DIRECTIVE 10.2 Flashcards
- What is primary duty of all police officers
- What amount of force should always be used by a police officer
- What kind of force will not be tolerated.
- Officers should execercise what.
- To preserve human life
- Only the amount of force necessary to protect life or to effect an arrest should be used.
- Excessive force
- All safe and reasonable means of control and containment , using only the minimal amount of force necessary to overcome resistance.
- What department issued equipment are officers prohibited from carrying off duty, as an alternate weapon. 2
- The electronic capication device.
2. OC spray.
- What alone does not justify the use of deadly force. 2
2. When deciding if an officers deadly force was justified, what term does the US Supreme Court use
- Resisting arrest or flight alone.
2. Objectively Reasonable.
- What does Objectively Reasonable mean.
- It is a fourth amendment standard whereby an officers belief that they must protect themselves or others from death or serious bodily injury is compared and weighed against what a reasonable or rational officer would have believed under similar circumstances.
This determination is made by reviewing all relevant facts and circumstances to each particular case.
- What are the three relevant factors the US Supreme Court uses when evaluating objectively reasonable ground for an officers use of deadly force.
- The severity of the crime at issue
- Whether the suspects poses an immediate threat to safety of the officers or others.
- Whether the suspect is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight.
- Since the three factors listed by the us Supreme Court are not all inclusive, what else is critical in deciding.
- The TOTALITY OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES that led an officer to believe force was needed.
- What are some other factors when deciding on an officers decision to use deadly force.
- If the individual is violent
- The possibility that the individual is armed,
- The number of persons with whom an officer must contend at the time.
- What is NOT a factor when deciding the totality of the circumstances.
- What is resistance.
2. What are the two types of resistance.
- An act by an individual that opposes an officers lawful commands.
- Active resistance and passive resistance.
- What is active resistance
- The use of physical force to defy an officers lawful arrest or attempt to gain control of the situation that requires police action.
- What is passive resistance
- Defying an officers lawful order without the use of physical force. Behavior may include not moving, going limp, locking arms or tightening of the body.
- What is serious bodily injury
- Bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death, causes serious, permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ
- What is the GOAL of the use of force
2. What happens in the event that force becomes unavoidable.
- To always attempt to de escalate and use sound tactics in any situation where force may become necessary.
- Use only the minimal amount of force necessary to overcome an immediate threat or to effectuate an arrest.
- What does the amount of force, the continued use of any force, and the type of police equipment utilized all depend on.
- The situation being faced by the officer
- Once the threat has been overcome or the subject is secured in custody, what is the officers responsibility
- To de escalate and immediately address any injuries that a suspect may have sustained.
- What is the primary factor in choosing a force option
- The suspects behavior
- What are the four stages of the escalation of the force continuum
- No force
- Moderate / limited force
- Less lethal force
- Deadly force.
When STAGE 1 no force is being used:
1. The officers options are : 2. The offender threat is:
- Verbal commands, officer presence
2. Obedient, compliant, non aggressive
When STAGE 2moderate / limited force is being used.
1. Officer options: 2. Offender threat:
- Physical control holds, OC spray
2. Resisting arrest and non compliant.
When STAGE 3 less lethal force is being used.
1. Officer options: 2. Offender threat.
- Electronic control weapon, asp, baton.
2. Physically aggressive or assaultive behavior with immediate likelihood of injury to self or others.
When STAGE 4 deadly force is being used.
1. Officer options: 2. Offender threat behavior:
2. Objectively reasonable belief that there is an immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury.
- what is the use of force DE EScalation levels
- Deadly force
- Less lethal force
- Moderately / limited force
- No force.
- In the following example what force should be used.The offender is compliant non aggressive and responds to verbal commands. Officers may need to handcuff such offenders.
- Is handcuffing considered force.
2. Is a use of force report needed for handcuffing.
- NO.
2. NO.
- What force level should be used in the following example.The offender is non compliant and is resisting the officers commands. Such behavior may include pushing or pulling away, locking arms, or tightening of the body.
- What type of force should be used here.
- Moderate / limited force.
2. The force used is control holds, OC spray.
- What by itself does not warrant the use of force by police
- Verbal aggression.
- What should NEVER be used on protestors or demonstrators that are exercising their right to free speech and are non compliant and are PASSIVELY resisting officers commands.
