Depression 2+3 Flashcards
There is no _______ theory of a ________ view of depression
unified, psychodynamic
Psychodynamic theories focus on the _______ and _______ stressors/aversive events.
unconscious, early childhood
Almost all theories emphasize a fragile ________ (______) due to early ______ stressors and that ______ depression is _______ by _______.
self-esteem, diathesis,
childhood, adult, triggered, loss/disappointment
Brief dynamic therapy is …..
~ 20 sessions
Psychodynamic Focus Areas (5) …..
1) Much of mental life is unconscious
2) Past is prologue
3) Transference
4) Countertransference
5) Resistance
Themes of Causality:
Depression is a result of ______ turned ______ because the patient has identified with the ______, and subsequently leads to reactive ______
anger, inward, lost “object”, anger
Themes of Causality:
Depression is due to an overactive, dominant ______ over this _______
super-ego, anger
Themes of Causality:
Depression occurs when the individual ______ adequately ______ their early ______.
never, resolved, concerns
Adult depression is triggered by _____ that stirs up ______ feelings of ______ and ______ losses
new loss, negative, past, present
Becks was ______ with psychodynamic theories of depression; and focused on the idea that _____ people expereince ______, but most do not develop ______.
disenchanted, all, stressors, depression
Becks Cognitive Theory states the ______, ______, and
_______ of depression are driven by _______.
onset, maintenance, exacerbation, depressive self-schemas
______ symptoms of depression precede
_______ symptoms
cognitive, affective mood
(Becks): Negative ______ and _______ beliefs (_______ schemas) are a result of ______ experiences and remain ______ until ______
cognitions, dysfunctional, depressogenic, early life, latent, activated
(Becks): Individual may now experience ______ thoughts surrounding this _____ leading to ______
negative, event, depression
Diathesis-stress theory, where ______ and _______ are the underlying _______.
negative schemas, cognitive vulnerability, diathesis
In the Diathesis-Stress Theory, stressors are necessary to ….
activate schemas
Becks Cognitive Theory (1)
______ experiences lead to the formation of ______/ _______ that leave a person _______ to depression
Early, dysfunctional assumptions, negative schemas, vulnerable
Becks Cognitive Theory (2)
Certain ______/______ activate those _______.
incidents, stressors, assumptions
Becks Cognitive Theory (3)
_______ beliefs trigger negative, pessimistic, and ______ thoughts that in turn produce _______ symptoms
Dysfunctional, automatic, depressive
Becks Cognitive Theory (40
Depressive ______ further ______ the depressive ______ thoughts, creating a recurring ______.
symptoms, fuel, automatic, cycle
Pessimistic predictions center on the ……
Negative cognitive triad
The Becks Negative Cognitive Triad includes …
Becks Negative Cognitive Triad is maintained by ……
biased thinking strategies
Becks Negative Cognitive Triad biased thinking strategies involve ….
1) All or none reasoning
2) Selective abstraction
3) Arbitrary inference
Selective abstraction is to …..
focus on one negative detail of situation
Arbitrary inference is to …
jump to a conclusion based on minimal evidence
All the Becks Negative Cognitive Triad thinking strategies ______ each other
Becks Depression Inventory (BDI) is a ______ questionnaire, one of the most ______ self-reports
21 item, widely used
Becks Depression Inventory (BDI): The higher the _____, the more ______ symptomology.
score, depressive
Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS) has varied but is usually a ______ questionnaire, assesses ______ and ______ attitudes.
40 item, rigid, self-defeating
Learned helplessness states depression is due to …..
lack of control over outcomes
Helplessness Theory Part 1:
(behavioral experiment)
_____ groups of dogs in harnesses that received ________. (One group could press a lever to turn _____ the shock, while the other group has ______ shock)
Two, electric shocks, off, inescapable
Helplessness Theory Part 2:
(behavioral experiment)
Same dogs placed in shuttle box where they could _____ electrical shocks. Animals exposed to _______ electric shocks acted _______ and _______ even when they could ______ the shocks.
escape, uncontrollable, passive, helpless, escape
Helplessness Theory Hypothesis in Humans ->
When humans have no ______ over ______ events, they learn they are ______, making them _______ to respond in the future.
Allowing for a _______ may ______ the outcome
no, aversive helpless, unmotivated,
coping mechanism, improve
Hopelessness Theory is how the tendency to make _______ about ______ life events makes an individual cognitively ________.
Then if an individual experiences ________, negative events it leads to _______.
negative inferences, stressful, vulnerable,
uncontrollable, depression
Attribution styles are the ….
