Depression 1 Flashcards
Depressive Disorders comes after ________ and before ______ in the DSM 5
Bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders
Depressive Disorders can occur at almost any _____.
Depressive Disorders are one of the more ______ disorders due to many ______ from ______ to ______.
controversial, changes, DSM4, DSM5
What DIFFERS among all depressive disorders (4) …..
Duration, timing, severity, presumed etiology
What is SIMILAR among all depressive disorders (4)…..
sadness, empty, irritable mood, affects individuals capacity to function
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
Disorder 12 MONTH prevalance ….
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
Higher in males
Major Depressive Episode 12 MONTH prevalence
Major Depressive Episode SEX DISPARITY
Higher in females
Persistent Depressive Disorder 12 MONTH prevalence
Persistent Depressive Disorder SEX DISPARITY
Higher in females
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) 12 MONTH prevalence
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is ______, ______, and ______ irritability with severe _______.
chronic, severe, persistent,, temper outbursts
DMDD addresses the issue of ______ of ______ in children
overdiagnosis, bipolar,
Children with DMDD typically develop ______/______ symptoms rather than ______ symptoms, as they become adolescence/adults
unipolar depressive /anxiety, bipolar
DMDD has severe recurrent _______ that can manifest _______ and/or _______.
temper outbursts, verbally, behaviorally
DMDD temper outbursts are grossly out of _______ in ______ or _______ to the situation or provocation.
proportion, intensity, duration
In DMDD, the temper outbursts are inconsistent with the _______ of the patient.
developmental level
DMDD temper outbursts occur _____ or more times per week, been present for______ or more months, present in at least _____ of 3 settings ( state the settings) and are severe in at least ______ of these.
3, 12, two, (home, school, with peers), one
The diagnosis of DMDD should not be made for the first time before ______ or used after _______.
6 yrs of age, 18 years of age
Onset of DMDD symptoms must be before …….
10 years of age
Children with DMDD experience extremely low…
frustration tolerance
Children with DMDD may have ( 4 impairments) ….
- difficulty succeeding in school
- unable to participate in the activities typically enjoyed by healthy children
- family life is severely disrupted by their outbursts and irritability
- trouble initiating or sustaining friendships
Children with DMDD have symptoms that also meet ______ for other ______ and may be ______.
criteria, mental disorders, misdiagnosed
Why some don’t like DMDD as a diagnostic category?
It is used to address the issue of _____ of ______ in children, making it ______ to this day.
overdiagnosis, bipolar, controversial
Why some don’t like DMDD as a diagnostic category?
Irratabillity is a highly ______ symptom, meaning it is present in _____ of different ______.
transdiagnostic, a lot, mental disorders
Why some don’t like DMDD as a diagnostic category?
DMDD has very high ______, meaning it is quite _____ for a child to meet criteria for DMDD and ______
comorbidity rates, rare, nothing else
Irritability is included as a ________ of depression
cardinal symptom
Before the late _____, the field generally thought that depression _______ in children, because it was thought that children didn’t have the _______ to experience some of the ______ of the disorder.
70’s, didn’t exist, cognitive faculties, key features
Researchers have found evidence for depressive syndromes as early as ….
The biological sex disparity of MDD begins in …..
Diagnostic Criteria for MDD, ______ or more of the following symptoms have been present during the same ______ period.
5, 2-week
Diagnostic Criteria for MDD, at least ______ of the symptoms is either _________ or loss of_______ or _______.
one, depressed mood, interest, pleasure
Depressed mood for MDD occurs ______ of the day, nearly ______ day, as indicated by either ________ or _______.
most, every, subjective report, observations by others
Depressed mood + loss of interest or pleasure are considered the _______ of MDD
cardinal symptoms
Loss of interest is when you ______ to do anything, but if you do something that you usually ______, you will still get ______ from it.
don’t want, enjoy, pleasure
Loss of interest involves the ______, which includes ______.
appetitive reward system, dopamine
Loss of pleasure is when you don’t ______ things, even things that you would ______ like _____.
enjoy, normally, a lot,
Loss of pleasure is also called _______, which is a more _______ symptom.
anhedonia, severe
Loss of pleasure involves the _______, which includes
consummatory reward system, opioids
You can have _____ or ______ of loss of Interest/Pleasure
one, both
Besides Depressed Mood or Loss of Interest/ Pleasure; additional diagnostic symptoms (7) …….
- weight loss/gain
- insomnia or hypersomnia
- psychomotor agitation or retardation
- fatigue
- feelings of worthlessness
- diminishes ability to concentrate
- recurrent thoughts of death
The ______ symptoms for MDD must be present for _______ of the day, in addition to being present nearly ______ day, for at least _______ weeks.
criterion, most, every, 2 consecutive.
In MDD the depressive episode must be accompanied by _______ significant ______ or ______ in important areas of _______.
clinically, distress, impairment, functioning
What if someone has clinically significant impairment, but doesn’t meet enough symptoms for a diagnosis of MDD ?
diagnosed with Other Specified or Unspecified Depressive Disorder
Bereavement is a period of _______ after a _______.
grief/mourning, death
Bereavement was previously included in the ….
List the normal grief response phases ….
1) Numbing / disbelief
2) Yearning/ searching for dead person
3) Disorganization / despair to permanent loss
4) Reorganization to rebuild
The DSM-V does _______ for diagnosis of _______ after bereavement.
allow, MDD
DSM-V recognizes that bereavement doesn’t _______ the patient against ________, and often _______ it
immunize, MDD, precipitates
DSM-V does make a note that clinicians should be aware of ______ vs. ______.
grief, depression
With grief you have capacity for ______ emotional experiences, ______ occurs in waves, self-esteem is ______, and there is fleeting thoughts of joining ________ (not ________)
positive, dysphoria, preserved, deceased, suicide
Persistent Depressive Disorder, also known as ….
