Diploma prep waltz part 2 Flashcards
The only correct way of demonstrating of taking back steps and giving rise and fall movements, alignment, or footwork
Point and move the foot back without weight while saying “ right foot back” and Then “left foot side” while completing the back step and moving the left foot into position. this way correct late lowering of the back heel and swing of the moving foot to the side will create the correct dynamic movement
What is Contra body movement (CBM)?
action of turning the opposite upper side of the body (Hip and shoulder) toward the direction of the moving foot and is used to commence all turning movements
Define Poise
position of the upper body in relation to the legs and feet
Name the alignments of the room
-Line of dance
-Diagonal Center
- Center
-diagonal center against line of dance
-against line of dance
-diagonal wall against line of dance
- wall
- diagonal wall
Dance and give alignments for steps 4-9 of the 3/8 right turns as a lady
-backing DW on 4
- pointing LOD on 5
-facing LOD on 6
-facing LOD on 7
-Backing center on 8
- backing DC on 9
Dance and give the CBM and sway for the 3/8 right turn as a man
stand upright position with arms in correct position
-“CBM on steps 1 and 10 is slight”
- then dance it while saying “CBM, left, left, CBM, Right right, CBM, left, left, CBM, right, right
How would you Define CBMP?
-a foot position
-one foot is placed across the track of the other foot, usually used when stepping outside partner or in promenade position where feet are on one track instead of the customary two tracks and creating a better line with partner
Dance and Give description of the underarm turn as a man
steps 1-4 of a box step without turn, raising left hand on step 4 to indicate to the lady on underarm turn. Continue with steps 5 and 6 of the box step leading lady underarm to her right.
-repeat steps 1-6 of box steps regaining normal dance hold
Dance and give foot movements for the crossbody lead as a lady
- RF back
- LF to side
- RF closes to LF
- LF forward
- RF forward right side leading in PP
- LF forward in PP and CMP(pivot)
Is there any sway for man or lady on steps 4-6 of the crossbody lead?
Dance and give the amount of turn as lady for the single twinkle
-NO turn on steps 1 or 2
-1/4 turn to the right between 2 and 3 but the body turns less
-commence to turn left on 4
-1/8 left between 4 and 5
-1/8 left between 5 and 6
When the man dances the optional turn to end facing DC how many turns do the lady dance over steps 1-3?
None. She only turns head to promenade position
Define the term Footwork
refers to the part of the foot that comes into contact with the floor when stepping
How many dance positions are there in the American style?
Define dance position
position of partners in relation to one another
Dance and give the rise and fall for steps 4-7 of the promenade chasse as man
-commence to rise end of 4
-continue to rise on 5 and 6
-lower end of 7
Describe right side position
right foot moves forward to the outside of the partner’s right foot in CBMP. Normal body contact outside form knee down
Describe promenade position
in a basic normal hold, partners move forward direction, in a V-shaped position with the lady on the gentleman’s right side. The gentleman slightly advances the direction of movements gents left and lady right
Describe Counter promenade position
I basic hold, partners move forward in a V-shaped position, slightly released hold, and lady slightly advanced direction of movement is gentleman’s right and lady’s left
Describe fallaway position
normal hold V-shape, both partners move backward
describe the right parallel position
lady in front or behind the gentleman, but to his right