What is the most common skin disease treated by medical providers?
Molluscum Contagiosum
Keratosis Pilaris
? (ask)
What is the most common chronic pediatric skin disorder?
eczema? (ask(
List a few of the differentiating signs between irritant diaper dermatitis and candida diaper dermatitis
Which pediatric infection presents with a lacy rash and can be harmful to a fetus if contracted by a pregnant woman in their first half of their pregnancy?
FIFTH DISEASE (erythema infectiosum)
If you’re pregnant and develop fifth disease (parvovirus B19 infection), it can spread to the fetus and cause complications, including:
Stillbirth (intrauterine fetal demise).
Hydrops fetalis (when large amounts of fluid build up in a fetus’s tissues and organs).
These complications are rare, however. Most adults and pregnant people have already been infected with parvovirus B19, so they’re protected. The risk of fetal loss when you get a parvovirus B19 infection while pregnant is approximately 2%.
Pregnant people in their second trimester are at the greatest risk of developing complications from parvovirus B19, but complications can happen at all points of pregnancy.
If you’re pregnant and have been exposed to someone with fifth disease, contact your healthcare provider.
What is this skin condition?
Scabies occurs when human itch mites bite and burrow into the skin, laying eggs. Someone may learn how to identify scabies through the appearance and location of its symptoms, which includes an extremely itchy rash.
This is scabies
What is this skin condition?
A scabies rash is extremely itchy. Typically, the itching will be worse at night.
Appearance: Scabies bites cause a rash that often presents as small blisters, which doctors call vesicles. Some people may think that it resembles pimples. Itching the vesicles can cause them to turn into open skin sores, making a person more vulnerable to infection.
Pattern: Scabies mites tend to burrow or tunnel under the skin, which can create a distinct pattern.
The pattern consists of lines that are flesh-toned or, sometimes, gray and white. In some cases, the tunnels may be very hard to see.
Location in adults: The most common scabies sites in adults include the buttocks, elbows, waist, wrists, and skin between the fingers. Sometimes, a person may find mite burrows under a ring, watchband, or fingernail.
Location in children: The most common scabies bite locations in infants and children are the face, neck, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.
Timing: According to the American Academy of Dermatology, if a person has not had a scabies infection before, their symptoms may not appear until about 2–6 weeks after the initial infestation.
However, if a person has had scabies before, they will usually develop symptoms within 1–4 days.
In some instances, scabies bites may crust over. Once crusted, scabies may not itch. However, crusting could indicate a significant and highly contagious infection.
What are some differential dx for this disease?
Several rashes and bites may closely resemble scabies. These include the following:
- Atopic dermatitis: Also known as eczema, this condition causes dry, itchy patches.
- Contact dermatitis: This allergic reaction to a chemical or another irritant can cause an itchy rash.
- Folliculitis: This condition occurs when hair follicles become inflamed, often due to a bacterial infection. It typically presents as papules or pustules.
- Insect bites: Bites from other insects, such as bed bugs, chiggers, fleas, mites, and mosquitoes, can cause itching.
- Papular urticaria: This condition is an allergic reaction to insect bites. It causes bumps that may appear similar to scabies.
A doctor will consider all of a person’s symptoms when making a diagnosis.
Treatment for this condition? (scabies)
permethrin (Elimite) cream to treat scabies.
A person must apply this cream to all skin surfaces, not just where the rash appears. Usually, they will apply the cream at night before bed.
Key areas to which people should apply the cream include:
-between the fingers and toes
-in the bellybutton
-on the buttocks
-on the waistline
The immediate side effects of the cream include a mild burning, itching, or stinging sensation.
When a person wakes up, they can shower to remove the permethrin cream, if they wish.
A person should also keep their nails short and trimmed, as this keeps the mites from hiding under the fingernails.
How to prevent transmission of scabies?
While scabies usually spreads via skin-to-skin contact, its transmission is possibleTrusted Source through contact with clothing or linens.
In addition to applying topical treatments to the skin, it is important that people take steps to clean their home and soft materials to prevent reinfestation or the transmission of the condition to another person.
Ways to accomplish this include washing any clothing, linens, and towels that people with scabies have worn or used within the past 3 days. The mites cannot survive washing at any temperature.
Most mites cannot live beyond 3–4 days without being on a human host.
How does this condition spread?