PDD is less ______ and more _______ compared to _______
severe, chronic, MDD
PDD Diagnostic Criteria, depressed mood for _______ of the day, for ______ days then ______, as indicated by either ______ or ______ by others, for at least ______ (______ in children)
most, more, not, subjective account, observation, 2 years, 1 year
PDD Diagnostic Criteria, presence, while _______, of _____ or more of the following ….. (list 6 presented symptoms)
depressed, two
1) Poor appetite or overeating.
2) Insomnia or hypersomnia.
3) Low energy or fatigue.
4) Low self-esteem.
5) Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions.
6) Feelings of hopelessness
With PDD the symptoms cause ______ significant ______ or _______ important areas of _______.
clinically, distress, impairment, functioning
Double Depression is when
low-grade _______ depression precedes a ______ depressive _______.
chronic, full, syndrome
Double Depression is basically a combination of _______ and _______ depressive disorder.
persistent, major
The degree to which persistent depressive disorder impacts ______ and ______ functioning is likely to _____ widely but effects can be as _______ or ______ than those of ______.
social, occupational, vary, great, greater, MDD
In the DSM-5, PDD always takes precedence over ……..
Specifiers are a diagnostic ______ that accounts for ______ in a ______.
extension, variation, disorder
Specifiers are important for determining ______, direction of _______, and grouping of _______.
outcomes, treatment, symptoms
Specifier with Melancholic
Features (4) ……
1) loss of pleasure in all activities
2) depression worse in the morning
3) lack of reactivity to pleasurable stimuli
4) excessive guilt
Specifier with Seasonal Pattern ->
At least _____ or more episodes in past _____ years that have occurred at the ______, and full remission at the ______.
two, 2, same time, same time
Specifier with Catatonic Features (3) ….
1) psychomotor symptoms
2) mutism
3) rigidity
Specifier with Atypical Features (5) …..
1) mood reactivity
2) weight gain or increase in appetite
3) hypersomnia
4) leaden paralysis
5) being acutely sensitive to interpersonal rejection
Specifier with Peripartum Onset ->
Mood symptoms occurred during ______, or in the _____ weeks following _____.
pregnancy, 4, delivery
Depression Specifier with Anxious Distress (4) …..
1) distressed
2) anxious
3) fear of losing control
4) fear of something bad might happen
Specifier with Psychotic Features (2) ……
1) delusions or hallucinations
2) mood-congruent or mood-incongruent
Depression Specifier with Mixed Features (4) ……
1) increased energy
2) elevated/expansive mood
3) talkative
4) mania-like
In partial remission is ….
1) Symptoms of ______ episode are _____, but _____ criteria is _____ met.
2) there is a period lasting _____ than _____ months without any ______ symptoms of a _____ depressive episode
previous, present, full, not
less, 2, significant, major
In full remission is ..
During the past _____ months or more, no _______ signs or symptoms of the disturbance were ______.
2, significant, present
Mild Severity ->
______ symptoms in ______ of those required to make the diagnosis are ______.
Symptom intensity is ______ but _______, and _______ impairment in social or occupational functioning.
few, excess, present
distressing, manageable, minor,
Mild severity has _____ symptoms.
Severe Severity ->
The number of symptoms is substantially in ______ of that required to make the _______.
Symptom intensity seriously _______ and _________.
Markedly ________ with social and occupational _______. (all _____ symptoms)
excess, diagnosis
distressing, unmanageable,
interferes, functioning 9
Severe severity has all _____ symptoms
9 symptoms
Moderate Severity ->
The ______ of symptoms, _______ of symptoms, and/or functional ______ are between ______ and _______.
number, intensity, impairment, mild, severe
Moderate severity has _____ symptoms.
Single course is having ….
one major depressive episode
Recurrent course is having ______ than one major depressive episode.
There must be an interval of at least ________ months between ______ and ______ episode.
more, 2 consecutive, current, previous
Average duration of an untreated episode is ….
6-9 months
Percentage of people with MDD who experience a single depressive episode go on to have a second episode …..
_______ are then more likely to experience a third episode
Having had three episodes increases the chances to about ______ that a fourth episode will occur
Early onset is …..
before age 21 years
Late onset is ……
age 21 years or older
Differences amongst early vs. late onset diagnosis (3) ….
1) onset patterns
2) cognitive styles
3) symptom measures
PMDD Diagnostic Criteria, in a _______ of menstrual cycles, at least _______ symptoms must be present in the ______ week before the onset of menses, and _______ after the onset of menses, and become _______ or ______ in the week post menses
majority, five, final, improve, minimal, absent
PMDD Diagnostic Criteria, _____ or more of the following symptoms must be present (4) …
1) mood swings
2) Marked irritability or anger or increased interpersonal conflicts.
3) Marked depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness, or self-deprecating thoughts.
4) Marked anxiety, tension, and/or feelings of being keyed up or on edge
PMDD Diagnostic Criteria, ______ or more of the following symptoms must ADDITIONALLY be present to reach a total of _____ symptoms ( 7 presented ) …..
one, five
1) Decreased interest in usual activities
2) Subjective difficulty in concentration
3) Lethargy, fatigue
4) Marked change in appetite
5) Hypersomnia or insomnia.
6) A sense of being overwhelmed or out of control
7) Physical symptoms such as muscle pain, a sensation of “bloating,” or weight gain.
With PMDD, Clinicians and researchers are always ______ of any disorder that has a ________ and could lead to further _________ of typical experiences
wary, gender bias, stigmatization
PMDD is also very difficult to …..
accurately diagnose