DEPENDENCY And modernisation theory Flashcards
Outline the modernisation theory on trade
Trade is an important element of the process towards industrialisation. As countries in the south begin to ‘take off’ and start to trade their manufactured goods with the developed world
Outline the neo liberal approach on trade
Free trade is fundamental and all developing countries should liberalise their markets to trade with the north.
What is the dependency approach on TNCs
The presence of TNCs essentially strengthen ms capitalism. Workers are exploited, and have no power to change their position as the TNCs can simply relocate
Give a criticism of the modernisation theory
It is ethnocentric and is only applicable using western values
What is the dependency theory on population trade
They disagree with the modernisation theory who claim it is internal factors that cause population change. They believe that children act as economic assets in the developing world and if poverty was wiped out people could gain status through education rather than generating income through offspring. However, due to the capitalist nature of modern society, poverty will remain as the west consumes the vast majority of recorces leaving the south open to exploitation.
Outline the dependency perspective on aid
Aid can have a political or economic gender. It is an expression of neo colonialism and functions to benefit the western monopoly of wealth. Aid is often only given to those who support the donor countries politics, rather than those who need it.
Outline franks model of exploitation
Stage 1: merchants travelled the world searching for goods they could trade for expensive prices. This led to the beginning of the Slave trade (mercantile capitalism.
Stage 2: the core countries claimed ownership of weaker nations in Africa which led to further exploitation of recourses food and water (colonialism)
Stage 3: many colonies achieved political independence however the core countries often held some control and continued to exploit through cheap labour etc leaving their economies deprived (neo-colonialism)
Outline the dependency theory on trade
Trade is another aspect of neo-colonialism whereby satellite countries are exploited in unfair trade relationships as they rely on trading with the north so they lack power in negotiating fair prices etc
Outline the basis of the modernisation theory
Poorer countries would develop from traditional to modern society’s if they adopt the western culture and way of life
Outline the basis of the dependency theory
The dependency is a neo-Marxist theory developed by frank which claimed the core metropolis countries exploited the periphery satellite countries
What does parsons claim the process of development is restricted by
Traditional values and institutions such as the patriarchal nature of religion where people are put into stereotypes roles
Out the modernisation approach on gender
They believe gender is an obstacle to development whereby women fall disadvantaged to men in many aspects of life. They believe this can be overcome with development of society as industrialisation will bring more jobs for women which will eventually lead to women in developing countries obtaining their own economic status.
What is the modernisation approach on TNCs
They believe that TNCs are vital in the process of development. More specifically, they provide technology and knowledge in the pre conditions for take off similar to how the developed world went through stages of modernisation.
What is the modernisation perspective on aid?
Aid is crucial for take off into industrialisation. If aid is distributed correctly it can transform economy’s. Restraining cultural values can be overcome through aid into education. Aid helps the development of technology.
Outline the modernisation theory on population trade
Malthusian and Paul enrich claim population growth is a major obstacle to development. Kaplan argues that some governments split into anarchy as they cannot deal with the demographic changes they experience
Outline the dependency theory or population
The cause of famine and starvation is the unequal distribution of the worlds recourses. As the west continues to over consume leaving the majority world with margins
Give the neo liberal perspective on aid
Aid creates dependency. It undermines the values of hard work and responsibility which are vital in long term development processes. Aid is one of the contributing processes explaining the increase of poverty over the last 40 years.
Outline rostows 1971 ladder for development
Stage 1: Societies are isolated, and are dominated by subsidence farming.
Stage 2: pre conditions for take off: investment from western countries, some intro of technology and health care etc
Stage 3:take off: key stage where societies experience economic growth profits are reinvested into the economy and wealth trickles down to the whole of society
Stage 4: drive to maturity: further investment in the media and health services, trade relationships are established
Stage 5: age of High mass consumption: whole population enjoying high standard of living and welfare and health care
Outline the dependency approach on war and conflict
Dependency theorists see civil wars as arising from external factors in a global context and result from the developing world not recieving the benefits of globalisation
Outline the dependency approach to gender
Dependency theorists believe that a patriarchal way of life was transmitted by the colonists so women were immediately excluded from the economic sphere of work. The exploitation thesis claims that modernisation essentially refers to the expansion of a capitalist system which is ran on patriarchal values. For example, the TNC exploitation of women
Outline the demographic transition model
The demographic transition model outlines the patterns of population and claims eventually population rates will completely neutralise and match those in the west as development continues
Outline the modernisation theory on war and conflict
Civil wars are often a part of the process of creating modern states. The developed world went through these same processss and with time civil wars will not be necessary as countries modernise