Digestive System Flashcards
What compose the GI tract??!
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus , stomach, and small and large intestine
A continuos tube running through the ventral body cavity and extending from the mouth to the anus - alimentary canal
Gastrointestinal tract (GI )
The teeth, tongue , salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and pancreas
Accessory structures
- is comprised of skeletal muscle. It’s surface is covered by small bumps called papillae(taste buds )
What are the 5 basic tastes, detected by taste buds
Salt, sweet, sour, bitter, umami
A muscular tube that connects the pharynx and the stomach
A bean shaped hollow organ that communicates with the esophagus and the small intestine
Secreted by the parietal cells it begins protein digestion and helps to kills some infectious organisms
Hydrochloric acid
A hormone that stimulates secretion of Hydrochloric acid
An enzyme that is converted to Pepsin which further digests proteins
Necessary for the absorption of vitamin b12
Intrinsic factor
A long convoluted tube that runs from the stomach to the large intestine
Small intestines
What are the three sections of the small intestines
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
-communicates with the stomach and is about 10inches long, chemical digestion takes place here. (bile duct)
The Walls of the small intestines contain finger like projections known as?
They also to serve to increase absorption of nutrients by increasing the surface area
Most nutrients are absorbed in this section of the small intestines, bc the villi are much longer.
The final portion of the small intestines, is about 11 feet long, it’s main function is to absorb vitamin 12, bile salts, and whatever nutrients that weren’t absorbed in the jejunum.
Peyers patches are abundant
The diameter is much greater, and is only 4-5 feet long
Large intestine
Where the ileum and the large intestine meet up is called the
What are the 4 sections of the colon
Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and the sigmoid colon
Is a worm like structure that protrudes of the cecum
Located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, and has four lobes, and is the second largest organ in the body.
Produces bile breakdown, converts glucose into glycogen, stores vitamins and minerals, filtering harmful substances such as alcohol from the blood, building plasma proteins
Functions of the liver
- play a part in numerous critical activities including enzyme activity, immune function, blood clotting, transport of substances such as hormones and fluid balance
Plasma proteins
Tucked behind the stomach, is an endocrine gland and exocrine organ.
As as endocrine gland it secretes insulin and glucagon
As an exocrine organ it secretes digestive enzymes including pancreatic amylase pancreatic lipase, trypsin though the duodenum
A storage unit for bile which is produced by the liver
Is the breaking down of larger food molecules into smaller food molecules small enough for the use by body’s cells
Taking food into the body (eating)
The intestines contract in a wave like motion to propel food through the GI tract
The breakdown of food by Both chemical and mechanical process
The passage of digested food from the GI tract into the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems for distribution to the cells
The elimination of indigestible substances from the gastrointestinal tract
Digestions begins in the mouth where teeth mechanically break down food
Saliva that contains an enzyme that is used to begin the chemical digestion of starch
Salivary amylase