Diagnostic Stains Flashcards
What is the use of Fluorescein sodium?
Tonometry, corneal abrasions, CLs fitting
What are the uses of rose Bengal?
Staining dead or devitalised cells in the conjunctiva and aids in dry eye diagnosis
What are the uses of Lissamine green?
Stains lipids like structures, dead epithelial cells and damaged cells mucus
What is a disadvantage of Fluorescein sodium?
Pseudomonas, aeruginosa
What is a disadvantage of rose bengal?
Irritates dry eyes on installation and can stain healthy cells
What else is Fluorescein used for?
Fluorescein angiography
What are the contraindications of Fluorescein?
Known sensitivity, if wearing contact lenses
What makes rose bengal different from Fluorescein?
It binds to mucous strands as well as epithelial cells
Does rose bengal sting?
Yes, especially in dry eyes
What conditions would benefit from rose bengal?
- Keratoconjunctivits sicca
- Dendritic keratitis
- Neuroparalytic keratitis
- Exopthalmos
- Pressure due to CLs wear
What is lissamine green available in?
1.5mg ophthalmic strips
What filter is used with lissamine green?
Red filter, start on low illumination as high illumination could bleach it out
Can optometrists use lissamine green?
Yes if deemed in the best interest of their patient, ther is no marketing licence for it
What stains mucus?
Alcian blue
What does Trypan blue stain?
Mucus and dead cells which have undergone structural changes
What does bromothymol blue stain?
Degenerate and dead cells, mucus, investigate chemical acid damage
What stain is used for catering stain that stains nerve tissue
Methylene blue
What does tetrazolium stain?
Degenerate cells, tumours and asses corneal grafts