Developmental Milestones Flashcards
What is a 4 month old able to do in supine?
- Head in midline
- May roll side to side
- Hands engage near mouth face or chest
- Able to kick legs symmetrically
- Able to follow keys past midline of head
What is a 4 month old able to do in prone?
- Props on forearms, elbows in front of shoulders
- Head lifted 45-90 degrees with chin tuck
- Legs are extended with weight through pelvis
- Tendency to fall sideways with lateral weight shift
What are the characteristics of rolling for a 4 month old?
- Attempts to roll side to side with arm leading
- May role supine to prone at 4 months
- Prone to supine at 5 months
What are the characteristics of sitting for a 4 month old?
- With support, back in lumbar region is straight but rounded in thoracic region.
- Holds head erect continuously
How much weight bearing in standing is expected of a 4 month old?
- May be NWB while independent sitting developing
What are the characteristics of pull to sit for a 4 month old?
- Slight head lag initially which is quickly corrected by infant
- Chin tuck present
- Able to flex hips into sitting
What are the features of fine motor development at 4 months?
- Grasps ring when given
- Reaches and grasps ring, eye-hand co-ordination.
- Explores environment visually
- Resists withdrawal of toy, does not have purposeful release
- Hands engage in midline
- Beginning to finger, pull, scratch own and other person’s clothes
- Ulnar /palmar grasp, drops one cube for another
What is a 6 month old able to do in supine?
Feet to mouth
What is a 6 month old able to do in prone?
- Props on extended arms
- Reaches for toy with one hand and props on forearm with the other
- Rolls supine to prone to reach things
- Pivots in prone
What are the characteristics of rolling for a 6 month old?
Able to roll (at 7months rolls with trunk rotation)
What are the characteristics of sitting for a 6 month old?
- Stronger trunk extension
- Independent circle sit for short time
- Propping forward onto extended arms
- Protective reactions present in forward direction
How much weight bearing in standing is expected of a 6 month old?
- May be NWB while independent sitting developing
What are the characteristics of pull to sit for a 6 month old?
- No head lag
- Lifts head in supine in anticipation
- Head righting ability in all directions
What are the characteristics of locomotion for a 6 month old?
- Combat crawling on tummy by 7 months
- Can maintain 4-point crawl position at 7 months
What are the features of fine motor development at 6 months?
- Brings toys to midline to play
- Holds bottle/rattle with 2 hands
- Takes toys to the mouth
What is a 9 month old able to do in supine?
- Rolls/creeps/crawls for locomotion
- Sits from supine, through side lying
What is a 9 month old able to do in prone?
- Pushes up from prone to sitting with rotation
What are the characteristics of sitting for a 9 month old?
- Sits independently
- Moves in and out of position readily
- Protective extension in arms: forwards at 6mths, sideways at 8mths, backwards at 10mths
How much weight bearing in standing is expected of a 9 month old?
- FWB in supported stand
- Positive Landau (ventral suspension) trunk and hip extension
What are the characteristics of pull to stand for a 9 month old?
Pulling up on furniture to stand
What are the characteristics of locomotion for a 9 month old?
- Combat crawling
- Bottom shuffling
- Quadruped crawling
What are the features of fine motor development at 9 months?
- Grasps dangling object
- Transfers from hand to hand
- Gross pincer grasp
- Some fine pincer grasp
- Takes toy out of container or ring off a stick