Cardio Vascular System Pt3 Flashcards
-is the center of the cardiovascular system, and is an efficient pump responsible for circulating blood throughout the body.
Made up of the blood, heart and blood vessels
Cardiovascular system
The heart is surrounded by a sac, which serves to protect the heart and anchor it to the surrounding tissue
- is in a unique cardiac muscle tissue found only in the heart
What are the hearts 4 chambers made up of
2 atria and 2 ventricles
Are smaller with thinner walls, blood is collected here and pumped into the ventricles for further distribution
-are larger thicker walled chambers that pump blood to the lungs and the rest of the body
The atria and the two ventricles are separated by a thick wall known as
Lies between the right atrium and right ventricle
Tricuspid valve
Regulates blood flow of blood from the left atrium to the left ventricle
Mitral valve
Highly specialized connective tissue consisting of cells in a fluid medium, and is composed of two portions
- Formed elements-cells and cell like structure
- Plasma- liquid containing dissolved substance
Red blood cells, they transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells and carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs
White blood cells, they fight infection
Cell fragments that play a role in clotting
The straw color liquid portion of the blood
When certain constituents of plasma move out of the blood through the capillary walls, it bathes the cells
Interstitial fluid
-transports-oxygen from lungs to the rest of body;carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs, heat from various cells, nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract to cells, waste products from the cells , hormones from the endocrine glands to the cells
It regulates - ph through buffers and
Normal body temperature
It protects against - blood loss through clotting mechanism and
Foreign microbes and toxins through certain white blood cells that are phagocytic or specialized proteins such as antibodies, interferon , and complement
Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins, and venues are all
Blood vessels
Vessels that carry blood from the heart to the tissues
Smaller arteries
Microscopic vessels where two-way transport between the blood and the tissues takes place
Thinner walled vessels that carry deoxygenated and waste laden blood from the capillaries back to the heart
Small veins formed by groups of capillaries
What are the three layers of the veins and arteries
Tunica adventita (outer layer ) Tunica media (middle layer) Tunica intima ( inner layer)
Is composed of connective tissue with collagen and elastic fibers allowing the walls to stretch
Tunica adventita
Is composed of smooth muscle and elastic fibers
Tunica media middle layer
Is composed of endothelium.- capillary walls that are very thin are composed of the endothelium
Tunica intima
Refers to the amount of blood that passes through a blood vessel
Blood flow
Pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of a blood vessel
Blood pressure
Amount of blood pumped by one squeeze of the heart; in a damaged heart, blood is pumped out the same but less of it goes through
Stroke volume
Calculated by multiplying stroke volume by heart rate
Cardiac out put
True or false
The left ventricle pumps blood through the aorta, which is the largest artery in the body.
Is a non specific defensive response of the body elicited by tissue damage. Tissue damage causes specialized cells known as mast cells to release various chemicals including histamine
An increase in diameter in the blood vessels, allows more blood to go to the damaged area
Substances normally retained in blood are permitted to pass from the blood vessels, it permits defensive substances in the blood to enter the injured area. This includes infection fighting cells and clotting factors
Increased permeability
- results in the characteristics signs and symptoms of inflammation; redness, heat, pain, and swelling and 5th is loss of function
Inflammation (more)