Diagnostic criteria Flashcards
anthraquic horizon
paddy soils: The layer comprising the puddled layer and the plough pan, both showing a reduced matrix and oxidized root channels.
hortic horizon
It is dark, has a high content of organic matter and phosphorus (P), high animal activity, and high base saturation; resulting from long-term cultivation, fertilization, and application of organic residues.
hydragric horizon
paddy soils: The layer below the anthraquic horizon showing redoximorphic features and/or an accumulation of iron (Fe) and/or manganese (Mn).
irragric horizon
A uniformly textured layer with at least moderate content of organic matter and high animal activity, gradually built up by sediment-rich irrigation water.
plaggic horizon
A dark layer with at least moderate content of organic matter, sandy or loamy; resulting from the application of sods and excrements.
pretic horizon
A dark layer with at least moderate content of organic matter and phosphorus (P), high contents of exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), including Amazonian Dark Earths.
terric horizon
It shows evidence of the addition of substantially different material, with at least moderate content of organic matter and high base saturation; resulting from adding mineral material (with or without organic residues) and cultivation.
calcic horizon
A horizon with an accumulation of secondary carbonates that are not continuously cemented.
cryic horizon
A horizon that is perennially frozen, showing visible ice or temperatures below 0°C if water is insufficient.
salic horizon
A horizon with high amounts of readily soluble salts.
thionic horizon
A horizon with sulfuric acid and a very low pH value.
folic horizon
An organic layer that is not water-saturated and not drained.
histic horizon
An organic layer that is water-saturated or drained.
chernic horizon
A thick, very dark-coloured horizon with high base saturation, moderate to high content of organic matter, and well-developed soil structure or structural elements created by agricultural practices.
mollic horizon
A thick, dark-coloured horizon with high base saturation and moderate to high content of organic matter, with at least some soil structure or structural elements created by agricultural practices.
umbric horizon
A thick, dark-coloured horizon with low base saturation and moderate to high content of organic matter, with at least some soil structure or structural elements created by agricultural practices.
argic horizon
A subsurface layer with distinctly higher clay content than the overlying layer, without a lithic discontinuity and/or presence of illuvial clay minerals.
duric horizon
A horizon with concretions or nodules cemented by secondary silica, and/or remnants of a broken-up petroduric horizon.
ferric horizon
A horizon containing ≥ 5% reddish to blackish concretions and/or nodules and/or ≥ 15% reddish to blackish coarse masses, with accumulation of Fe (and Mn) oxides.
gypsic horizon
A horizon with an accumulation of secondary gypsum that is not continuously cemented.
limonic horizon
A horizon with accumulation of Fe and/or Mn oxides in a layer that has or had gleyic properties; at least partially cemented.
natric horizon
A subsurface layer with distinctly higher clay content than the overlying layer, without a lithic discontinuity and/or presence of illuvial clay minerals; high content of exchangeable sodium (Na).
A horizon with an accumulation of secondary carbonates that are relatively continuously cemented.
petroduric horizon
A horizon with an accumulation of secondary silica that is relatively continuously cemented.
petrogypsic horizon
A horizon with an accumulation of secondary gypsum that is relatively continuously cemented.
petroplinthic horizon
A horizon consisting of oximorphic features inside (former) soil aggregates that are at least partially interconnected and have a yellowish, reddish and/or blackish colour; high contents of Fe oxides; relatively continuously cemented.
pisoplinthic horizon
A horizon with ≥ 40% at least moderately cemented yellowish, reddish, and/or blackish concretions and/or nodules, with accumulation of Fe oxides.
plinthic horizon
A horizon that has in ≥ 15% of its exposed area oximorphic features inside (former) soil aggregates that are black or have a redder hue and a higher chroma than the surrounding material; high contents of Fe oxides; not continuously cemented.
sombric horizon
A subsurface accumulation of organic matter other than in spodic or natric horizons; not a buried surface horizon.
spodic horizon
A subsurface accumulation of aluminum (Al) with iron (Fe) and/or organic matter.