Negative inferential styles or attribution styles have 3 components …..
1) attribute negative events to global and stable causes
2) assume negative consequences will follow a negative event
3) infer negative implications about your worthiness
The Attribution Theory of Depression infers that people have a ______ attribution style (_____)
pessimistic, diathesis
When people are exposed to _______ negative events, they ask _____, and the _______ a person makes
will determine whether they become ______ or _____.
uncontrollable, why, attributions, depressed, not
People who are susceptible to depression form a ______, ______ attribution of a ______ event
depressogenic, pessimistic, negative
pessimistic attribution style acts as a …
diathesis for depression
3 dimensions in which attributions are made ….
1) internal / external
2) global / specific
3) stable / unstable
Depressogenic attribution style would be …..
internal, global, and stable
Cognitive Style Questionnaire is derived from a ______ questionnaire, and assesses depression _______
attribution style, vulnerability
Cognitive Style Questionnaire has ______, with _____ scenarios and ______ scenarios.
24 item, 12 positive, 12 negative
In the Cognitive Style Questionnaire, each scenario is assessed via ______ and the ______ of the ______.
causes, meaning, scenario
Response Styles Theory states that people have ______ responses when they experience ______ and this can affect the _____, _____, and ______ of depressive symptoms
different, sadness/distress, onset, duration, severity
Response styles consist of (4) …..
1) Rumination
2) Distraction
3) Problem-solving
4) Dangerous activities/ risk-taking
Rumination ______ depressive symptoms
Distraction ________ depressive symptoms
Problem-solving ______ depressive symptoms
Rumination = focus on _____ / ______ they feel that way
how, why
Rumination involves patterns of ______ and _____ focus to understanding _____ and _____ of one’s _____ mood.
repetitive, passive, causes, implications, negative
Rumination impedes ______, increases ______ of negative memories, decreases ________ behaviors
problem-solving, recall, pro-alleviating
Rumination can be _______ or ______
adaptive, maladaptive
Rumination _______ failures and hoplessness
Response Style Theory of Depression (human application) ->
People who ______ on their “depressed” mood ARE more ______ to _____, ______, and have longer ______ of depressive episodes
ruminate, likely, predict, develop, onset
People who ruminate a great deal, have _____ periods of depression, and are more likely to have ______ episodes of _______
lengthier, full-blown, major depression
Rumination is thought to be more _______, and may be more ______
actioned approach, beneficial
Women are more likely to ruminate than ______.
Response Style Questionnaire or the Ruminative Response Scale (RRS), has ….
22 items
Response Style Questionnaire (RSQ) also includes _______ and _______ scales, but it seems ________ is the best _______ for depression
problem-solving, distraction, rumination, predictor
Interpersonal “Theory” of Depression is the idea that interpersonal relationships are a ______, and are
intertwined with _______ outcomes.
fundamental motivation, mental health
The biggest stressful life events deal with …..
interpersonal “loss” or “exit”
Onset and course of depression are inherently linked with ______ in social ______, social ______, and _______.
deficits, skills, support
Not only do these theories assess the ______ of the ______ individual, but they take into consideration the ______ of the people ______ with the ______ individual.
viewpoint, depressed, viewpoint, involved, depressed
Coyne’s Interpersonal Model of Depression:
Depression-prone individuals ______ their _____, and excessively seek
_____ of _____ and ______.
doubt, self-worth, reassurance, approval, acceptance
Coyne’s Interpersonal Model of Depression:
Person is often _____ from reassurance, so continues to _____ it = over time,
results in _____, ______, interpersonal interactions.
unconvinced, seek, negative, aversive
Coyne’s Interpersonal Model of Depression:
In depressed individual …..
In person dealing with depressed individual …..
- frustration, feeling misunderstood, rejected
- hostility, withdrawal, rejection
Coyne’s Interpersonal Model of Depression:
Person can elicit …..
depression contagion
depression contagion is when a _____ individual induces ______ state in the other ______.
depressed, negative mood, person
Coyne’s Interpersonal Model of Depression:
Ultimately, excessive _______ = More likely to become ______, as they become _______ when they do not get what they _______.
reassurance, depressed, demoralized, hoped for
Lewinsohn’s Behavioral Theory of Depression states Depression-prone individuals lack the ______ necessary for obtaining + maintaining _______ from _______
social skills, positive reinforcement, social environment
Lewinsohn’s Behavioral Theory of Depression:
People who are socially ______ or lacking _______ are more likely to become ______
isolated, social support, depressed
Lewinsohn’s Behavioral Theory of Depression: Depressed people are less ______.
skilled socially
Anxious and Avoidant Attachment “Theory”, derives from _______, which explains _______.
