developmental milestones Flashcards
ability to draw a triangle
5 years
reaches for objects
3 months
holds in palmar grasp
6 months
passes objects from one hand to another
6 months
points with finger
9 months
good pincer grip
9-12 months
bangs toys together
12 months
builds bricks in towers of:
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
builds bricks in towers of:
- 2 = 15 months
- 3 = 18 months
- 6 = 2 years
- 9 = 3 years
turns pages one at a time
2 years
hand preference before what time frame is abnormal and may indicate cerebral palsy
12 months
Double syllables ‘adah’, ‘erleh’
6 months
Says ‘mama’ and ‘dada’
Understands ‘no’
9 months
Knows and responds to own name
12 months
Vocabulary of 200 words
2.5 years
Combine two words
Points to parts of the body
2 years
Quietens to parents voice
Turns towards sound
3 months
Talks in short sentences (e.g. 3-5 words)
Asks ‘what’ and ‘who’ questions
Identifies colours
Counts to 10 (little appreciation of numbers though)
3 years
Asks ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ questions
4 years
No head lag on being pulled to sit
Lies on tummy
Good head control
Held sitting, lumbar curve
3 months
Rolls front to back
Held sitting, back straight
Pulls self to sitting
Lying on abdomen, arms extended
Lying on back, lifts and grasps feet
6 months
Sits without support
7-8 months
When to refer if not able to sit without support
12 months
(usually can do at 7-8 months)
Pulls to standing
9 months
walks with one hand held
12 months
walks unsupported
13-15 months
when to refer if unable to walk unsupported
18 months
squats to pick up a toy
18 months
walks upstairs and downstairs holding onto rail
2 years
rides a tricycle using pedals
walks up stairs witout holding onto rail
3 years
hops on one leg
4 years
can draw circular scribble
18 months
can copy vertical line
2 years
can copy circle
3 years
can copy cross
4 years
can copy square and triangle
5 years
can look at book, pats page
15 months
turns pages, several at a time
18 months
turns pages, one at a time
2 years
6 weeks
when to refer if not smiling by?
10 weeks
(usually at 6 weeks)
enjoys friendly handling
3 months
not shy
6 months
takes everything to mouth
9 months
May put hand on bottle when being fed
6 months
Drinks from cup + uses spoon, develops over 3 month period
12-15 months
Competent with spoon, doesn’t spill with cup
2 years
Uses spoon and fork
3 years
Uses knife and fork
5 years
Helps getting dressed/undressed
12-15 months
Takes off shoes, hat but unable to replace
18 months
Puts on hat and shoes
2 years
Can dress and undress except for laces and buttons
4 years
Plays ‘peek-a-boo’
9 months
Waves ‘bye-bye’
Plays ‘pat-a-cake’
12 months
Plays contentedly alone
18 months
Plays near others, not with them
2 years
Plays with other children
4 years