Definition and Clinical features (3)
1- Most common type
2- A result of dilated, weak, poorly contracting ventricle
3- Shortness of breath (usually first complaint), arrhythmias, embolism, heart failure
Causes (11)
1- 50% are idiopathic
2- CAD (a common cause)
3- Toxic: alcohol, doxorubicin
4- Metabolic: uremia, hypophosphatemia
5- Thyroid: hypo or hyper
6- Familial
7- Infectious: viral, Chagas, HIV, Lyme disease
8- Peripartum
9- Haemochromatosis
10- Collagen vascular diseases
11- Catecholamimes: pheochromocytoma, cocaine
Investigations (4)
1- ECG: arrhythmias and T wave flattening (nonspecific findings)
2- CXR: cardiac enlargement
3- Echo: global hypokinesia and dilated ventricle
4- Other diagnostic methods (coronary angio, viral and autoimmune screening) can be used to exclude other diseases
Management (3)
1- Remove the offending agents
2- Digoxin, vasodilators, diuretics
3- Anticoagulants should be considered