Differentiated Integration Flashcards
Context of DI
EU enlargements have increasing heterogeneity (diversity)
Increasing euro-scepticism
Not all MS can/want integrate further
Tension between widening v deepening
DI= last resort to stalled negotiations - avoids stalemate where very small minority blocking agreement
Flexibility - MS choose policy option close to ideal
Landscape of DI
Core of MS= participated in almost all integration projects
-founding states and most euro-area MS
Integration outsiders don’t comprise a consistent group, but vary
-UK outside in almost all DI projects
Opt outs
DI can be established on basis of EU treaties through optouts
1st time used - Maasticht Treaty 1992 : UK remain outside EMU
Number optouts increased since Lisbon Treaty
Opt ins
Not required to be involved in project as whole - can select what want to take part in
Ireland and UK : participated majority on asylum policy and fight against illegal migration but not visa policy, migrations
Since Lisbon Treaty UK= 20/24 Council decisions
Multi-Speed Europe
Some states cooperate closer at earlier point to others
Transitional provisions governing accession of new MS
Model= structured around LT goal of uniform, supranational integration
Enhanced cooperation
Min. 9 MS allowed advance integration/cooperation
Extensive cultural and legal heterogeneity (diversity) within EU on 1 issue
Permitted only within shared competences of EU
Can’t be used to expand EU powers or reduce them by returning competences to national level
Risks DI
'2 class Europe' - integrated core group exclude others E.g. Transitional arrangements used by then 15 MS protect from eastern enlargement
Those who opt out lose influence
-opting out implies self imposed marginalisation
Institutional arrangements become even more complex and therefore harder to understand and implement
Optouts can undermine cohesion and solidarity when outsiders are protected from shared risks by their non-participation
- UK debate whether assist eurozone states that have balance of payments problems
- -> helped Ireland out of national interest but refused other aid packages
Collapse of economic interdependence
High levels interdependence + politicisation = DI likely
European integration = threatened by rising hostility towards EU in MS
DI = ?
Arrangements that represents a departure from the principle that all MS must move towards the same objective at same pace
Exists when closer cooperation is established between MS in selected policy fields in which not all MS participate
Anti-thesis to integration