Bowlby attachment theory, human bonding
Two global factors underlying adult attachment …..
1) Anxiety
2) Avoidance
Anxiety and avoidance are measured by the …
adult attachment interview
High in Anxiety =
difficulty trusting attachment figures
High in Avoidance =
maintain distance and independence from attachment figures
Anxious and Avoidant Attachment “Theory”: Persons who are anxious and avoidant find different ways of ______ distress when ______ to find sources of ______ and ______
regulating, unable, comfort, support
Anxious and avoidant traits have been predictive of …..
depressive symptoms
Marital+ Familial Discord Model of Depression is how the ______ of depression in a family may act as a general ______, and ______ the family’s adaptive resources
presence, stressor, strain
Couples with a depressed individual = ______ negative and ______ positive behaviors
higher, lower
Living in a _______ family environment can act as a ______ for depression, as well as worsen the _______ and increase _______ in already depressed people.
critical, diathesis, prognosis, relapse
Family members with high _______ can make matters worse.
expressed emotion
Components of high expressed emotion are ….
hostility, low tolerance, highly critical, intrusiveness, overbearing
Critical family environment is assessed via the ….
Camberwell Family Interview
Previously depressed individuals have different ________ in response to hearing _______ from their ______, compared to non-depressed individuals.
The person was _______ of brain changes.
brain response patterns, criticism, mothers
Interpersonal Circumplex Model organizes _______ in terms of a ______.
interpersonal behaviors, circular continuum
Interpersonal Circumplex Model: Vertical axis = ….
Dominance vs. Submissiveness
Interpersonal Circumplex Model: Horizontal axis = …..
Love/Nurturance vs. Coldness
Interpersonal Circumplex Model: blends into _____, ______ segments.
8, equal
Interpersonal Circumplex Model: Each person is plotted in _____ dimensional interpersonal _____.
two, space
Interpersonal Circumplex Model: Longer the vector =
the more rigid a person is in that dimension
Interpersonal Circumplex Model is used to study ______ interpersonal behaviors of ______ individuals.
problematic, depressed
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy basic tenet is to _____ the conceptualization of how the individual ______ and _____ their ______, ______, and _____ into ______ reasoning
change, structures, interprets, moods, experiences, behavior, evidence-based
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a combination of ……
Cognitive Therapy and Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive therapy ______ ones thinking to be more _______ in assessing one’s own ______.
modifies, accurate, viewpoint
Behavioral therapy modifies ______.
maladaptive behaviors
collaborative empiricism is when the ______ and ______ work together as an investigative team.
patient, therapist
CBT utilizes ________ to develop ______ that can be tested and create ______.
collaborative empiricism, hypotheses, homework assignments
With CBT eventually the therapist will become ______, and patient will take the _____ if successful.
less active, lead
CBT focuses on changing ________ and ______.
maladaptive thoughts, behaviors
CBT structure is _______ weekly sessions, to prevent _______
12-20, burnout
CBT initial sessions start with ….
Psycho-education is educating the client of their ____/____.
CBT sessions will be structured to be _______ and set ______ for patient.
time efficient, expectations
CBT starts with a ______ and sets an ______ for the session.
Then focus is on client’s ______ problems. Review ______ activities and ______ session topics. Set up an ______ and get ______ from client.
Session should always stay ______ and on track to the ______.
mood check, agenda
current, homework, bridge session topics, action plan, feedback
focused, agenda
CBT provides the individual the _____/_____ to use them _______.
tools/skills, independently
CBT allows the therapist ______ and _______ in treatment.
flexibility, creativity,
CBT is individualized = treatment ______ for that person
CBT includes Thought Tracking ->
record your ______ thoughts and ______ the situation surrounding the ______ thoughts.
automatic, analyze, automatic
CBT includes Thought Stopping ->
stop ______ thoughts and ______ your thinking
depressogenic, reroute
CBT includes Socratic Questioning which is making you ______ of your
thoughts and _______ your feelings on why you feel that way.
aware, legitimizing
In CBT Socratic Questioning, we are trying to target the …
depressogenic core belief
Imagery Techniques / Role-playing can also help target this …..
depressogenic core belief
(CBT Treatment) Self-Monitoring which is to record _____ each _____ along with their _____.
activities, hour, mood
(CBT Treatment) Activity Scheduling which is to ______ specific _____ for activities that could ______ the client’s ______ or sense of ______.
identify, plans, increase, pleasure, accomplishment
Self-Monitoring and Activity Scheduling are very similar to concepts in ….
behavioral therapy
Self-Monitoring and Activity Scheduling are important because depressed people are not ______ or derive ______ from activities and ______ recognize that activities can influence ______.
motivated, pleasure, don’t, motivation
(CBT Treatment) Problem-Solving Therapy includes ______ the behavioral ______ with the ______ potential to ______ with a situation
selecting, response, highest, cope
Problem-solving Therapy has ______ sessions
(CBT Treatment) Coping With Depression is meant to ______ depression through 4 domains …..