- What SHOULD be used in this situation.
- OC SPRAY or the Electronic Control Weapon
2. Officers should disengage and contact a supervisor. Maybe additional officers will be used.
- When is it permissible for an officer to use the Electronic Control Weapon and / or the ASP or Baton.
- What does this offenders behavior include
- Only when the offender is physically aggressive or assaultive and there is an immediate likelihood that they may injure themselves or others.
- Punching,
- Kicking
- Grabbing
- Approaching with a clenched fist.
- When is deadly force authorized by police.
- When the officer has OBJECTIVELY REASONABLE belief that they must protect themselves or another person from the immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury
- After employing any force, what should an officer do
- Render appropriate medical aid
- What should officers who witness inappropriate or excessive force have a duty to do.
- Report the violation to a supervisor and Internal Affairs.
- When Must INTERNAL AFFAIRS be informed. 6
- When a person is treated at a hospital while in police custody as a result of actions taken by police.
- When a person dies while in police custody as a result of a result of actions taken by police.
- Any time a person in police custody is treated at a hospital (complains of pain )
- Any incident involving the use of force where an injury or a complaint of an injury results.
- Whenever a baton or asp, OC SPRAY, or the ECW has been used
- Whenever a suspect is struck with a hand, fist , foot , or other body appendage or other object by police.
- What happens whenever the trigger of an ECW is pulled.
2. Except for when.
- It is recorded in the weapon and must be reported to internal affairs.
- Except when a spark test is conducted.
- What will be completed by police whenever police uses physical force upon another person.
- When must the use of force form be filled out.
- The departments use of force form.
- When the baton/asp has been used.
- OC spray was used
- Another object was used to strike
- canine dog has bitten or has been used to apprehend an individual
- The ECW has been used.
- The guidelines are also to be followed by whom
- Police correctional officers.
- What will officers never do when using force.
- When possible , never sit, kneel, or stand on a subjects back or chest.
- Never stand on a subjects head, face or neck area.
- Never offensively kick or stomp on a subject.
- Never use neck restraints, choke holds, or sleeper holds.
- Never transport the person in the face down position, especially while handcuffed.
- When are kicks authorized for police to use
- For defensive purposes only
- What will officers never do if a suspect swallows drugs.
2. What will officers do
- The will never use neck, restraints, choke holds, or sleeper holds.
- Take the person immediately to the nearest hospital.
- Why should police never transport anyone face down position, especially when handcuffed.
- Because this will serve to prevent asphyxia that occurs when the position of the subjects body interfere with their ability to breath.
- What will happen to an individual who is not placed under arrest by complains of an injury that resulted from police use of force.
- They cannot be forced to receive medical treatment.
- Call a supervisor.
- Prepare complaint form
- Have them sign
- What is OC SPRAYs name
- What is OC SPRAY
- What type of effect does OC spray have on a person
- When do the effects of OC spray subside
- It’s an inflammatory agent that causes an intense burning sensation of the skin and mucous membranes.
- It has a near immediate effect on a person.
- After about 30 minutes
- What will happen if OC spray is sprayed in a suspects face. 2
- What will happen if OC spray is inhaled.
- The eyes will close, tear, and swell.
- The subject may become disoriented and lose their balance.
- The respiratory tract will become inflamed and temporarily restrict breathing to short, shallow breaths.
- The suspect may experience choking, gagging, or gasping for breath.
- Burning sensation of the skin may occur
- What can an officer us OC SPRAY for.
- For defense or to assist in effecting an arrest.
- What may OC spray be used for. 6
- Control an aggressively resisting subject (involuntary commitment)
- Prevent an escape from arrest.
- Overcome resistance to an arrest
- Protect an officer or another person from bodily injury
- Prevent an individual from injuring themselves
- What is OC spray NEVER used for. 5
- The dispersal of non violent persons.
- For disorderly crowds
- In situations where people are peacefully exercising their constitutional rights of free speech or assembly
- At random.
- As a threat to gain compliance or information.
- How and where should police deliver the OC spray when using it. And when practical.
- Spray within how many feet.
- In what timing.
- SPRAY DIRECTLY INTO THE FACE (the eyes, nose, and mouth).
- Within 10 to 12 feet
- In two , one half second bursts.
- What should police do after spraying the suspect.
