definitions - set 2 Flashcards
a polysaccharide carbohydrate which forms fibres and is found in the cell walls of plant cells
central nervous system
the brain and spinal chord
chemical digestion
the breakdown of large molecules of food into smaller ones, done by enzymes
a green, light-absorbing pigment found inside chloroplasts in plant cells
an organlelle found in some plant cells, which contains chlorophyll and where photosynthesis takes place
a thread-like structure of DNA, made up of a string of genes
a disease caused by a waterborne nacterium. which causes severe diarrhoea
the partly-digested food, that moves from the stomach into the small intestine
tiny extentions on the surface of a cell, which can wave in unison and cause fluids to move
ciliary muscle
a ring of muscle around the lens, which can change its shape
a disease of the liver in which the cells are permanently damaged
a group of genetically identical organisms
a situation in which both alleles in a heterozygote have an effect on the phenotype
common ancestor
a species that lived long ago that is thought to be a distant ancestor of two or more species living today
all the organisms, of all the different species, living in an area at the same time
cone cell
a light-sensitive cell in the retina, which responds to light of a particular color
an organism that getsits energy from feeding on other organisms
continuous variation
differences in the features of a group of organisms in which there are no definite categories; each individual’s features can lie anywhere between two extremes
coronary heart disease
a condition in which the coronary arteries become partly blocked
corpus luteum
the structure that forms in an ovary after an egg has been released; it secretes progesterone