Design & Theory of Programming - Pre Defined Functions Flashcards
What does the pre defined function ‘Len’ do?
Calculates the number of characters in a string
What does the pre defined function ‘Int’ do?
Truncates the decimal part of a number to leave a whole number
What does the pre defined function ‘RND’ do?
Produces a random number between a specified range
What does the pre defined function ‘ROUND’ do?
Rounds a number to the nearest whole number
What does the pre defined function ‘Asc’ do?
Returns the ASCII value of a character
What does the pre defined function ‘Chr’ do?
Returns the character of an ASCII value
What does the pre defined function ‘Mid’ do?
Extracts a substring from a string
What does the pre defined function ‘UCase’ do?
Converts lowercase characters to uppercase characters
What does the pre defined function ‘LCase do?
Converts uppercase characters to lowercase characters