2. What to do when OC spray is sprayed inside.
- Expose him to fresh air
- Expose to water,
- Flush the contaminated area
- Take to hospital.
- Ventilate the are by opening windows and doors.
- What should be done is suspect is wearing contact lenses.
2. If contacts are not removed within how long of OC exposure will serious eye damage occur.
- They should be removed.
2. With 4 to 6 hours of exposure.
- When using OC spray, police will not spray directly into the eyes as a distance of less then what , when possible.
- Where else will officers not utilize OC spray.
- Within 3 feet.
- Spray into the wind
- Keep spray projectors in vehicles.
- Will not store OC spray at temp higher then 120 degrees.
- Who is in charge of issuing OC spray.
- The firearms training unit.
- What should the baton/asp be used for.
2. What should it not be used as.
- For defense and to assist in effecting an arrest.
2. As an offensive weapon.
- What should the asp or baton be used for. 7
- Block or deflect an attack
- Counter strike in self defense
- Control an aggressively resisting subject
- Overcome physically aggressive or assaultive behavior to effect an arrest.
- Protect an officer or another person from bodily injury
- Prevent an individual from injuring themselves
- Prevent suicide
- Where will the baton/asp be carried.
2. How will the asp/baton be carried.
- On the belt, On the opposite side of the gun holster.
2. In a non aggressive manner (under arm)
- What parts of the body should you strike with the asp/baton 3
- Whey these areas
- Muscle in the legs
- The thigh and calf
- The forearms and biceps.
- Because these are the most vulnerable areas to an effective strike.
- If the preferred area of strike are not possible or unsafe, where should the officer strike in the intermediate area. These are know as intermediate areas.
- Why these areas
- The elbows
- The knees
- The ankles.
- The intermediate areas may cause pain or injury , but are not intended to cause permanent damage.
- What will officers NOT do with the asp or baton.
- Make modifications to it.
- Intentionally strike the head, face, throat, chest, abdomen, groin, spine, and collarbone of an individual.
- May not use more force then is necessary to overcome the resistance.
- Will not use another object in place of the baton/asp, unless unusual circumstances preclude the officer from reaching or using the asp.
- Who must complete the use of force notification message to internal affairs for the officer.
- When must this be done by
- The ORS
2. Before the involved officer completes their tour of duty.
- When must all reports be completed by.
- Before the officer completes their tour of duty.
- When the use of force results in death or serious life threatening injury, who will the on scene supervisor immediately notify
- Police radio,
- Their commanding officer or
- CIB.
- When the use of force results in only minor or no injury what must be done.
- What does not need to be done.
- The internal affairs notification screen needs to be completed.
- No phone call to internal affairs from a commander is necessary.
For the distribution of the use of force form, where does the
- Within how long from the incident , must the original copy go to internal affairs.
- How long will kept at internal affairs
- How long with the first copy be kept in the district commanders file.
- When does the commanding officer, firearms training get the second copy.
- The original copy goes to internal affairs
- The first copy goes to the district/unit commanding officers file
- The second copy goes to the commanding officer, firearms training unit.
- Within 10 days.
- For 3 years.
- For 3 years
- Only for use of OC pepper spray and ECW.
- What will happen at the scene of assault on police
- A supervisor will immediately respond.
- After the supervisor responds to the scene of assault on police, what will the responding supervisor do in reference to the scene.
- The responding supervisor will hold or release the crime scene after conferring with a supervisor from the investigative unit.
- What else will the supervisor ensure at the crime scene for assault on police.
- The supervisor will ensure that all personnel are interviewed by the detective division of occurrence.
- Who will send the use of force notification message to internal affairs.
- Within how long.
- The ORS
2. Before the involved officers tour of duty is over.
- Who will be notified immediately whenever an assault on police arrest or investigation occurs.
- What will the detective unit supervisor then do.
- The detective unit supervisor.
- The will confer with the responding supervisor on the scene and determine if the crime scene should be held for processing.
- Who will the detective division supervisor notify on an assault on police incident.
- Why.
- Who is notified if the detective division supervisor is not available.
- The detective supervisor will notify the detective division commanding officer
- So the detective division commanding officer can review all the paperwork involving the arrest before it is entered into pars or if no arrest, before the affidavit for an arrest warrant.
- When will the pars report be submitted for an assault on police arrest.
- Only after the case has been approved by the unit supervisor and the reviewing commander.