Diagnostics Flashcards
- principle that test scores form a normal distribution with a tendency toward the center
central tendancy
- measure of normal variability
- average difference of scores from the mean score
standard deviation
- the standard deviation that would be obtained if
- a person of average ability took the test a large number of times and their scores were plotted
- tells the confidence of the test score
Standard Error of Measurement (SEM)
the number of standard deviation units a person’s socre falls from mean score of that population
- Normalized standard scores with a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 2
- Scale of 9
- does the test measure what it says it does?
- the effectiveness of a test in representing describing, or predicting an attribute of interest
common sense match between test’s intended purpose and it’s content to untrained observers
face validity
- the adequacy with which the test items adequately and representatively sample the content area to be measured
content validity
- the accuracy with which or the extent to which a measure describes or measures the trait or construct
- abstract, theorhetical concept
construct validity
- the effect or accuracy with whcih a measure predicts success
- 2 types: concurrent and predictive
cirterion-related validity
type of criterion related validity
evidence shows test agrees with other valid instruments
concurrent validity
type of criterion related validity
evidence taht a test predicts how a child will perform later on on another valid measure of speech and/or language
predictive criterion related validity
all those who score well should score well on the same items and vice versa
internal consistency
agreement by more than one examiner
inter-rater reliability
assumption that a client’s performance on the instrument one day will be the same as another
test-retest reliability
performance on the odd numbered questions will correlate with even numbered questions
split half reliability
communicative behaviors from the first language are transferred to the second
specific second language errors become ingrained even after the speaker becomes quite fluent
speaker develops a personal linguistic system while trying to produce the target language; consistently changes
decline in first language proficiency while 2nd language is being learned
language loss