Development of Muscular System Flashcards
What structures come off the paraxial mesoderm?
Somites: myotome (muscle), sclerotome (axial skeleton), dermatome (dermis)
What structures come off the intermediate mesoderm?
Urogenital: kidneys and gonads
What structures come off the lateral plate mesoderm?
Connective tissue: Blood, lymph, mesenteries, cardiovascular
Myotomes of the paraxial mesoderm form all of the muscles except what?
Eye muscles
The ventromedial portion of the somite of the paraxial mesoderm gives rise to what?
The Dorsolateral portion of the somite of the paraxial mesoderm gives rise to what?
Ventromedial = sclerotome
Dorsolateral= dermatome and myotome

What are the key components of the vertebral canal?
Notochord and paraxial mesoderm
In the development of the vertebral column the scleretome is divided up in the caudal and cephalic portions.
Which is dense and which is lose?
What portion fuse together?
Caudal is dense
Cephalic is loose
1/2 of the dense Caudal portion fuses to 1/2 of the loose cephalic portion to form the vertebrae

The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is formed by what?
Expanded notochord
or the left over part of the notochord
Annulus fibrosis is formed by what structure?
Fibrous tissue of sclerotome and fibrocartilage
What structures of the vertebrae actually form from the caudal dense portion?
Superior articular process
Transverse process

What structures of the vertebrae actually form from the cephalic loose portion?
Inferior articular process

What structures of the vertebrae are formed from both the caudal dense portion and cephalic loose portion?
Spinous process
Centrum (body)
The intervertebral disk is formed from what germinal layer?
Ribs and costal cartilage are derived from what structures?
The sternum develops in what embryonic structure?
Somatic layer lateral plate mesoderm
Formation of the sternum and ribs happens around what week?
Week 5
Cervical vertebrae are formed by what Hox?
Hox 4 and Hox 5
Ribs are signaled by what Hox genes?
Hox 6
What hox gene will give us floating ribs?
Hox 9
Lumbar vertebrae are formed with what hox gene?
Hox 10
Sacral vertebrae are formed by what hox gene?
Hox 11
Gain of function for hox genes causes what abnormality?
Caudalization, where superior regions take on traits of the inferior (caudal) region
Gain of function mutation of Hox 6 in the cervical region will lead to what?
The cervical region developing ribs and looking more thoracic
Gain of function mutation of Hox10 leads to what in thoracic region?
Thoracic vertebrae will now look more like lumbar vertebrae
Loss of function mutation of Hox genes causes what phenonmenon?
Cranialization where the inferior vertebrae take on traits of the region above it
Loss of function mutation usually relate to what Hox genes?
What occurs?
Hox 4
cervical vertebrae look more like C1
Hox 5
cervical vertebrae look more like C2
Hox 10
lumbar vertebrae look more thoracic
Hox 4 is normally expressed in what region?
Hox 5 is normally expressed in what region?
Bilateral cervical ribs contributes to thoracic outlet syndrome where axillary arteries are compressed, and are formed through what disorder?
Gain of function of Hox 6
Funnel chest, or pectus excavatum is when the sternum is depressed and the heart can be shifted. Some have exercise intolerance
Pectus Excavatum
What are the two different regions the myotome become, and what structures does each give rise to?
Epaxial muscles (dorsal side) innervated by dorsal rami
(erector spinal groups)
Hypaxial muscles innervated by ventral rami
(flexors of the trunk)
Scalene, Prevertebral, geniohyoid, and infrahyoid muscles are from which of the following?
A. Hypaxial cervical myotome
B. Hypaxial thoracic myotome
C. Hypaxial lumbar myotome
D. Hypaxial Sacrococcygeal myotome
Hypaxial cervical myotome
Lateral and ventral flexor muscles of the vertebral column are from which of the following?
A. Hypaxial cervical myotome
B. Hypaxial thoracic myotome
C. Hypaxial lumbar myotome
D. Hypaxial Sacrococcygeal myotome
Hypaxial thoracic myotome
Quadratus lumborum are from which of the following?
A. Hypaxial cervical myotome
B. Hypaxial thoracic myotome
C. Hypaxial lumbar myotome
D. Hypaxial Sacrococcygeal myotome
Hypaxial lumbar myotome
What is Poland syndrome?
What disease or disorder is it associated with?
What is the embryological mechanism associated with formation of Polands syndrome?
Absence of pectoralis major and sometimes absence of ribs
Abnormal migration of hypaxial muscles, as in they did not migrate into the anterio chest
What is Prune Belly-syndrome?
What 2 disorders is it also associated with?
What embryological mechanism is associated with Prune Belly syndrome?
Absence of abdominal musculature
Cryptorchidism (failure of testes to descend)
Urethral abstruction (malformation of urinary tract and bladder)
Abnormal migration of the hypaxial muscles into the abdomen