Diarrhea: Neonatal poops Flashcards
What is considered the most important defense against D+?
How much colostrum is required for it to be helpful?
150-200g IgG REQUIRED
What is the amount and by what time should you be tube/bottle feeding a calf?
4L (10% BW) by 2hours post calving
What are reasons for low volume intake?
- Thats just how they naturally suck. (Holsteins about 2.4L instead of 4L)
- mom is going through post partum depression?
- Udder/teat are not in a great conformation (pendulous [ow?!])
- Fetal/maternal disproportion
T/F: Clostrum replaces from bovine colostrum does not have as mnay maternal GF as the real thing.
Super False!!!
THey have MANY GF and immune factors
What can be done to help calf gut health for the 1st 2-3weeks of life?
Blood based prodcuts can be fed to calves for localized gut support post-passive transfer
What can lead to poor quality colostrum?
delay in milking
colostrum leakage prior to calving
dry period is <20d
induction of parturition
1st and 2nd lactation
Ig vol of 1st milking colostrum (Dilution)
Breed (Holsteins have low quality)
Pooling dilutes Ig and spreads Disease
What other factors can affect the quality of colostrum?
- lymphocytes that are in the calfs bloodstream
- insulin-like GF
- IgA providing local immune protection
At what moment in time does a cow have the chance of having FPT (Failure of passive transfer) of her colostrum?
Fresh cows milked >6h after calving
What 3 qualtiies of colostrum can be classified as being FPT?
- Refigerated colostrum >7d
- Frozen colostrum >1yr
- Frozen colostrum >1 freeze-thaw-cycle
You have bacT count on some colostrum clocking at a count >2mil cfu/ml and a fecal coliform registering at a count of <9,500 cfu/ml. From these results is the colostrum good or poor quality?
Poor quality it has FPT.
excessive bact contam of colostrum total bact count of >1mil cfu/ml and/or fecal coliform count at <10,000 cfu/ml
T/F: Calves don’t routinely get 4qt of 1st milk colostrum or 1 pkg of replacer within 4h of birth.
Name other reasons a colostrum can have predisposing factors of FPT:
- unobserved calving
- colostrum replacement/supplement mixed with colostrum
- shortage of colostrum
- routinely pooled colostrum
- fresh cow health is poor
How should colostrum be stored?
Room temp 1d
Refrigerate 1 week
Frozen at 20o C (-4oF)
Why is passive immunity interference against a vaccine response not absolute?
Because it depends on the Antigen and level of circulating Antibodies.
At what day does colostrum have passive immunity?
Min values at 60d
T/F: immunological competence appears at birth but doesn’t reach max levels before 2-3mo.
E. coli K99 fimbrae adhere to…
T/F: E.coli is not a heat stable enterotoxin.
Super False!!!
Super heat stable enterotoxin
E. coli K99 _________cyclic AMP and GMP, thereby having _______ secretion of Na+, Cl- and _________ NaHCO3.
What are 3 risk factors of being dx with E. Coli K99?
- physiologic “high pH’ in abomasum (acid sterilizer) 1st 24-48h (this facilitates bact growth)
- Unhygienic conditions (super ew)
- Inadequate colostrum protection
What are some CS of E. coli?
D+ (secretory)
deH, Hypovolemic shock
sunken eyes, skin tent
What other evaluation must you perform when dealing with an E. coli k99 case?
FPT evaluation
How do you Dx E. coli K99?
Radioimmune assay (RIA) Gold Standard but $$$
Na+ sulfate precipitation test (precipitation in all dilutions REQUIRED)
- not influenced by inflam and deH*
- precipitate in 18% only = <500mg/dL*
- precipitate in 18% and 16% = 500-1000mg/dL*
- precipitate in 18%, 16%, and 14% = >1500mg/dL*
You dx a calf with E. coli, and you did a chem panel that measures GGT at 45 IU/L. What can you confirm with these results?
Serum GGT <50 IU/L = FPT
What is commonly measured in the Farm Setting?
Should be >5.5g/dL within 1st week of life
You perform a blood gas on an E.coli K99 case. What metabolic changes can you expect?
Metabolic acidosis
How would you treat E. coli K99?
IV fluids (alkalinizing, multisol, LRS)
Can give isotonic bicarb if blood pH <7.2
Glucose to final 2.5%
Electrolytes PO 1st 24-48h
Caffeine 200mg SID
Colostrum of lower quality for local protection
When treating E. coli K99 and administering Electrolytes PO, what else should be given afterwards:
milk 4-6x/d at 10-20% BW
Abx if septicemic
NSAIDs will decrease GI secretion
How do you prevent E. coli K99?
Coliform mastitis vax
K99 Antibiotic at birth (bovine ecolizer)
Rota//corona/C. perfringens type C/E.coli K99, give 2 injections to pregnant cow (bump up colostrum)
Hight quality and quantity of colostrom