1) increasing relaxation
2) increasing pleasant activities
3) changing negative cognitions
4) increasing social skills
Coping With Depression has ______ sessions
Behavioral Activation is ______ activity levels that are ______ and ______ to counteract ______ symptoms
increasing, positive, reinforcing, lethargic
Behavioral Activation starts with _______; so you start with a small _______ activity so early success is _______ and the individual will not _______.
“getting out of the rut”, doable, guaranteed, fail
Behavioral Activation uses ______ with _____ goals and ______ experiences for ______ and ______, as well as utilize assessments to monitor ______.
activity scheduling, realistic goals, rates, mastery, pleasure, progress
With Behavioral Activation the therapist is a ______ in a sense
Persistent depressive (dysthymia) is to have ______ experienced _______ outcomes _______ their lives;
Patient lacks _______; struggle to see other’s ______, reduced ______
repeatedly, undesired, throughout
empathy, viewpoint, social standing
With Persistent Depression, _______ connection between patient and _______.
reestablish, external world, , “value”
“person x environment” model of therapy = ______. Used with patient with ______ to make them see their _____.
CBASP, dysthymia, value
With CBASP, examine connection between what ______ and the effects on ______.
they do, others
Idea of CBASP is to target _______/________
interpersonal avoidance, emotional neglect
CBASP strategies include, make a _______ other list – to learn the ______ persons who have had _____ and ______ influences on the patient, and _______ each person.
significant, major, positive, negative, examine
CBASP strategies include, identifying emotional ______ which are emotionally charged _______ centered on _______ and ______ with ______ individuals
timestamps, situations, past fears, negative experiences, significant
CBASP strategies include transference hypothesis-> based on your past, how will you act in the ______.
Negative ______ about _____ relationships.
Goal is to create a ______ and _______ environment
expectations, future
controlled, safe
With CBASP examining the role of the _____ relationship is super _____. The therapist more directly ______.
therapist-patient, important, involved
CBASP: interpersonal discrimination -> target ______ for ______ interactions with _______ people in their lives
strategies, better, important
CBASP: Situational analysis is to describe what _______ in the situation, what you _____, your ______, and desired ______.
happened, did, interpretation, outcome
Interpersonal relationships impact _______ symptomology and _______ patients have social skill ______
depressive, depressed, deficits
Interpersonal Therapy goal is to build interpersonal ______ and understand _____ between affects and actions in the interpersonal _____.
skills, connections, arena
Interpersonal Therapy has _____ sessions; Addresses ______ problems, _______ the past.
16-20, current, not
Interpersonal Therapy is structurally similar to ______. However, more focused on ______.
CBT, feelings
Interpersonal Therapy focuses on ______ relationships rather than ______ relationship.
outside, therapeutic
In Interpersonal Therapy, therapist is _______, and makes sure patient ______ depression as a ______
patient advocate, understands, medical illness
In Interpersonal Therapy, therapist does not …
assign homework
Interpersonal Therapy EARLY phase consists of _____ sessions
Interpersonal Therapy EARLY phase includes (4) ….
1) How to deal with depression
2) Explain IPT concepts
3) Relate depression to IPT context
4) Decides on the focal problem area
Interpersonal Therapy MIDDLE phase has _____ sessions.
Interpersonal Therapy MIDDLE phase goal is to pursue ______ appropriate to the focal ______.
strategies, problem area
4 problem areas in addressed in MIDDLE phase of Interpersonal Therapy …..
1) Grief – how to mourn
2) Role disputes – is the relationship
improvable or at an impasse
3) Role transitions – mourn old
role, recognize benefits of new role
4) Interpersonal deficits – develop new relationships and skill
Interpersonal Therapy TERMINATION phase has _____ sessions.
Interpersonal Therapy TERMINATION phase includes (3) ….
1) Fostering independence
2) Enhancing self-esteem
3) Anticipating future triggers
With Interpersonal Therapy, if no ________: the treatment ______, not the ______
improvement, failed, patient