity out of state.
How are they handled.
- Physical injury.
- Cooperative evidence. Statement or struggled Etc.
handled the same as in state PFA.
For domestic violence purposes What is meant by “ family or household member”.
Who are not considered under his.
- Spouses
- Persons who have been spouses.
- Persons living as spouses.
- Parents or children or other persons related by blood or by law.
- Intimate partners. Current or former.
- Persons that shays biological parents.
Roommates or rooming house disturbances.
Where can a domestic violence person file for a PFA.
Court of common pleas Family court domestic violence unit. Or by contacting a private attorney.
How long is a court ordered PFA good for
Who may issue an emergency relief order.
When does that order expire.
What must they do in that case.
It’s good for a fixed period of time not to exceed 36 months. Unless extended by the court
A master.
The next business day that family court is open.
Must pick up a tempeh PFA on the next business day from family court
When issued a PFA. How long does the person have to relinquish all weapons.
When weapons are relinquished where are they taken.
Within 24 hours
To the detective division. Then to FIU
When confronted in a domestic violence situation where both parties are claiming threats and violence. What should u do.
What are all domestic violence victims given.
Attempt to determine who the Primary aggressor is and handle it accodingly.
- Told the procedure for a PFA.
- Given notice if rights / referral card.
- Law enforcement victims rights guide. Which they must sign for
If a domestic violence crime was committed to snd the victim refuses to go to the detective division who must go give a statement anyway.
Does a detective submit an affidavit in all cases where probable cause exists that a crime was committed based off the officer.
Even if the complainant is uncooperative.
Whose statement is then used for the affidavit.
The responding officer.
The responding officers.
If there is no probable cause in a domestic violence incident and there is no PFA in effect how is the complainant advised
Who may serve a PFA.
To file a private criminal complaint and get s PFA.
- Police officer.
- Sheriff.
- Any competent adult 18 or over
For a warrantless arrest for domestic violence for a misdemeanor when the offender is on location what 3 questions must be answered.
- Does probable cause exist that a crime occurred and that the suspect committed the offense.
- Are there any observed recent physical Injuries or other cooperative evidence.
- Was the crime committed against s family member.
If the offender of s domestic violence incident is not on location and the offense is a felony or misdemeanor what is done
If the offender would’ve been arrested had he been on location. Then what must the detectives do.
- The complainant and any witnesses are taken to her detective division.
- If they refuse then the officer will give s statement to the detective.
The detective division must handle the investigation.
If a complainant has a valid PFA and the suspect isn’t on location when police arrive what is done
What if police don’t transport the victim.
The complainant and witnesses are personally transported to the detective division by police.
Notify the ORS cause the d needs to be sent to the detective division.
What is done in all complaints of domestic violence or violations of PFA whether an arrest is made or not.
The 75-48d report is immediately delivered to the detective division of occurrence. To the detective division domestic violence team As well as to the districts victim assistance officer.
What is done the first time a 7548d is received by hen victims assistance officer.
What is done the second time
Forward copies
The victims assistance officer will fax it to woman against abuse, victims services , and an advocate will follow up with the complainant.
What is done the third time s 75-48d is generated for the same complainant of domestic violence.
In how long
The detective division and the detective division domestic violence team MUST respond to the complainants location.
Within 72 hours.
The assigned investigator if a domestic violence incident will:
- Investigate all acts of domestic violence falling within the definition of title 18 pa 2711 regardless of whether a sight arrest was made.
- Contact PCIC to ascertain the type of PFA order.
When the investigator contacts PCIC in a domestic violence case and there is a valid PFA. What information should the investigator Ascertain.
Where do they put the information.
- Name of the issuing judge.
- The term of the order.
- The case number.
Put it in the investigation report.
If a PFA is violated what charge does the investigator are into the PARS
Contempt of court.
When an offender is arrested for 2711 of domestic violence. What words does the investigator add to the report.
Where do the put it.
facts of the case field of the pars report.
Whenever an offender is arrested for a domestic violence related crime what analysis will the investigator perform.
What/who is it conducted on.
What is used to conduct this.
Where is this information documented.
For what purpose.
A repeal call analysis.
The defendant, the complainant, and home address.
The detective journal, PIIN, and mapping system.
To be use in the prosecution of the offender.
When making an arrest for domestic violence crimes the investigator will notify the complainant and or persons on the PFA order when.
Who documents the notification and Where is the notification documented.
What box.
They must make a reasonable effort to notify them. Notice of the arrest shall be provided no more then 24 hours after the preliminary.
The investigator. In the police integrated information network (7549 PIIN ).
Investigator action taken box.
When a line squad detective handles a domestic violence complaint for the what time ……
It’s transferred to whom automatically.
Third or subsequent complainant.
The DOM personnel. ( the domestic violence team ).
What service is offered to the victims of domestic violence from the PA district attorney’s institute.
What does it notify the victim of.
Except when.
The release transfer or escape of offender.
Offenders released from the police district
When police action takes place on school property who must the investigator notify.
When an arrest takes place who must be notified.
The school principal.
The school principal and school disciplinarian.
Who must handle reports of crimes within school buildings, recreation facilities, and adult education centers ( universities ).
What’s the exception.
When may an incident on school or recreation property be closed out with no investigation.
A divisional detective personnel.
When there is definate evidence that an offense was committed by a juvenile.
If there is no solvability factor and the monetary value is under 2,000 dollars
When pertaining to school employees who are assaulted what is a person guilty of.
When are they guilty if this
What is the grading.
What will the victims never be advised of.
Aggregated assault.
If they intentionally or knowingly cause bodily injury to a teacher, staff member, or employee , etc. of a school or institution.
Making a private criminal complaint.
For assaults involving school employees the investigator will.
- Advise the officer on scene of any additional action.
- Obtain copies of paperwork regarding incident.
- Obtain photos of injuries.
- Arrest the offender by warrant if necessary.
- Prepare and submit all paperwork
Who will investigate assaults and sexual assaults of students by teachers.
What will be advised if there is no serious bodily injury and there is no sexual assault.
Jointly by the police department special victims unit and the department of human services.
A private criminal complainant will be advised
What is the grading for persons violating a stop work order.
Summary citation.
Rules and regulations for selling and displaying firearms and ammunition.
- No firearm may be displayed in a window during non business hours.
- All firearms must be secured in a safe, vault, or secured storeroom.
- During business hours no ammunition will be displayed on the counter or a readily accessible place.
- During non business hours ammunition shall not be displayed in Windows.
What’s the legal age to buy ammunition.
Ammunition given to child my parent or guardian.
What’s the grading for using fireworks without a permit
Summary citation.
The older adults protective act protects adults over the age of what.
Who is most at risk for heat emergencies.
Any person who willfully and knowingly falsifies or deliberately misrepresents an illness ID for epileptic seizures or diabetes is Guilty of what
What is the grading.
What is the penalty
60 and above
The elderly living alone in non air conditioned structures and who have cardiovascular disease.
Unsworn falsification to authorities.
Fine not more then 1,000$ or not more then one year in prison Or both.
Any landlord or person who engages in a self help edition is guilty of what
What is the grading.
What is the penalty.
Self help eviction practices.
Not less then 100$ and not more then 300$ or imorosonment not to exceed 90 days.
Each day the crime continues is a new offense.
What is done when a minor under 18 years old is observed in or Drinking liqueur in a bar.
If over 18 but less the. 21.
Transport them to the district of divisional detectives and Have a detective investigate what action should be Taken.
Take to district of occurrence and process and charge with applicable violation.
What is the grading for falsifying your age to obtain alcohol.
What is the grading for trying to Obtain, purchase consume posess or transport alcohol.
What should be done with a person who serves a minor alcohol in an establishment.
What is the charge.
What is the grading for furnishing alcohol to a minor.
What is the grading for allowing persons of ill repute, prostitutes, criminals, or minors to frequent their establishment.
They should be arrested.
Violation of PA liqueur code.
At what age are juveniles permitted inside s billiard hall. That hall must have at least how many tables.
In places with less then how many tables Must the person be.
What’s the grading for violating this.
At least 16 years old. And must have at least 6 tables.
Less the 6 tables. Must be 18.
What will be done with a person who is in possession of a small amount of marijuana or who is smoking marijuana in public.
What kind of violation is this
A CVN will be issued.
A civil violation.
What is considered a small amount of marijuana.
- 30 grams or less.
- One ounce.
- 70 cigarettes.
- Sixty $5 bags.
- Thirty $ 10 bags.
What will police officers NOT do with offenders who are given a CVN for marijuana.
Unless what ……
- Will not take person into custody.
- Will not transport to a district.
- The offender is a juvenile
- The offender fails to produce id and the officer believed the information provided is false.
- When there is violence or threat of violence.
- Where there is likelihood that the offender will flee
Are CVNs issued to violators for small amount of marijuana entered into pars/ PIIN.
How is Synthetic marijuana processed
The offender is arrested and processed regardless of the amount
What happens if a CVN is issued and its later discovers that the marijuana is over 30 grams.
The CVN is voided and all information is provided to the detective division for processing
Is the intentional purchase or receipt of marijuana a crime. If so what is the grading
When a person is observed purchasing or receiving marijuana what is that person charged with.
If the amount is less then 30 grams the buyer WILL NOT be charged with what
Yes. It’s a misdemeanor.
Intentional purchase or receipt of controlled substance.
Knowing and intentional possession of a controlled substance
What are the three types of human trafficking.
In sex trafficking what are juveniles always considered.
- Labor trafficking
- Debt bondage.
- Sex trafficking
Considered victims of trafficking. Even if no coercion exists
Under the TVPA of 2000 ( trafficking victims protection act) what are victims entitled to.
What is the grading for human trafficking.
What is the grading if the person is under 18
Protection and public assistance in the United States
What is the sentence for a human trafficker if while comitting human trafficking they are also committing rape or kidnapping
The max of a life sentence
Because it’s considered an element of racketeering.
What are some indicators of human trafficking.
- Heavy security at a commercial establishment.
- Victims live at the same premises. And are not allowed to leave. Often looks like a guarded compound.
- Victims are kept under surveillance when taken to a doctor or hospital
- Heavy foot traffic of men.
Who is notified in cases of human trafficking.
Who handles all cases of human trafficking
The special victims unit supervisor.
Special victims unit
- Illegal gambling.
- Prostitution.
- Violation of liquor code laws