Definition (2)
Insufficient perfusion of the coronary arteries due to:
1- Decreased supply:
- Mechanical: atheroma, thrombosis, spasm, embolus, arteritis
- Decreased blood flow: anemia, carboxy Hb, hypotension
2- OR Increased demand:
- Increased cardiac output: HTN
- Hypertrophy from AS, HTN, etc
Most common cause: obstruction (coronary atherosclerosis)
Initial endothelial injury/dysfunction triggers atherogenesis, due to: (5)
Mechanical sheer stress (HTN), Biochemical (high LDL, DM), Immunological (free radicals), Inflammation (infection), Genetic alteration
Pathophysiology (3)
- Increased permeability of endothelium to oxidized lipoproteins —> accumulation —> taken up by macrophages —> lipid-laden foam cells (seen as fatty streaks macroscopically)
- Progressed within Intracellular lipids —> transitional plaque
- Monocytes, macrophages, and damaged endothelium release cytokines (PDGF, TGF-B) —> accumulation of macrophages + smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation —> collagen produced by smooth muscle cells —> plaque formation
Plaque (2)
- Lipid core (fat deposits, foam cells, lymphocytes, phagocytes, smooth muscle cells)
- Fibrous cap (smooth muscle and collagen)
Thrombus may be: (2)
- Adherent to plaque (superficial endothelial injury, endothelial denudation, platelet adhesion)
- Extending into lumen (deep endothelial injury, plaque fissuring, exposed core is thrombogenic, thrombus forms within plaque and expands)
Hemodynamically significant stenosis:
Decreased luminal cross sectional area of around 70%
Classification of CAD (2)
1- Stable Angina
2- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Unstable Angina
- Non ST-elevation MI
- ST-elevation MI
Risk Factors (13)
- Age (above 45 in men and above 55 in women)
- Male gender
- Family history of premature CAD (1st degree FH in male <55yo or female <65yo)
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hyperlipidemia (esp high LDL)
- Hypertension
- Smoking
- Obesity, less exercise, sedentary
- Hypercoagubility (high fibrinogen, factor 7)
- Homocysteinemia
- Drugs (OCP, COX-2 inhibitors)
- Heavy alcohol, cocaine
- Other atherosclerotic disease:
- Intermittent claudication —> 2-4 times increased risk of CAD, CVA, HF
- MI —> 3-6 times increased risk of CVA, HF
- CVA —> 2-4 times increased risk of MI, HF