Development Flashcards
Low parental support and low behavioral regulation
Uninvolved parents
Anxious all the time even with mom. Show great distress for her leaving but reject when she returns
The probability that a trait in one person will be shared by another (twins)
concordance rates
Newborn sleep
16-18 hours with large periods of REM
Social, vocal, happy, active
Cause of schizophrenia
abnormal gray matter thinning
How does motor development occur in infants and children?
Head to toe and midline outward
Two of the same alleles
What do genes impact?
Indifferent. No distress when moms gone and doesn’t approach when she returns
4 stages of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, and Formal operational
What do temperament and environment effect?
Each other
Diverse patterns. Indifference and inconsistent rxns
Insecure attachment
Kohlbergs stages of moral reasoning
Preconventional, conventional, and postconventional
concrete operational age
What happens around age 6-13?
Spurt in myelination in language and spatial relations regions of the brain
When does gray matter growth peak and start thinning in the cortex
11-12 yrs
High parental support and low behavioral regulation
Indulgent parents
preoperational age
Twins that share 100% of DNA
Monozygotic twins
Incorporating new learning into an existing schema without revising the schema
Lev Vygotsky approach
interactions with others in the same culture teach children how to think and problem solve, individuals gain knowledge by interacting with others, zone of proximal development
Moral choices made according to expectation of punishment
Preconventional morality
What does temperament impact?
Personality and behavior in adulthood
Sense of being male or female
Gender identity
Incorporate new learning into an existing schema that requires schema revision
Pattern of traditionally male or female behavior
sex-role behaviors
Limitations on the ability to understand the point of view of other people
Sensorimotor age
birth - 2 years
Angry, fearful, shy, frustrated
Negative affect
Moral choices are made according to personal standards and reason
Pay attention, inhibit behavior
Effortful control
Even very young children have knowledge about some objects before they have experiences with them
Naive theories
Why do newborns cry and how much?
2-3 hours a day bc they are starting to communicate
Likelihood that variations observed in a pop are bc of genetics
When are periods of critical brain growth
Very young with myelination burst and pruning and in adolescence
High parental support and high behavioral regulation
Authoritative parents
When does cognition develop
Insecure attachment types
Avoidant, anxious-ambivalent, disorganized
Rate of processing increases with age, as does attention span and memory abilities
Information processing
Moral choices made according to law or public opinion
Who you are attracted to
sexual orientation
Distressed when mom leaves but happy when she returns. Mom is a secure base to explore from
Secure attachment
The ability to form mental representations of objects that are no longer visible
object permanence
When does muscle start to decrease
Piaget criticisms
cognitive development is more continuous than stage like and he didn’t take cultural cortex into account
Twins that share about 50% of DNA
Dizygotic (fraternal) twins
Inconsistent. Seem dazed and confused
formal operational age
11 on
Low parental support and high behavioral regulation
Authoritarian parents
Understanding that changing an objects form or appearance does not change its quality
Tow different alleles
Refers to the understanding that others have thoughts that are different from ones own
Theory of mind
When does synaptic pruning occur?
Infancy and childhood
Zone of proximal development
How a kid can learn new things. Finding balance between what learner can do and how hard the task is