Development Of The Nazi Party 1923-1929 Flashcards
What happened on the 8/9 November 1923
Munich Putsch:
- Failed Nazi Putsch
-Led to Hitler being sentenced to 5 years at Landsberg Prison
-Made Hitler a national figure
-Many won over by his oratory and argument that he revolted against weak Weimar govt
-Many RW groups supported
-Lenient sentence suggested judges sympathised with his aims
What important thing happened in Landsberg Prison 1924
-Mein Kampf written
December 1924
-Hitler left prison
-many challenges as party membership was falling and Nazis were divided
February 1925
-Hitler refounded the party
-Wrote an article in the Nazi paper Volkischer Beobachter entitled “a new beginning”
-His ideas included establishing his leadership of the party ‘Fuhrer principle” and using constitutional tactics to gain control of the government
February 1926
-special party conference held at Bamberg where differences between Hitler and Strasser emerged.
-Strasser-effective leader of party in N Germany-LW beliefs
-Hitler-S Germany-RW beliefs
-Hitler defeated Strasser but LW beliefs remained in 25 point programme
GAUE 1927
-Strasser reorganised party into 35 regions which covered all of Germany
-Each Gaue led by a gauleiter
-Goebbels became Berlin Gauleiter
-Goebbels created second newspaper Der Angriff to spread nazism
-appointed chief propaganda in 1930
How did the Nazis increase membership between 1925-1928
-set up organisations for different groups of Germans eg Nazi Teachers Association, Union of Nazi Lawyers, SS
1928 Reichstag elections
-only won 12 seats (economic stability=support for traditional democratic parties)
-1928 gained support from rural areas in N Germany
-1929 land elections- Germans facing economic difficulties (FARMERS) ready to vote Nazis
The Young Plan and National Opposition 1929
-RW groups outraged Germany still had to pay reparations
-National committee created by Alfred Hugenburg to oppose plan (national opposition)
-Nazi membership grew with work to get rid of plan
-Rally’s at Nuremberg gained attention for Hitler and he became ally of Hugenberg (greatest media tycoon)
-Therefore Nazi rally’s and speeches now shown in cinemas
Wall St Crash and Great Depression October 1929
Nazi party in position to take advantage of hardships ordinary Germans now faced.