Dentin Flashcards
What are the components of dentin?
70% mineral, 20% organic, and 10% qwater
What are the mineral parts of dentin?
calcium hydroxyapatite, calcium carbonate, fluoride, magnesium, and zinc
What are the organic parts of dentin?
type I collage
sialoproteins and sialophosphoproteins
proteoglycans and glycosoaminoglycans
osteonectin and osteopontin
What is different about the type I collagen in dentin compared to the type I collagen in bone?
there is a higher ratio of proline and hydroxyproline, higher prevelance of molecular cross linking, higher level of bound water, random orientation of hydroxyapatite crystals
What are the life cycle stage of dentin?
-secretory odontoblast
-transitional odontoblast
-resting odontoblast
What is the stimulus for cell differentation into pre-odontoblast?
comes form the basal lamina of IEE and several growth factors that are also derived from IEE
How do pre-odontoblastic cells align on the basal lamina?
there are fibronectin receptors on the pre-odontoblastic cells that align on the basal lamina (similar to a lock and key)
-then can differentiate into secretory cells
What are the growth factors secreted by the IEE that play a role in odontoblastic differentiation?
-transforming growth factor
-bone morphogenic protein
-insulin like growth factor
-fibroblast growth factor
Are the growth factor receptors always located on the odonotoblastic cells?
-in order to completely differentiate, the cell must divide many time in order to express the receptors to bind to each of the growth factors in IEE
What does the last mitotic division of dentin make?
results in a mature odontoblast and a daughter cell that is forced into subodontoblastic cell layer
What is the function of the cells in the subodontoblastic layer?
they remain as neural crest cells that have been exposed to all of the maturation steps for odontoblastic differentiaton
-this cell population responsible for reparative odontoblasts.
What is the shape of the secretory odonotblasts?
tall columnar cells with a lot of gap junctions
What type of enzyme is present in secretory odontoblasts?
phosphatase activity
What type of collagen is secreted from secretory odontoblast?
type I mostly, traces of type III and V
What matrix vesicles are secreted from secretory odontoblasts?
-alkaline phosphatase
-Ca and phosphate
-calcium hydroxyapatite cystallines
What is annexin?
protein that mediates flow of Calcium into matrix vesicle
-also serves as collagen receptor that binds matrix vesicles to collagen
What is mantle dentin?
first formed dentin (50-100 microns thick)
-consists of type I and III collagen
-collagen arranged perpendicular to basal lamina of IEE
How often is organic matrix of dentin deposited?
every 4-20 days
What are the lines of von ebner?
incremental lines in dentin that represent hesitation in matrix formation and altered mineralization
What are neonatal lines/contour lines of owen?
deficiencies and irregularities in dentinogenesis that result in hypomineralization
Are dentin tubules the same width all the way down?
-they are tapered
-2.5 microns at pulpal surface
-1.2 at midlength
-0.9 near DEJ
What are the odontoblastic processes in the tubule?
out poking of dentin tubules that help with the lock and key to basal lamina