Development of renal and reproductive system Flashcards
urgenital is derived from
intermediate mesoderm along posterior wall of abdominal cavity
first stage of kidney development
begins at fourth week
7- 10 solid cell groups in cervical region
form vestigal excretory unit
by the end of the fourth week all indicatiosm pronephric system are gone
derived from upper thoracic to upper lumbar segments
develop at the end of pronephrons stage
first excretory tubule of the mesonephros appear capillaries appear will form glomerulus around the glomerulus the tubule will form bowman capsule together these structures continue as renal corpuscle
longitudinal collecting duct
mesonephric duct aka wolffian duct
middle of second month development
mesonephrons form large ovoid organ on each side of the midline
ridge between developing gonads and kidneys
urogenital ridge
definitive kidney
when does the metanephros appear
during the fifth week
collecting duct of the permanent kidney develop from
ureteric bud
ureteric bud penetrates metanephric tissue dilating and forming
renal pelvis and splits into cranial and caudal portions which are the future major calcyes
ureteric bud gives rise to
ureter renal pelvis major and minor calyces and 1- 3 million collecting tubule
each newly formed collecting tube distal end is covered in
metanephric tissue cap
what week of glomerular capillaries form
10th week
wilms tumor
cancer of the kidneys that affect children under 5 years of age due to mutation of WT1 gene on 11p13
position of kidneys
initially in pelvic region later shift mer cranially to abdomen
ascent of kidneys caused by
diminution of body curvature and by growth of the body of the lunar and sacral regions
blood supply of metanephrons
pelvic branch of the aorta
at what week does the metanephron become functional
12th week
responsible for exertion in fetal life
fourth too seventh week of gestation
cloaca divides into urogenital sinus anteriorly and anal canal posteriorly
urorectal septum
layer of mesoderm between primitive anal canal and urogenital sinus
tip of urorectal septum forms
perineal body
urgenital sinus is divided into three parts
upper and largest part - urinary bladder
the urachus - connects the apex of the bladder with the umbilicus in adult it forms median umbilical ligament
narrow canal pelvic part of the urogenital sinus - gives rise to prostatic and membraneous pays of the urethra
last part - phalic part
gives rise to ejaculatory duct
duct of mesonephric
gives rise to trigone of bladder
later development of the trigone
with time it shifts from mesodermal to epithelium endodermal along with the rest of the bladder
epithelium of urethra in both sexes
originates in the endoderm surrounding connective tissue and smooth muscle derived from visceral mesoderm
prostate gland development
at the end of the third month epithelium of the prostatic urethra proliferates
prostatic urethra proliferates and gives rise to
prostate in men and urethral and paraurethral glands in women
when do the gonads squire female or male characteristics
7 th week of development
gonads are formed from
proliferation of epithelium and a congestion of underlying mesenchyme
when do germ cells appear in genital ridge
sixth week of development
primordial germs cells originate in the
encodes testis determination factor
SRY gene
separates testis cord from surface epithelium
tunica albuginea
germ cells and sustentacular cells of sertoli are derived from
derived from surface epithelium of the gland
interstitial cells of leydig are derived from
original mesenchyme of gonadal ridge
what week of gestation do the leydig cells produce testosterone
eighth week of gestation
when is seminiferous tubules formed
at puberty
wolffian duct becomes
ductus deferens
forms ovarian medulla
vascular stroma
medullary cord in embryo
develops in men
degenerates in women
cortical cords in embryo
develops in women
no cortical cord in men
when is genetic sex determined
determined at fertilisation but isn’t recognised until the seventh week of gestation
genital ducts include
mesonephric duct - wolffian
paramesonephric duct - müllerian
genital ducts in males are derived from
mesnephric kidney system and are stimulated to develop testosterone
form epididymis
mesonephric ducts