definitions Flashcards
the movement of digested food molecules through the wall of the intestine into the blood or lymph
the change of shape of the lens, in order to focus on objects at different distances
active immunity
defence against a pathogen by antibody production in the body
active site
the part of an enzyme molecule into which its substrate fits
active transport
the movement of molecules and ions in or out of a cell through the cell membrane, from a region of their higher concentration against a concentration gradient, using energy released during respiration
adaptation (adaptive feature)
a feature of an organism that helps it survive in its environment
adaptive features
the inherited functional features of an organism that increase its fitness
adipose tissue
tissue made up of cells in which fat is stored
a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, which prepares the body for “flight or fight”
adult stem cell
a cell in an adult that can give rise to a limited range of specialised cells
aerobic respiration
the release of a relatively large amount of energy in cells by the breakdown of nutrient molecules in the presence of oxygen
any of two or more alternative forms of a gene
alimentary canal
part of the digestive system; a long tube running from mouth to anus
alveolus (plural: alveoli)
an air sac in the lungs, where gas exchange occurs
amino acids
molecules that can link together in long chains to form proteins; they contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur
amniotic fluid
fluid secreted by the amnion, which supports and protects a developing fetus
an enzyme which breaks down starch to maltose
anaerobic respiration
the release of a relatively small amount of energy by the breakdown of nutrient molecules in the absence of oxygen
the detailed body structure of an organism
the part of a stamen in which pollen is produced