Dermatomes, Myotomes, and Spinal Nerve Plexus Flashcards
Injury to a dorsal root would cause what effect?
Sensory deficits like parathesia
Injury to the ventral root would cause what effect?
Motor defects like weakness
The dermatome and myotome are derived from what?
Posterior horn of the spinal nerve provides ________ while anterior horn is associated with _______
Posterior = sensory
Anterior = motor
What is a dermatome?
Area of skin supplied with an AFferent nerve fiber by a single Posterior Spinal Root
What is a myotome?
All muscles that are innervated by a single Efferent nerve fiber from an Anterior spinal root
What is the difference between a dermatome map and a myotome map?
Dermatome map is 1:1 having 1 dorsal root relating to a portion of the body
Myotome map shows the cutaneous nerve foing to the surface of the skin
What are the major terminal branches of the Lumbrosacral plexus?
Femoral N
Obturator N
Sciatic N
Tibial N.
Common Fibular N.
Lateral and Posterior Femoral Cutaneous N.
Top of the shoulder
Radial aspect of the forearm
5th digit (pinky)
Nipple Line
Belly Button
Big Toe
Little toe
Deltoid muscle/lateral arm
Middle finger
Medial Arm
Impingement of a single segment of root can be determined using what map?
A. Nerve Map
B. Myotome Map
C. Dermatome Map
D. None of the above
Dermatome Map
Impingement that affects a spinal nerve proper can be determined using which of the following maps?
A. Nerve Map
B. Myotome Map
C. Dermatome Map
D. None of the above
Nerve Map