Inflammation of the pericardial sac
Causes (8)
1- Idiopathic (post viral): preceded by flulike, respiratory, or GI symptoms
2- Infectious: Viral (coxsackie, echovirus, adenovirus), Bacterial (TB), Fungal, Toxoplasmosis
3- Acute MI: First 24 hours
4- Uremia
5- Collagen vascular diseases (SLE, Wegner’s, RA, PAN)
6- Neoplasms: Hodgkin lymphoma, breast ca, lung ca
7- Amyloidosis, radiation, trauma
8- After surgery
Clinical Features (4)
1- Chest pain; retrosternal, radiates to the neck and back, aggravated by coughing, inspiration, and lying supine, relieved by leaning forward
2- Fever and leukocytosis
3- Friction rub; heard best during expiration, very specific but not always present
4- Complications: pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade
Investigations (2)
1- ECG: diffuse ST elevation in all leads and PR depression (more specific)
2- Echo: often normal unless there is pericardial effusion
Treatment (2)
1- Aspirin or Ibuprofen + Colchicine and bed rest are the mainstay of therapy
2- If no response —> glucocorticoids