Degenerative Diseases Histology - Krafts Flashcards
What should you know about Pick disease?
- Rare, progressive dementia
- Frontal lobe (personality problems) and temporal lobe (language) signs
- Neuronal loss with swollen neurons (pick cells) with cytoplasmic neuronal lesions containing tau (pick bodies)
Parkinson disease main microscopic sign?
lewy bodies!
What do you see as a gross sign in parkinson disease?
Pallor of substantia nigra
What symptoms do you see in ALS?
- Motor neuron degeneration
- Rapidly-progressing weakness, spasticity, dysphagia
- Sensory and cognitive function unaffected
- Death usually in 2-3 years due to respiratory failure
What are the pathological morphologies you see in ALS?
- Thin anterior roots of spinal cord
- Reduction in anterior horn neurons throughout cord and motor trigeminal cranial nerve nuclei
- Skeletal muscles atrophied
- Degeneration of corticospinal tracts
Main morphology in Alz Disease?
- beta-amyloid plaques
- neurofibrillary tangles (w/ tau)
- neuron loss + gliosis
What is the enzyme responsible for creating the abnormal beta-amyloid that builds up in Alz disease?
What is the precursor protein being cleaved?
Beta-secretase cleaves the protein APP (amyloid precursor protein) in an abnormal spot producing A-beta peptides.
A-betas can then aggregate and form plaques!
Pill-rolling tremor and stooped posture with a festinating gate are clinical signs of: