Development Flashcards
4 functional areas of development
Gross motor
Vision and fine motor
Hearing, speech and language
Social emotional and behavioural
Crawling begins at what age (median)
8-9 months
Limit age for sitting without support
9 months
6-8 is median
Limit age for unsteady walking
18 months
12 median
Limit age for following objects
3 months
6 weeks median
Limit age for reaching out for toys
6 months
Limit age for transferring toys from one hand to another
9 months
7 months median
Limit age for pincer grip
12 months
10 months median
Limit age for smiling responsively
8 weeks
6 median
Limit age for symbolic play
- 5 years
1. 5-2 years median
As part of a development exam, you place the child on its back on the floor
What would you observe at each age?
Head control - 3 months
sit unaided - 6 months
Stands with assistance - 9 months
Walks - 15 months
Crawls - 8 months
As part of a development exam, you hand the child a few bricks. What would you observe at each age?
Palmar grip - 6 months
Transfers - 6 months
Pincer grip - 9 months
3 cube tower - 18 months
Bridge - 3 years
As part of a development exam, you hand the child a pen. What would you expect to see at different ages?
Scribbles - 1.5 years
Lines - 2 years
Circle - 3 years
Cross - 4 years
As part of a development exam, you say various noises. What would you expect at each age?
Turns to sounds - 7 months
Turns to name - 12 months
As part of a development exam, what noises would you expect a child to make a each age?
Babble - 6 months
Single word - 9 months
Mummy and daddy - 12 months
2 word sentences - 2 years
At what the should a child be able to follow an instruction such as “put the brick in the cup”
2 years
How would you carry out a development exam
WIPE, ask patents concerns
Places on back - motor
Offer bricks, offer pen - fine motor and vision
Make noises, get child to make noise - hearing and language
As part of a development exam, what interaction would you expect at different ages?
Smile - 1.5 months Laughs - 3 months Stranger anxiety - 9 months Peek a boo - 9 months Waves bye - 12 months
As part of a development exam, at what age would you expect dietary changes
Solids - 6 months
Fork and spoon - 2 years
Breast vs bottle and for how long
Exclusive breast for first 6 months of life
Is overfeeding more common in breast or bottle
Type of feeding that reduces risk of sudden infant death syndrome
Benefits of breast feeding
Lowers risk of: infections, sudden infant death
Reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer in mum
Most reliable sign of dehydration in babies
Weight loss - especially in first 10 days
Clinical exam unreliable
Normal amount of weight loss and in what period for bottle fed babies
5% in 5 days
Normal amount of weight loss and in what period for breast fed babies
10% in 5 days
Formula fed babies dose of milk after 5 days
150ml per kg
Feeding volumes in babies by day:
60mls/kg/day in day 1
90mls/kg/day in day 2
120mls/kg/day in day 3
150mls/kg/day in day 4 and onwards
How often will newborns require feeding
Every 2-3 hours
Age that weaning starts
6 months
3 measurements on growth chart
Weight, hight and head circumference
3 phases of growth and which is quickest
0-2: rapid growth by nutritional factors
2-puberty: slow growth
Puberty: rapid growth by sex hormones
Overweight definition on growth chart
BMI > 85th centile
Obese BMI > 95th centile
NICE definition of faltering growth
Weight drops over:
1 centile if birthweight below 9th
2 centiles if birthweight 9-91st
3 centiles if birthweight over 91st
5 groups of causes of failure to thrive
Inadequate nutritional intake Difficulty feeding Malabsorption Increased energy requirements Inability to process nutrients
Cause of malabsorption in children
CF, coeliacs, cows milk intolerance, chronic diarrhoea, IBD
Causes of difficulty in feeding in children
Cleft lip, poor suck (cerebral palsy), pyloric stenosis
Causes of increased energy requirements in children
Hypothyroidism, chronic disease, malignancy, infection
NICE state that all children with faltering growth should have:
Urine dipstick for UTI
Anti TTG ab
Short stature definition
Below 2nd centile
Constitutional delay in growth and puberty definition
Short stature in childhood when compared to peers
Puberty delayed
Growth spurt in puberty lasts longer
Reach expected height
Key feature of constitutional delay in growth and puberty
Delayed bone age
Common causes of short stature
Constitutional delay in growth and puberty
Chronic disease: IBD, coeliac, congenital heart defects
Hypothyroidism, Downs, Achondroplasia (lack of cartilage)
Type of developmental delay
Global, gross motor, fine motor, language, personal/social
Causes of global developmental delay
Downs syndrome Fragile X Rett syndrome (severe mental and physical disabilities - classic random but repeating hand movements that stop when asleep) Fetal alcohol syndrome Metabolic disorders
Causes of fine motor delay
Cerebal palsy Ataxia Myopathy Spina bifida Visual impairments
Causes of language delay
Hearing impairment, learning disability, neglect, autism, cerebral palsy
Dyslexia definition
Difficulty in reading, writing and spelling
Dysgraphia definition
Difficulty in writing
Dyspraxia definition
Difficulty in co-ordination
How are learning difficulties classified
IQ (less than 70)
4 key parts of capacity
Understand, retain, weigh up, communicate
Order of puberty in girls and length
4 years
Breasts, pubic hair and periods (2 years after starting)
Kallman syndrome presentation
Failure to start puberty with no smell
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
2 genetic causes of delayed puberty
Kleinfeldern syndrome XXY
Turners XO
Baby can support head and keep it in line with body
4 months
Baby can keep trunk supported
6 months
Baby can sit unsupported
9 months
Starts crawling
9 months
“Cruising” i.e. walking while holding onto furniture
12 months
Walk unaided
15 months
Red flag at 2 years
Squat and pick item up off floor
18 months
2 years
Kick a ball
2 years
4 years
Climb stairs properly like an adult
4 years
Can start using a spoon
14- 18 months
Can hold crayon and scribble
12 months
Drawing skills by age
2 years: vertical 2.5 years: horizontal 3 years: circle 4 years: cross and square 5 years: triangle
What age can a child cut paper in half using scissors
4 years