A scabies infection is the result of a bite from Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. These mites are microscopic, so a person cannot see them.
Scabies spreads through close and sometimes intimate contact.
Examples include:
in facilities where people are often in close contact, such as child care centers, nursing homes, and prisons
sexual contact
sharing bedding, clothing, or towels with someone who has the infection
sleeping on sheets that have mites on them
Any time a person has direct, close, and sometimes prolonged contact with a person who has scabies, they are at risk of getting it.
However, a person does NOT usually get scabies from short interpersonal interactions, such as a brief handshake or hug.
When would someone need to see a Dr. for scabies?
A person should see their doctor if they experience the
following symptoms:
itchy areas of skin
vesicles that appear on the skin
discolored areas of irritated skin that do not go away
A doctor can dx scabies by visually inspecting the rash and noting any accompanying symptoms. If a doctor still needs to confirm that the rash is scabies, they can perform skin scraping to get a sample for analysis under a microscope.
What is this skin condition?
Café-Au-Lait Macules and Macrocephaly in a 19-Month-Old
CALMs are common in children (sample photo above), and they most often present as one or two brown spots in an otherwise healthy child.
However, the presence of multiple CALMS without other cutaneous anomalies should raise the possibility of an associated syndrome. Of these syndromes, NF1 is the most common
Clinical diagnosis requires the presence of at least two criteria to confirm the presence of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) 1.
These diagnostic criteria can be remembered with the mnemonic:
C: café-au-lait spots (greater than six seen during one year)
A: axillary or inguinal freckling
F: fibromas (neurofibroma (two or more) or plexiform neurofibroma (one))
E: eye hamartomas (Lisch nodules)
S: skeletal abnormalities, e.g. sphenoid wing dysplasia, leg bowing
P: positive family history
OT: optic tumor (optic nerve glioma)
Café au lait spots are a type of pigmented skin lesions which are classically described as being light brown in color.
Conditions associated with them include:?
I. Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), also known as von Recklinghausen disease, is a multisystem neurocutaneous disorder, the most common phakomatosis, and a RASopathy. Additionally, it is also one of the most common inherited CNS disorders, autosomal dominant disorders, and inherited tumor syndromes.
-Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1 with smooth borders which have been likened to the coast of California, a western state in the USA
II. McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) (also known as McCune-Albright-Sternberg syndrome) is a genetic disorder characterized by the triad:
endocrinopathy: precocious puberty
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia: more severe than in sporadic cases
cutaneous pigmentation: coast of Maine ‘café au lait’ spots
typically irregular spots which have been likened to the coast of Maine, a far northeastern state in the USA
What is this skin condition?
Port-Wine Stain
< 1% of newborns
commonly involves newborns
most common vascular malformation of the skin
face and neck
Risk factors
family history
caused by ectatic superficial papillary dermal capillaries characterized by vascular dilatation and no proliferation
thought to result from
neural deficiency of sympathetic innervation of the blood vessels
↑ vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inducing vasodilation
Port Wine Stain
What is the presentation of the port wine stain?
persistent purple or dark red birth mark present on face since birth
Physical examin childhood:
pink, red, or purple flat macular patch with well-demarcated borders
blanches somewhat with external pressure
in adulthood, lesion may
progress to deep-red or purple
become raised and papular with cobblestone-like surface
most lesions are in one of the divisions of the trigeminal nerve
typically unilateral
Differential dx for port wine stain?
Capillary hemangioma
These are more red & raised & look more like blobs
Treatment for a port wine stain?
cosmetic cover-up
if lesions are a source of psychological stress for patients
pulsed dye laser therapy
first-line treatment
if lesions are a source of psychological stress for patient can lighten port-wine stain without any scarring
Prognosis for port wine stains?
Port-wine stains are present at birth and do not spontaneously resolve
Lesions become thicker and darker with increasing age
A 5-week-old girl is brought into the pediatrician’s office for evaluation of a birth mark. According to her mom, this red birthmark has been present since birth and has not really changed.
Physical exam shows that she has a pink-to-purple macular patch involving the left cheek. The lesion is unilateral with a sharply demarcated border along the facial midline.
Her parents are counseled about the fact that this lesion may persist for her entire life. A referral is made to a pediatric dermatologist for potential pulsed dye laser therapy
What is this condition?
Port-Wine Stain